In the interest of keeping these specifications brief, where reference is made herein to "state specifications," it shall mean the "State of New York, Department of Public Works, Division of Construction, Public Works Specifications of January 2, 1962," including all addenda and latest revisions thereto, but excluding the method of measurement and payment therein. Wherever in the State Specifications the word "engineer," "deputy chief engineer," "inspector" or like terms are used, they shall be construed to mean the Town Board or its duly authorized representative. Wherever the initials "ASTM" are used, reference is made to the current specifications and tests of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Wherever the initials "AASHO" are used, reference is made to the current specifications and tests of the American Association of State Highway Officials.
All materials and/or methods of construction not described in these construction standards and specifications shall meet the requirements of the current state specifications.
General. All excavations shall be subject to the provisions of the Town of Bedford Zoning Ordinance. All excavating and filling required for construction of pavements, curbs, gutters, headwalls, drainage structures and installation of pipe drains shall be as specified herein and shown on the construction standards. The entire area of work shall be brought to the required lines and grades by excavation or filling. Excavated material, if suitable, shall be used in making embankments and filling the low areas of the work, and at such other places as required.
[Amended 5-1-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
Removal of unsuitable material.
All muck, soft clay, swamp materials, bogs, spongy material and any other objectionable materials lying below the proposed subgrade shall be removed and the area filled with acceptable materials, which shall be well compacted.
All roots and stumps within the limits of the area to be graded shall be grubbed and excavated to a depth of two (2) feet below the subgrade, except in fills greater than two (2) feet to subgrade, where they shall be cut flush with the original ground surface.
Walls, footings, etc., shall be removed to a depth of at least two (2) feet below the proposed finished subgrade. Such areas shall be backfilled and graded over.
Topsoil shall be removed from all areas to be graded, except in fill areas that exceed two (2) feet in depth below subgrade.
Trenches and other excavations.
All excavations for headwalls shall be cut accurately to the required lines and grades and shall be large enough to provide adequate clearance for the proper execution of the work.
Trenches for pipes shall be excavated to the required lines and grades and shall be of sufficient width to lay pipe and to permit thorough tamping of backfill under haunches and around pipes.
Before any pipe is lowered into place, the finished bottom of all trenches shall be firm and unyielding and shall have a smooth, even surface. Trench bottoms shall have the required grade and same curvature as the pipe to be placed, with necessary recesses for hubs or bells, branches or other appurtenances to enable caulking and jointing to be done advantageously.
Rock, where encountered in trenches, shall be removed below grade and replaced with suitable materials in such a manner as to provide a compacted earth cushion at least eight (8) inches thick under the pipe.
Where pipelines or structures are to be built entirely within areas of an embankment, embankment materials shall be placed and compacted to a height of three (3) feet minimum above the top of the pipe or footing elevation before performing trenching for the pipeline or structure.
Backfill shall consist of selected materials free from large lumps, clods, stone or rock and shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in depth. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with heavy rammers.
Embankments shall be formed of suitable excavated materials and shall be brought to the required lines and grades. The materials for embankment shall be placed in successive horizontal layers not exceeding twelve (12) inches in depth extending across the entire fill area. They shall be spread by a bulldozer or other acceptable means and shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with approved rollers to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. Successive layers shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted. In places where the use of a roller is impracticable, the contractor shall use other means, satisfactory to the Town Engineer, for compacting the material.
All hollows and depressions which develop during the process of rolling and compacting shall be filled with acceptable materials, and the subgrade shall again be compacted. This process of filling and compacting shall be repeated until no depressions result.
Acceptable materials.
Materials acceptable for embankment shall be earth, free from garbage, roots, hard clods, frozen material, and all rocks larger than twelve (12) inches in greatest dimension. Within one (1) foot of the subgrade, the material shall be free of all rocks larger than six (6) inches in greatest dimension. In placing materials, rocks shall be mixed with earth to completely fill all voids.
If there is not sufficient excavated material of suitable quality within limits of the work to complete embankments, grading and backfilling to the required lines and grades, the material may be brought in from outside sources, subject to the provisions of the town's Zoning Ordinance. The quality of the imported material shall be subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
All acceptable materials from excavations shall be used for making embankments and backfilling. All surplus and unsuitable materials shall be removed and shall be disposed of legally.
