A violation of any provision of this chapter shall be an offense, punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 and imprisonment for up to 15 days, or both. However, for the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon courts and judicial officers generally, violations of this chapter shall be deemed misdemeanors.
Each violation that continues over a period of 10 consecutive days shall constitute a separate additional offense. In addition to any penalties imposed under this chapter, continued violations of this chapter shall be punishable in any other manner provided under other local regulations, and state and federal law.
The Village Board of Trustees may authorize the commencement of an action in Supreme Court, Monroe County, to enforce any provision of this chapter. Any such enforcement action shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other enforcement mechanism available at law or equity.
Any owner or person in charge of a property who demolishes, alters, constructs, or permits a designated property to fall into a state of disrepair in violation of this chapter in the absence of the proper approval(s) required herein may be required by the Village Board to restore the property and its site to its appearance prior to the violation.
If, in the judgment of the Historic Preservation Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Code Enforcement Officer or Village Clerk, a violation of this chapter exists that will result in a detrimental effect upon the life and character of a building or structure in the Village, the board or official shall notify the Building Inspector.
If, upon investigation, the Building Inspector finds noncompliance with the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code of the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code, this chapter, or any other applicable Village of Pittsford or New York State law or regulation, the Building Inspector shall order such remedies as are necessary and consistent with this chapter and shall provide written notice thereof to the Village Board.
Fees for development review applications, permits, and certificates as required by this chapter shall be as set forth from time to time by the Village Board as part of an official fee schedule.
The Village Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Historic Preservation Board, Village Clerk, Building Inspector, and Code Enforcement Officer, in the review of applications as provided for in this chapter, may refer any such application presented to them to such engineering, architectural, historical, planning, technical, environmental, or legal consultant, or attorney, as shall be reasonably necessary to enable them to review such application as required by law. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the respective board; in the case of the Village Clerk, such determination should be made by the Village Board and the professional consultant at the time the application is made. Each of the consultants shall estimate their fees based on the services to be rendered on behalf of the Village from a review of the application, including such documents, maps, plans, specifications, drawings and the like as may be a part of the same.
[Amended 9-12-2023 by L.L. No. 5-2023]
The consultant will be retained pursuant to the Village Procurement Policy. The applicant shall make an escrow deposit with the Village, equal to the amount of the fees so determined. This escrow deposit shall be utilized to pay the cost of the special consultant's fees involved. The applicant's application shall not be deemed complete until such time as said escrow deposit has been made. If during the course of the review the need for further specialist consultation is deemed reasonably necessary by the Board, the same cost estimate and escrow deposit procedure shall be followed.
Upon completion of said review and within a period of 45 days thereafter, the Board shall adopt a resolution specifying whether the escrow deposit amount specified was sufficient, excessive or insufficient. In the event that a respective Board should determine that said amount is excessive, then the balance shall be returned to the applicant within 60 days. In the event that the Board should determine that the escrow deposit was insufficient, it shall so specify and the applicant shall be required to make payment of such additional amount within 60 days.