Completion of improvements. Before the plat is signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board, all applicants shall be required to complete, at applicant's expense and without reimbursement by the Village or any special district, in accordance with the Planning Board's resolution and to the satisfaction of the Village Engineering Consultant and/or Town Superintendent of Highways, all the street, sanitary and other improvements specified in the final subdivision plat, except the final street wearing course and sidewalks, as approved by the Planning Board, and to offer to dedicate same to the Village of Airmont or other governmental agencies, as the case may be, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on the property and public improvements thus offered for dedication.
Posting of letter of credit. The Planning Board, in its discretion, may waive the requirement that the applicant complete all public improvements prior to the signing of the subdivision plat and that as an alternative the applicant may post a letter of credit at the time of application for final subdivision approval in an amount equal to twice the estimated cost of all improvements not constructed, in order to secure to the Village the satisfactory construction, installation and dedication of the incomplete portion of required improvements. The letter of credit shall be irrevocable and shall be from a bank having an office in Rockland County and having capital in the minimum amount of $50,000,000. The said letter of credit shall authorize payment to the Village of Airmont upon sight drafts accompanied by the written certification of the Planning Board Chairman that the required improvements have not been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board within the period specified by the Planning Board in the resolution approving the final subdivision plat, or that such improvements do not comply with the approved construction plans, the requirements of these regulations and the Village Construction Standards and Specifications, or that the installation of such improvements have caused damage to public or private property not under the ownership of the applicant. Such sight drafts shall be in the aggregate amount of all expenses estimated to be incurred by the Village for the completion of the required improvements or for damage caused by the installation of such improvements as set forth hereinabove.
Temporary improvements. The developer shall build and pay for all costs of temporary improvements required by the Planning Board, and shall maintain same for the period specified by the Planning Board. Prior to construction of any temporary facility or improvement, the developer shall file with the Village a separate suitable bond for temporary facilities, which bond shall insure that the temporary facilities will be properly constructed, maintained and removed.
Costs to be borne by applicant. All required improvements shall be made by the applicant, at his expense, without reimbursement by the Village or any improvement district therein.
Failure to complete improvements. For subdivisions for which no letter of credit has been posted, if the improvements are not completed within the period specified by the Planning Board in the resolution approving the plat, the approval shall be deemed to have expired.
General procedure and fees. The Planning Board shall provide for inspection of required improvements during construction so as to insure their satisfactory completion. The applicant shall pay to the Village an inspection fee as set forth in the Standard Fee Schedule of the Village of Airmont,[1] and the subdivision plat shall not be signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board unless such fee has been paid at the time of application. In addition, the applicant shall pay extra payroll costs for all engineering and inspection services requested by the applicant or any contractor outside the regular Village working hours. If the Village Engineering Consultant or the Superintendent of Highways finds, upon inspection, that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with the construction plans, the Village's construction standards and specifications, or these regulations, the applicant shall be responsible for completing said improvements in accordance with said requirements. Wherever the cost of improvements is covered by a letter of credit, the applicant and the bank shall be severally and jointly liable for the cost of completing said improvements according to specifications.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 106, Fees and Deposits.
Certificates of satisfactory completion.
The Village Board will not accept dedication of required improvements, nor release nor reduce a letter of credit, until the Village Engineering Consultant and/or the Superintendent of Highways have submitted reports stating that all required improvements have been satisfactorily completed, and until the applicant's engineer or surveyor has certified to the Village Engineering Consultant that the layout of the line and grade of all public improvements is in accordance with the construction plans for the subdivision and that a title insurance policy has been furnished to and approved by the Village Attorney indicating that the improvements shall have been completed, are ready for dedication to the Village and are free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances.
The letter of credit shall be reduced only to the ratio that the public improvement dedicated bears to the total public improvements required for the plat. In no event shall the letter of credit be reduced below 25% of the principal amount.
Escrow deposits with Building Inspector.
Whenever, by reason of the season of the year, any lot improvements required by the subdivision regulations cannot be performed, the Building Inspector may, nevertheless, issue a certificate of occupancy, provided there is no danger to health, safety or general welfare upon accepting a cash escrow deposit in an amount to be determined by the Village Engineering Consultant for the cost of said improvements.
All required improvements for which escrow moneys have been accepted by the Building Inspector at the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall be installed by the developer within a period of nine months from the date of deposit and issuance of the certificate of occupancy. In the event that said improvements have not been properly installed, at the end of said time period the Building Inspector shall give two weeks written notice to the developer requiring him to install same, and in the event that same are not installed properly in the discretion of the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector may request the Village Board to authorize the Village to proceed to contract out the work for the installation of the necessary improvements in a sum not to exceed the amount of the escrow deposit. At the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for which escrow moneys are being deposited with the Building Inspector, the developer shall obtain and file with the Building Inspector prior to obtaining the certificate of occupancy a notarized statement from the purchaser or purchasers of the premises authorizing the Building Inspector to install the improvements at the end of the nine-month period in the event that the same have not been duly installed by the developer.
Where utilities required by the Planning Board are to be installed by a public utility company or improvement district the Planning Board may accept assurance from the public utility company or improvement district, in writing, that such installations will be furnished by the company or improvement district within a specified period of time and in accordance with the approved construction plans.
The applicant shall be required to maintain all improvements and provide for snow removal on streets and sidewalks, if required, until acceptance of said improvements by the Village Board. If there are any certificates of occupancy on a street not dedicated to the Village, the Village may on 12 hours' notice plow the street, or effect emergency repairs and charge same to the developer. The applicant shall be required to file a maintenance bond with the Village Board, prior to dedication, in an amount considered adequate by the Village Engineering Consultant and in a form satisfactory to the Village Attorney in order to assure the satisfactory condition of the required improvements for a period of one year after the date of their acceptance by the Village Board and dedication of same to the Village.
Acceptance of formal offers of dedication of streets, easements and parks shall rest with the Village Board. The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Village of any street easement or park shown on said plat. The Planning Board may require said plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect.
The Planning Board may defer or waive at the time of final approval, subject to appropriate conditions, the provision of any or all such improvements as, in its judgment, are not requisite in the interests of the public health, safety and general welfare, or which are inappropriate because of inadequacy or lack of connecting facilities.
Whenever it is deemed necessary by the Planning Board to defer the construction of any improvement required herein because of incompatible grades, future planning, inadequate or lack of connecting facilities, or for other reasons, the developer shall pay his share of the costs of the future improvements to the Village in escrow prior to signing of the final subdivision plat, or the developer may post a bond insuring completion of said improvements upon demand of the Village. The Village shall refund any funds so paid if not used for their intended purpose; and refund shall be made when the Village Board determines said funds shall not be so used.
Where a letter of credit has been required for a subdivision, no certificate of occupancy for any building in the subdivision shall be issued prior to the completion of the improvements and offer of dedication of same to the Village of Airmont or other public agency as required in the Planning Board's final approval of the subdivision plat. In general, the extent of said street improvement shall be adequate for vehicular access by the prospective occupant and by police and fire equipment, prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. The developer shall submit moneys in escrow to the Village in a sum determined by the Village Engineering Consultant for the final road wearing course or other necessary final improvement of the street.
No building permit shall be issued for the final 10% of lots in a subdivision, or, if 10% is less than two, for the final two lots in a subdivision, until all public improvements required by the Planning Board for the plat, including final road wearing course, have been fully completed and offered for dedication.