Blasting. All blasting shall be done by persons skilled in such work. All blasts shall be properly covered, and every precaution shall be taken to ensure the safety of persons and property. Explosives shall be stored and used as prescribed by state laws and local ordinances.
General. All road pavements shall consist of four-inch penetrated macadam base course and a three-inch top course. In the R-4A, R-2A, R-1A and R-1/2A Residence Zoning Districts and in the Light Industrial Zoning Districts, the top course shall be penetrated macadam. In the R-1/4A, TF and VA Residence Zoning Districts and in the PB-O, RO, NB and CB Business Zoning Districts, the top course shall be asphalt concrete.
Conditions for laying of pavement. The laying of asphalt concrete and penetrated macadam pavement will be permitted between April 15 and November 15, when the air temperature is fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50° F.) and rising or warmer and the temperature of the surface on which the paving is to be laid is forty-five degrees Fahrenheit (45° F.) or higher. Such paving at other times or conditions will require the written permission of the Town Engineer.
Bank gravel foundation course. Foundation course for all roads shall be run-of-bank gravel placed on a properly prepared subgrade to the compacted thickness shown on the construction standards.
Acceptable material. Material acceptable for foundation courses shall consist of sound, hard, durable gravel, well-graded from course to fine. Particles shall have a maximum diameter equal to two-thirds (2/3) of the thickness of the compacted layer of the foundation course under construction, but shall not exceed such size as will pass through a two-inch-square screen. Thirty percent (30%) to sixty-five percent (65%) by weight shall pass a one-fourth-inch-square mesh sieve, and not more than ten percent (10%) by weight shall pass a No. 200 mesh sieve. The material passing a No. 40 mesh sieve shall have a maximum Plasticity Index of 5, when tested according to ASTM D-424. When the material is subjected to four (4) cycles of magnesium sulfate soundness test (ASTM C-88), the weighted loss shall not exceed twenty percent (20%). All material acceptable for this course shall contain suitable proportions of coarse and fine particles so that by the addition of proper amounts of water, a thoroughly stable, well-bound course will be produced whose surface will not weave or be displaced after compaction.
Spreading and compaction.
After the subgrade has been properly prepared, the gravel shall be spread evenly so that it will have, after rolling, the proper thickness. No segregation of large or fine particles will be allowed, but the gravel as spread shall be well graded, with no pockets of fine material.
When the finished thickness of the foundation course is more than six (6) inches, the gravel shall be spread, rolled and filled in separate layers of equal depth, each not exceeding six (6) inches.
After the gravel has been spread, it shall be thoroughly rolled with an approved roller weighing not less than ten (10) tons. All holes or depressions found in rolling shall be filled with gravel and the surface rerolled until it conforms to the lines and grades as shown on the construction standards and the approved construction plans for the particular subdivision. In all cases, the foundation course shall be true to grade and section and so thoroughly compacted that it will not weave under a roller.
Asphalt concrete.
General requirements. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be constructed as shown on the construction standards. Asphalt concrete up to two (2) inches in thickness shall consist of one (1) top course meeting all requirements of Item 51 - Asphalt Concrete - Type 1A, top course only, of the state specifications. Asphalt concrete over two (2) inches in thickness shall consist of two (2) equal thicknesses of binder and top courses meeting all requirements of Item 51 - Asphalt Concrete - Type 1A of the state specifications.
Priming or penetration of previous course.
Where asphalt concrete pavement is to be placed on a bank-run gravel foundation, the foundation course shall be primed with a medium curing liquid asphalt, grade MC-1, as per ASTM D-598, heated to a temperature between eighty degrees and one hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (80° and 150° F.). It shall be applied uniformly over the surface by means of pressure distributors at a rate of two-tenths (0.2) to six-tenths (0.6) gallon per square yard, dependent on the gradation of the surface, to ensure a minimum penetration of one (1) inch.
Where asphalt concrete pavement is to be placed on a penetrated macadam base, the macadam base shall be constructed as specified under Subsection E, Penetrated macadam, except that the final sealing coat may be omitted.
