A valid therapeutic massage establishment license shall be displayed at all times in an open and conspicuous place in the massage establishment for which it was issued. A valid conditional massage therapist license, massage therapist license or combined massage establishment/massage therapist license must be readily available to be produced immediately if demanded of the licensee.
No massage or therapeutic massage shall be practiced on a minor without the presence of a parent or other adult representing the minor.
All therapeutic massage shall be administered on a massage treatment table, treatment mat or other similar massage equipment.
Every person who conducts or operates a therapeutic massage establishment shall keep the same at all times in a clean and sanitary condition. All instruments, supplies and devices of any kind, or parts thereof, that come into contact with the human body shall be kept clean by a modern and approved method of cleaning.
No massage establishment shall be kept open for massage purposes between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., provided that any massage begun before 10:00 p.m. may be completed.
At all times when open for business, a therapeutic massage establishment shall have upon the premises a licensed massage therapist or person who possesses a combination massage establishment/massage therapist license who shall be available to supervise the operation of the establishment and assure that no violations of this chapter occur.
The therapeutic massage establishment shall keep a written list of names and current addresses of all employees, both on-duty and off-duty. Such list shall be shown to the Town Manager, the Town Clerk or his/her representative upon request.