The Town of Standish recognizes that efficient use of public resources requires long-term planning in the area of capital expenditures. Consequently, the Town maintains and annually updates a Capital Improvements Plan which identifies anticipated capital expenditures.
The Town of Standish also recognizes that growth and development within Standish, both residential and nonresidential, is a gradual and ongoing process. The Town recognizes that this development incrementally and indirectly impacts the Town's existing road inventory. For this reason, it is the policy of the Town of Standish that new development to occur on or after February 13, 1996, within Standish shall be evaluated for potential impact on the Town's existing road inventory and assessed a corresponding impact fee, where deemed appropriate.
It shall be the policy of the Town to calculate and assess all capital impact fees and required improvement in a fair manner which reasonably correlates incremental capital cost to the beneficiary of the same.