All structures and land uses shall be provided
with a sufficient amount of off-street parking to meet the needs of
persons employed at or making use of such structures or land uses
and sufficient off-street loading facilities to meet the needs of
such structures or land uses, but not less than the minimum standards
of this Article. No certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance
shall be issued for any structure or land use until the required off-street
parking and loading spaces have been established. Required off-street
parking facilities shall be maintained as long as the use or structure
exists which the facilities are designed to serve.
Structures and land uses in existence or for
which building permits have been approved at the time of the adoption
of this chapter shall not be subject to the parking or loading space
requirements set forth in this Article. However, any parking and loading
facilities now existing to serve such structures or uses shall not
be reduced except where they exceed such requirements, in which case
they shall not be reduced below such requirements.
All required parking facilities shall be graded,
surfaced, drained and maintained throughout the duration of their
use to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector to the extent necessary
to avoid nuisances of dust, erosion or excessive water flow across
public ways or adjacent lands. The maximum gradient within parking
areas shall not exceed 5%. In multifamily residential developments
and in nonresidential developments, the Planning Board shall require
the provision of suitable markings to indicate individual parking
spaces, maneuvering area, entrances and exits.
In order to encourage safe and convenient traffic
circulation, the Planning Board may require the interconnection of
parking areas via access drives within and between adjacent lots.
The Board shall require written assurance and/or deed restrictions,
satisfactory to the Town Attorney, binding the owner and his heirs
and assignees to permit and maintain such internal access and circulation
and interuse of parking facilities.
Except for one-family and two-family dwellings, screening shall be provided between parking areas and adjoining property in residence districts as required in §
125-24 of this chapter. Driveways are not permitted within the required screening area. Parking facilities, not including driveways, shall be located at least 25 feet from any residential district.
All parking facilities shall be suitably illuminated,
if nighttime use is a regular function of the facility. No unshaded
light sources shall be permitted, and no light sources shall be visible
beyond the boundaries of the site.
Where the Planning Board determines that the
immediate use of any property may not require the full initial improvement
of all off-street parking and loading facilities, the Planning Board
may waive the improvement of not more than one-third (1/3) of the
required number of spaces, provided that the total number of spaces
is shown on the approved plan, and provided that the area not to be
improved is reserved for such future use. All such reserve land shall
be used and maintained as additional landscaped grounds until the
reserve spaces are required to be improved. The reserve spaces shall
be improved within six months of the date of a written notice from
the Planning Board that such spaces have been determined to be necessary.
Appropriate written guaranties to the above must be provided by the
owner and approved by the Town Attorney.
Off-street loading and unloading facilities,
as defined in this chapter and located on the same site as the use
to be served, shall be provided as follows:
A. For retail and service business establishments, restaurants
and other places serving food and beverages: one space for the first
3,000 square feet of the area or any portion thereof, used for business
purposes, and one additional space for each additional 10,000 square
feet, or major portion thereof, used for business purposes in excess
of said 3,000 square feet.
B. For wholesale businesses, storage warehouses, manufacturing
or industrial establishments and other commercial establishments:
one space for the first 8,000 square feet of the area, or any portion
thereof, used for business purposes, and one additional space for
each additional 20,000 square feet of business space, or major portion
thereof, in excess of said 8,000 square feet.
For reasons of traffic and pedestrian safety,
both on- and off-street, as well as to provide for possible future
road widening or other improvements, all new driveways and sidewalk
crossings entering onto any street shall comply with all requirements
of these regulations and shall be subject to the approval of a permit
by the Town Superintendent of Highways, Westchester Department of
Public Works or New York State Department of Transportation for access
onto Town, county or state roads, respectively.
A. Driveway gradients.
(1) The maximum gradient for any new driveway accessory
to a single-family dwelling and connecting its off-street parking
area to a street shall not exceed 14%.
(2) The maximum gradient for new driveways accessory to
uses other than single-family dwellings and connecting the required
off-street parking area to the street shall not exceed 8%.
(3) Notwithstanding the maximum permitted gradients specified in Subsection
A(1), a driveway serving a single-family dwelling shall have a platform with a gradient not greater than 4% within 35 feet of the center line of the traveled way of the street or within 10 feet of the right-of-way line of the street, whichever distance is greater.
(4) Notwithstanding the maximum permitted gradient specified in Subsection
A(2), a driveway serving a use other than a single-family dwelling shall have a platform with a gradient not greater than 3% within 50 feet of the center line of the traveled way of the street or within 25 feet of the right-of-way line of the street, whichever distance is greater.
B. Driveway alignment and location. Any driveway entering onto a street shall be located and aligned in such a way as to create the minimum possible traffic hazard. The platform portion of the driveway, as required by Subsection
A(3) and
(4) above, shall be aligned at approximately right angles to the street.
C. Sight distance. Clear visibility shall be provided
in both directions at all exit points so that the driver of an automobile
stopped on the platform portion of any new driveway will have an unobstructed
view of the highway for a reasonable distance (commensurate with the
speed and volume of traffic on such highway) and so that the driver
of an automobile traveling on the highway shall have a similar view
of the automobile in the driveway.
D. Drainage. Stormwater runoff from driveways to the
street shall be conducted to the street drainage system. Driveways
shall be constructed so as not to impede the street drainage system.
Establishments offering goods and services to
the public shall be encouraged to designate parking spaces for employees
to maintain convenient access to parking spaces for the public.