[Adopted as Ch. 28, Art. II, of the 1963 City Code (Ch. 68, Art. II, of the 1980 Code)]
The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of the Police Department and shall have direct charge and control of its officers and members and also of constables when engaged in the service of the City. He shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 68-14 of the 1980 Code, Bond, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76.
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to enforce all laws and City ordinances and to receive complaints for the violation of the same. He shall cause proceedings to be instituted for the prosecution of all such violations of law or ordinance and shall attend to the trial of such violations.
The Chief of Police shall establish and enforce, subject to the approval of the Mayor, such rules and regulations for the government and management of the Police Department as are consistent with law and ordinance and as he may deem necessary and expedient and shall obey and execute all orders of the City Council.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 68-17 of the 1980 Code, Reports on conduct of officers; suspension, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76.
[Amended 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76]
The Chief of Police shall report immediately to the Superintendent of Highways any defect in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, ways, squares or public grounds of the City which he may himself discover or which may be reported to him by any member of the Police Department and shall also report forthwith to the proper board or head of a department all nuisances and obstructions in the streets, lanes, alleys, ways, squares and public grounds, and all nuisances, sources of filth or danger and causes of sickness which he may himself discover or which may be reported to him by any member of the Department.
The Chief of Police shall keep, or cause to be kept, a correct and complete record of the acts and business of the Police Department, including a full and accurate account of all its receipts and expenditures, which shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the City Council, the Mayor and the Auditor of Accounts.
The Chief of Police shall cause to be kept a complete descriptive list of each and every person arrested and brought to the police station by giving his or her name, nativity, age, height, weight, complexion, color of hair and eyes, the amount of money he or she may have in possession, his or her present residence and the offense for which he or she may be arrested, all of which shall be entered and indexed in a book or on cards to be furnished by the City, and the same shall be delivered by each Chief of Police to his successor in office. He shall have charge of and be primarily responsible for the records of all prisoners and their arrests.
The Chief of Police shall cause to be kept a daily record of the burglaries, robberies, larcenies, amount of property lost or stolen, assaults, disturbances, lost children, fires, dangerous places, accidents and all other crimes, misdemeanors, violations of law or ordinance and other happenings or matters reported and brought to the attention of the Police Department or pertaining to its business.
The Chief of Police shall keep or cause to be kept a full and complete list of all regular and reserve officers, with their names, ages, residences and birthplaces; also, records of all failures or omissions on the part of any of them to make such reports as are required of them.
On or before the 10th day of each month, the Chief of Police shall file with the Auditor of Accounts a list of, and upon receipt of an order from the Auditor of Accounts, pay over to the Treasurer, according to the provisions of § 36-3 of Chapter 36, Fees and Receipts, of the Code, all miscellaneous fees and receipts collected by him in accordance with the provisions of § 32-39 of Article VI, Police Department, of Chapter 32 of the Code of the City.
[Amended 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76]
The Chief of Police shall keep the City Solicitor and the District Attorney informed of all matters that pertain to their respective offices relating to the policies or interests of the City, or to any breach of law or ordinance.
The Chief of Police shall annually on or before the first day of July make to the Mayor a full and complete report of the acts and business of and the money received and expended by the Police Department during the municipal year next preceding the first day of July, together with an account and appraisal of all the public property belonging to the Department and a statement of the condition and organization of the Department. Such report shall be incorporated in the report required to be made annually by the Mayor to the City Council.
The office of the Chief of Police shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of business.
The Deputy Chief of Police shall, in the absence of the Chief of Police, have and exercise all the powers, duties and authority incumbent on or exercised by the Chief of Police, and he and all officers of the Police Department shall, under the direction of the Chief of Police, aid in any and all of such duties as are prescribed in this article for the Chief of Police.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 68-28 of the 1980 Code, Bond of Deputy Chief, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76.