Composition of binder course. Composition of the bituminous plant mixture for the binder course shall conform to the following:
Screen Size
Percentage Passing
Job Mix Percentage of Tolerance
1 1/2
90% - 100%
35% - 65%
10% - 35%
5% - 20%
Percentage of Mix
Job Mix Percentage of Tolerance
Hydrated lime
0.5% - 1.0%
0.4% - 1.0%
Asphalt cement**
4.0% - 5.5%
* The twenty-mesh screen and subsequent screens do not apply to the aggregates of the binder courses passing the one-eighth-inch screen.
** Asphalt cement shall be as specified in Subsection D(5).
Composition of top course. Composition of the bituminous plant mixture for the top course shall conform to the following:
Screen Size
General Limits
Percentage of
Job Mix Percentage of Tolerance
95% - 100%
65% - 85%
32% - 65%
No. 20 mesh screen
15% - 39%
No. 40 mesh screen
7% - 25%
No. 80 mesh screen
3% - 12%
No. 200 mesh screen
2% - 6%
Percentage of Mix
Job Mix
(percentage of tolerance)
Placing Temperature
Asphalt cement
5.8% - 7.0%
85 - 100
225°- 300° F
Composition of asphalt cement. The asphalt cement used in the binder and top courses shall be a paving grade asphalt meeting the requirements hereafter specified and shall be introduced into the pug mill at a temperature compatible with the aggregates between the limits of two hundred twenty-five degrees and three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (225° and 350° F.). Asphalt cement shall conform to the following:
85 - 100
Pen. at 77° F. 100 g. 5 sec.
85 - 100
Pen. ratio (39.2° F./77° F. x 100)
% loss at 325° F., max.
% pen. of res., min.
% sol. in CCl4, min.
Flash point, °F., min.
Duct. at 77° F., min.
Method of tests: AASHO
* 1.0% limit for pet. asphalts; 3.0% for fluxed natural asphalt.
** 99.5+ pet. asphalts; 95.0 + Bermudez; 81.0 + Cuban; 66.0 + Trinidad.
Approval of job mix formulas.
The subdivider shall submit to the Town Engineer for approval the actual job mix formulas. Once approved, the composition of the mix shall lie within the job mix tolerances set forth in Subsection D(3) and (4) of this section. The aggregate tolerances shall be based on the total weight of the aggregate, and the asphalt cement tolerances shall be based on the total weight of the mix. In no case shall the job mix tolerances fall outside the general limits for a particular mix.
Before approving the paving, the Planning Board shall require the subdivider to submit a certificate from a responsible representative of the plant supplying the paving mixture, stating the compositions, daily quantities and delivery dates of the mix furnished to the subdivider.
Asphalt concrete, method for rolling.
After placing, and while still hot and workable, the courses shall be rolled with a ten- to twelve-ton three-wheel power-driven roller, an eight- to ten-ton tandem roller, or a roller producing a compression with the rear wheels of not less than two hundred fifty (250) pounds per inch of tread. Rollers shall have steel wheels and shall travel parallel to the center line of the pavement, beginning at each edge and working toward the center, overlapping on successive trips by one-half (1/2) the rear wheel of the roller. All rollers shall be of a type acceptable to the Town Engineer. Rollers shall be operated at a speed satisfactory to the Town Engineer, but not to exceed three (3) miles per hour. Rolling shall proceed continuously. Wheels of the roller and of the paver shall be kept clean at all times. They may be kept moist with water or a mixture of water with not more than ten percent (10%) lubricating oil, as directed. Dirty water, petroleum solvents or grease shall not be allowed to drop from the roller or paver onto the pavement.
If depressions remain after rolling, additional pavement mixture shall be added at such points and firmly rolled into place. After rolling has been completed, the surface of the course shall have the required crown, density and thickness and shall be of the grade established for the surface of the finished pavement. Any unsatisfactory areas shall be removed and replaced with suitable material.
Penetrated macadam.
Materials for base course and top course.
Penetrated macadam shall consist of the required thickness of crushed stone penetrated and, where required, sealed as hereinafter specified. The use of screened gravel or crushed gravel will not be permitted.
