A violation of any of the following rules of conduct by a member shall be deemed a violation of these rules and regulations, as follows:
Conduct which brings discredit upon the Department.
Failure to perform a duty.
Insubordination or disrespect toward a superior officer at any time.
Neglect or dereliction in the performance of official duties.
An act of delinquency seriously affecting a members general character or fitness for office.
Lounging or sleeping on duty.
Absence from duty without proper authorization.
Leaving duty assignment without being properly relieved or without proper authorization.
Incompetency to perform official duty.
Entering any tavern or bar in uniform or any part thereof except when it is necessary for inspection or for the immediate performance of a police duty.
Drinking alcoholic beverages while on or off duty in uniform.
Being intoxicated in a public place, whether on or off duty.
Violation of any duly constituted law.
Disorderly conduct.
No officer shall possess or use any controlled substances, narcotics or hallucinogens except when prescribed in the treatment of the member by a physician or dentist. When the aforementioned substances are prescribed, officers shall notify the Chief of Police.
Using coarse, profane or insolent language to any person.
Any conduct unbecoming of an officer, on or off duty, wherever he may be.
Failure to treat any person civilly and respectfully.
Willful maltreatment of any person.
Knowingly make a false report, written or oral.
Failure to wear the regulation uniform when on duty or when so ordered.
Failure to maintain a neat and clean appearance of self, uniform and equipment.
The use of tobacco while in uniform in public, except in police facilities and police vehicles.
Standing or walking with hand in pocket while in uniform.
Receiving or attempting to receive a fee, gift, present or other thing of value from a person under arrest or from someone else on behalf of the arrested person.
Receiving, soliciting or attempting to solicit a bribe in any form.
Publicly criticizing the official actions of a department member or any local public official, while on duty.
Disseminating or releasing any information contained in a department record except in conformance with department orders.
Failure to identify self by name, rank and shield number when requested.
Failure to seize, record, process and dispose of recovered or prisoner's property in conformance with department orders.
Failure to notify a superior officer that a member of the Department is violating a rule or order of the Department.
Deliberate violation of Civil Service Laws or regulations pertaining to police management and control.
Possessing or transporting any intoxicating liquor when on duty, except in accordance with department orders.
Defacing or neglecting to protect and preserve department property.
Engaging directly or indirectly in those occupations prohibited by department orders or laws of the State of New York.
Allowing the publication of any photograph of oneself in the regulation uniform which advertises any commodity or commercial enterprise without permission of the Chief of Police.
Communicating or corresponding with other police agencies or individuals concerning police matters except in the line of duty.
Engaging in any activity, conversation, deliberation or discussion which is derogatory of department policy or individuals, while on duty.
Failing to keep department vehicle in public view when assigned to general patrol, except when authorized by a supervisory officer.
Permitting any person not on official business to ride in a department vehicle, unless specifically authorized.
Operating a department vehicle out of Town except in immediate pursuit of law violators or when on official police business authorized by the Chief of Police or his designee.
Operating a department vehicle without proper authorization or on other than official police business.
Pulling, pushing or towing any vehicle with a department vehicle, except as authorized by the supervising Sergeant.
Altering department equipment in any way except as authorized by the Chief of Police.
Carrying any rifle, shotgun, machine gun, gas gun or substituting for the regulation service revolver and weapon or adding a concealed auxiliary hand gun not authorized by the Chief of Police.
Unlawful or unnecessary use or display of a weapon.
Failure to report the discharge of a weapon:
Orally and immediately to a supervisory officer; and
In writing to the Chief of Police without unnecessary delay.
Selling, giving, lending or disposing of a dangerous weapon as specified in § 265.05 of the Penal Law of the State of New York contrary to the provisions of § 265.10 of the Penal Law and the rules and regulations of the Department.
Giving an opinion as to fine or penalty to a violator or suspect.
Giving an opinion as to bail, except by those specifically authorized to admit to bail.
Failure to take, record and act upon complaints except as prescribed by department orders.
Removing, altering or changing any official department record except as provided for in department orders.
Displaying in any manner nondepartmental or departmental posters or pictures in or on any department property or equipment except in conformance with department orders.
Obligating the Department financially in any manner except as authorized by the Chief of Police or Town Board.
Recommending to any citizen any bondsman, lawyer, towing, repair or other professional or commercial service.
Failure to report any information of a police nature in conformance with department orders.
Failure to obtain official permission to participate in public discussions of police or department business, except as provided in department orders, while on duty.
Interviewing, questioning or interrogating any person in a cell except unruly prisoners.
Entering any police lockup except on official police business.
Associating or fraternizing with known criminals, except in the immediate discharge of official duties or with the authorization of the Chief of Police.
Soliciting or accepting a gift, present, reward, gratuity or other thing of value for any service rendered as a department member, excluding gifts received from relatives or close friends upon appropriate occasions, except gifts to the Police Benevolent Association.
Failure to submit a written report that he is under investigation by any other law enforcement agency to the Chief of Police within 24 hours of becoming aware of such investigation.
Affiliation with any organization or body, the constitution or regulations of which would in any way exact prior consideration and prevent him from performing his departmental duties.
No scheduled officer shall be at police headquarters during the tour of duty except by assignment or permission and authority of a superior officer.
No member shall endorse any application as a character reference in connection with police matters.
Use of the police radio, contrary to Federal Communications Commission regulations. Profanity and nonpolice matters are prohibited.