[Amended 11-13-1990]
The reports of accidents as required by this Article are in addition to and not in lieu of any reports as required by Code of Virginia, §§ 46.2-894 and 46.2-371 et seq.
The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident in which an attended vehicle or other attended property is damaged shall immediately stop as close to the scene of the accident as possible without obstructing traffic and report to a police officer or to the driver or some other occupant of the vehicle collided with or to the custodian of other damaged property his name, address, operator's or chauffeur's license number and the registration number of his vehicle.
If the driver fails to stop and make the report required by Subsection A of this section, any person 16 years of age or older in the vehicle with the driver at the time of the accident who has knowledge of the accident shall report, within 24 hours from the time of the accident, to the Chief of Police of the City his name, address and such other information within his knowledge as the driver must report pursuant to Subsection A of this section.
The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident in which no person is killed or injured but in which any unattended vehicle or other unattended property is damaged shall make a reasonable effort to find the owner or custodian of such property and shall report to the owner or custodian the information which the driver must report pursuant to Subsection A of this section if such owner or custodian is found. If the owner or custodian of such damaged vehicle or property cannot be found, the driver shall leave a note in a conspicuous place at the scene of the accident and shall report the accident, in writing, within 24 hours to the Chief of Police. Such note and written report shall contain the information which the driver must report pursuant to Subsection A of this section, and such written report shall state, in addition, the date, time and place of the accident and the driver's estimate of the property damage.
If the driver fails to stop and make a reasonable search for the owner or custodian of an unattended vehicle or property or to leave a note for such owner or custodian as required by Subsection C of this section, any person 16 years of age or older in the vehicle with the driver at the time of the accident who has knowledge of the accident shall report within 24 hours from the time of the accident to the Chief of Police his name, address and such other facts within his knowledge as are required by Subsection C of this section to be reported by the driver.
The reports required by this section are in addition to other accident reports required by this chapter or state law and shall be made irrespective of the amount of property damage involved.
The provisions of this section shall apply irrespective of whether such accident occurs on the public streets or highways or on private property.
Any person convicted of violating this section shall be punished as provided in § 148-24, provided that if the vehicle struck is unattended and the damage thereto is less than $25, such person shall be punished only by a fine not exceeding $50.
The driver of any vehicle involved in any accident resulting in injury to or the death of any person, or some person acting for him, shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of the accident to the Police Department. A willful failure to make the report required in this section shall be punishable as provided in § 148-24.
The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in total property damage to an apparent extent of $500 or more shall, within five days after the accident, make a written report of it to the Police Department.
The Chief of Police may require any driver of a vehicle involved in any accident of which report must be made to file a supplemental report whenever any report is insufficient in his opinion, and he may require witnesses of accidents to render reports to the Police Department. A willful failure to file the report required in this section shall be punishable as provided in § 148-24.
Every police officer who in the course of duty investigates a motor vehicle accident of which a report must be made, either at the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter and elsewhere, by interviewing participants or witnesses, shall, within 24 hours after completing the investigation, forward a written report of the accident to the Police Department.
Whenever the driver of a vehicle is physically incapable of making an immediate or a written report of an accident of which a report is required, each other occupant of the vehicle at the time of the accident, if any, who is capable of so doing must make the report required by this Article to be made primarily by the driver. A willful failure to file the report required by this section shall be punishable under § 148-24.
The City shall supply to the police or other officials, garages and other suitable agencies forms for accident reports and other reports required hereunder to be made to the Police Department, appropriate with respect to the persons required to make such reports and the purpose to be served.
The person in charge of any garage or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle that shows evidence of having been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident or with evidence of blood stains shall report to the Police Department within 24 hours after the motor vehicle is received, giving the engine number, registration number and the name and address of the owner or operator of the vehicle, if known. Reports required by this section shall be made upon forms furnished by the City.
All accident reports made by persons involved in accidents or by garages shall be without prejudice to the individual so reporting and shall be for the confidential use of the Police Department or other City or state agencies having use for the records for accident prevention purposes, except that the Police Department may disclose the identity of a person involved in an accident when his identity is not otherwise known or when he denies his presence at the accident.
No accident report shall be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of an accident, except that the Police Department shall furnish, upon the demand of any person who has or claims to have made such a report or upon the demand of any court, a certificate showing that a specified accident report has or has not been made to the Police Department, solely to prove compliance or noncompliance with the requirement that the report was made to the Police Department.
Subject to the provisions of § 148-33, all accident reports made by investigating officers shall be for the confidential use of the Police Department and other City or state agencies for accident prevention purposes and shall not be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of any accident. The Police Department shall disclose from the reports, upon the request of any person, the date, time and location of the accident and the names and addresses of the drivers, the owners of the vehicles involved, the injured persons, the witnesses and one investigating officer.