Crushed stone shall consist of clean, hard, durable sharp-angled fragments of rock of uniform quality throughout, free from thin or elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated stone, dirt or other objectionable materials. Stone shall have a percentage of wear of not more than five and seven-tenths (5.7), when tested for abrasion in accordance with the latest Standard Methods of Test for Abrasion of Rock by Use of the Deval Machine, ASTM D-2.
The sizes of stone, furnished locally or commercially, shall be determined by its passing over the minimum and through the maximum square apertures for the various sizes as follows:
Total Passing
No. 4A
(percent by weight)
No. 3
(percent by weight)
No. 2
(percent by weight)
No. 1
(percent by weight)
No. 1A
(percent by weight)
3 inches
2 1/2 inches
90% - 100%
2 inches
90% - 100%
1 1/2 inches
0% - 20%
35% - 70%
1 inch
0% - 15%
90% - 100%
1/2 inch
0% - 15%
90% - 100%
1/4 inch
0% - 15%
90% - 100%
1/8 inch
0% - 15%
No. 80 sieve
The asphalt cement for the penetrated macadam shall meet the following requirements:
100 - 120
Pen. at 77° F., 100 g., 5 sec.
100 - 120
Pen. ratio (39.2° F./77° F. x 100)
% loss at 325° F.
% loss of res., min.
% sol. in CCl4, min.
Flash point, °F., min.
Duct. at 77°, min.
Method of tests: AASHO
* 1.0% limit for pet. asphalt; 3.0% for fluxed natural asphalt.
** 99.5+ pet. asphalt; 95.0+ Bermudez; 81.0+ Cuban; 66.0+ Trinidad.
Penetrated macadam, a four-inch base course, method of placement.
The four-inch penetrated base course indicated on the construction standards shall be placed according to the requirements herein specified.
After the bank gravel foundation course has been satisfactorily completed, a course of clean, approved No. 3 and No. 4A stone shall be spread and uniformly mixed with approved mechanical spreaders to a depth such that, after compaction with a ten-ton roller, the thickness of the course shall be four (4) inches. When ordered by the Town Engineer, in order to assure that this course conforms accurately to the proper line and grade, the subdivider shall set up pins and string lines, or other control devices, to obtain the desired accuracy. After spreading the material thoroughly, the course shall be compacted with an approved self-propelled ten-ton roller. The minimum number of passes shall be as directed by the Town Engineer.
After proper compaction of the stone, the asphalt cement shall be heated to a temperature as directed by the Town Engineer, between the limits of two hundred seventy-five degrees and three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (275° and 350° F.), and evenly sprayed over the compacted stone course by means of approved pressure distributors. The subdivider shall use pressure distributors, approved by the Town Engineer, operating under a pressure of fifty (50) pounds per square inch or more if so directed. The quantity of asphalt cement used shall be at a rate of two (2) gallons per square yard. To ensure uniform distribution of asphalt cement at the junction point of two (2) applications, the distributor, in starting, shall lap back over the previous application, and the lapped area shall be covered with building paper to avoid either an excess or insufficient quantity at the junction point. After spraying, the building paper shall be removed.
Immediately after spraying, the surface shall be filled with clean No. 2 and No. 1 crushed stone. The combination of this mixture shall be determined by the Town Engineer and shall be such that it will completely fill the voids in the No. 3 and No. 4A stone. After spreading the stone mixture, the surface shall be compacted with an approved ten-ton self-propelled roller. During compaction, No. 1 stone shall be spread and broomed about until the course is entirely filled. Compaction shall continue until the course of stone is thoroughly tight and its surface is true and even to the established grade. After the spreading and compaction of the No. 1 stone, sand or screenings shall be uniformly spread over the surface. Screenings shall be swept in and rolled with approved ten-ton rollers until all voids are completely filled. Spreading shall be done by hand or by approved mechanical devices. Screenings shall be graded as follows: one hundred percent (100%) shall pass a one-half-inch-square-opening sieve, and ninety percent (90%) to one hundred percent (100%) shall pass a one-fourth-inch-square-opening sieve. Screenings shall not contain clay or other deleterious material.
