[Amended 9-23-1947; 11-22-1966]
No person shall use an eel comb or any instrument containing a series of multiple nails, spikes or picks to trap or dredge or catch eels or any other sea life, under power, within the Village of Babylon's waters. The intent of this provision is to preserve the ecology of the bay as well as the plant life on the sea bottom and to promote the taking of such sea life by sportsmen and not for commercial purposes.
No person shall use a net to take fish in any canal, creek or waterway in the Village of Babylon or in the waters adjacent thereto or within the limits thereof. However, netting for bait with a small scap net will not be deemed a violation of this chapter.
No person shall operate a motorboat in any canal, creek or waterway in the Village of Babylon at a speed exceeding five miles per hour or in any manner so as to damage boats moored in any canal, creek or waterway.
No person shall use any boat, vessel or other watercraft of any kind for living quarters while moored, anchored or fastened to any public dock, bulkhead, pier, beach or waterfront property in the Village of Babylon or in the waters adjacent thereto or within the limits thereof.
[Amended 10-11-1983 by L.L. No. 2-1983]
No person shall cast into or leave in any waters, streams, lakes, ponds or waterways in the Village of Babylon any harmful or destructive matter or thing whatsoever nor in any way foul the same nor stop up, block or divert the course thereof.
No person shall swim, bathe or wade in any water or waterways in or adjacent to any park, except in such waters and at such places as are provided therefor by signs so designating the use thereof for such purposes.
No person shall, in or adjacent to any park, bring in, engage in or operate any boat, raft or watercraft, whether motor-powered or not, or engage in toy or model aviation, kite flying, model boating or model automobiling, except as specifically authorized, in writing, by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon.
It shall be illegal for any boat owner or boat lessee to take on any fuel while moored at a Village facility from any vehicle or any boat. The boat owner as well as the person making the delivery can be charged with a violation under this section and is subject to the fines outlined in § 122-9 of this chapter.
[Added 10-25-1994 by L.L. No. 5-1994]
Refer to Chapter 306 for additional regulations pertaining to illicit discharges.
[Added 10-26-2010 by L.L. No. 1-2010]
Mooring and anchoring. No vessel or floating object is to be made fast to any dock, pier or wharf, rafted or otherwise made fast to any other vessel or anchored or otherwise secured to any underwater land in any harbor area within the Village of Babylon in such a manner as to obstruct the free and unimpeded navigation over such waterways. As a general rule, no vessel or floating object is to be docked, moored or otherwise secured to any dock, pier or wharf within the harbor areas of the Village of Babylon where it would occupy more than 1/4 the width of the harbor area (creek, canal or river) as measured along a perpendicular line from the dock, wharf or shoreline to which the vessel is secured to the opposite or parallel shoreline or wharf or anchored within 50 feet of the channel markers or in such manner as to interfere with the full use of the channel. Where, in the opinion of the Head of Code Enforcement, a vessel or floating object interferes with navigation in the harbor area, he shall issue a violation notice specifying that said vessel shall be moved or made fast so as not to interfere with navigation. The time for compliance with an order under this section is 48 hours unless for good cause the Head of Code Enforcement shall specify a lesser time. Failure to comply with a notice pursuant to this section shall be deemed a violation under this chapter.
[Added 1-8-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019]
Removal of dangerous, unseaworthy and disabled vessels. Any vessel which is abandoned, is a menace to navigation or is unseaworthy or has sunk, is grounded or has otherwise become disabled shall be removed by the owner or person in charge thereof on order of the Head of Code Enforcement to such a place as shall be directed by the Head of Code Enforcement. If said vessel is not removed within 10 days after order to the owner or last user thereof to remove it, it may be removed by or at the direction of the Head of Code Enforcement or any duly authorized officer or agent thereof at the expense of the owner or person in charge of said vessel, and the expense thereof shall be a lien upon the vessel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the presence of such a vessel presents an immediate threat to life, limb or property or the owner or last user thereof is not known, Head of Code Enforcement, in his sole discretion, without prior notice to the owner or the last user thereof, may remove such vessel to such place as he/she deems necessary. The expense thereof shall be a lien upon the vessel.
[Added 1-8-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019]