[Adopted as Ch. 4 of the 1976 Code]
The offices of all of the municipal departments, excepting the Police and Fire Departments, shall remain open to the public for the transaction of business every day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excepting on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays and after 12:00 noon on Good Friday.
The services of persons employed in the respective offices of the municipal departments shall be performed during the period of time that such offices are required to remain open, except that each person shall be given one hour off for lunch, so arranged that each such office shall remain open to the public for the transaction of business during the hours provided for by the within chapter.
The Mayor may, by a proclamation in writing filed with the City Clerk, designate such other days or parts of days as legal holidays for the purposes of the within chapter as he may deem necessary for the social or civic well-being of the citizens.