No stone with dust coating will be permitted for this course. Stone spread for this course which becomes wet shall be allowed to dry to its full depth before construction continues. Should any stone become dirty, the subdivider shall remove all dirty material and replace it with clean material.
If filler material is spread by hand, it shall be delivered and piled alongside the road where this course is constructed.
Where traffic is maintained during construction, not more than five hundred (500) linear feet of this course shall be spread before it is penetrated with bituminous material and sealed.
At completion of this course, the top surface shall not extend above the proposed grade. The top surface shall be tested with a sixteen-foot straight edge laid parallel to the center line of the pavement, and any variations exceeding one-fourth (1/4) inch from a true profile shall be satisfactorily eliminated, or the pavement relaid.
Any portions of the completed base courses that are defective in finish or compression or that do not comply with the requirements of these specifications shall be taken up, removed and replaced with suitable materials properly constructed as herein specified.
Penetrated macadam, three-inch top course, method of placement.
Where indicated on the construction standards, after the four-inch penetrated base course has been completed as specified, a course of clean, approved No. 3 broken stone shall be evenly spread thereon in such quantity that, after compaction and before the application of the asphalt cement and broken stone of small sizes, hereinafter specified, the compacted thickness of the course shall be as required. No stone with dust coating will be permitted for use in this course. If any stone spread for this course becomes wet or dirty, it must be allowed to dry to the full depth of the course, and dirty stones shall be removed and replaced with clean stones before the spraying of asphalt cement proceeds.
If hand spreading is used, all filler for the top course shall be delivered and piled alongside the road before the top course is placed.
The No. 3 stone shall then be compacted by passing over it a self-propelled roller weighing approximately ten (10) tons. The inclined curbs shall be compacted by cross-rolling or by an inclined roller attachment until they present a smooth, uniform surface. The asphalt cement, hereinbefore specified, shall now be applied. It shall be heated to a temperature between two hundred seventy-five degrees and three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (275° and 350° F.) and shall be evenly sprayed over the surface, including the inclined curbs, by the use of a pressure distributor approved by the Town Engineer, at a pressure of fifty (50) pounds per square inch or more, if so directed. The quantity of asphalt cement used in the first application shall be one and five-tenths (1.5) gallons per square yard.
In order to ensure uniformity at the junction point of two (2) applications, the distributor, in starting, shall lap back on the previous application, and the lapped area shall be covered with building paper to avoid either an excess or an insufficient quantity at the junction point. The building paper shall then be removed.
The surface, including the inclined curbs, shall then be immediately filled with clean No. 1 broken stone, after which it shall be compacted with a self-propelled roller weighing approximately ten (10) tons; during the rolling process, additional No. 1 broken stone shall be applied and broomed about until the voids in the No. 3 stone are entirely filled. The rolling shall be continued until the course of stone, including that on the inclined curbs, is thoroughly compacted and its surface is true and even to the established grade. No. 1 stone used for filler shall be spread uniformly either by hand labor or by an approved mechanical device.
Where traffic is maintained during construction, not more than five hundred (500) linear feet of this course shall be spread before it is penetrated with bituminous material and sealed.
Before and after placing the seal coat, as hereinafter specified, the pavement shall be tested with a sixteen-foot straight edge laid parallel to the center line of the pavement, and any variations exceeding one-fourth (1/4) inch from a true profile shall be satisfactorily eliminated, or the pavement relaid.
Penetrated macadam, seal coat, method of placement.
After the top course shall have been completed, all loose stones shall be swept from the surface, and a seal coat of approximately three-tenths (0.3) gallon of asphalt cement per square yard shall be applied by means of an approved pressure distributor. The surface shall then be immediately covered with approved No. 1 broken stone, spread and broomed about by experienced workmen, and again rolled. The rolling shall be continued and additional No. 1 stone shall be applied until a smooth, uniform surface is produced. Weather permitting, not more than twenty-four (24) hours shall elapse between the placing of the top course and the seal coat.
Such portions of the completed pavements as may be defective in finish or compression or that do not comply with the requirements of these specifications shall be taken up, removed and replaced with suitable materials properly laid in accordance with these specifications.