[Adopted by Ord. No. 873-91 (Sec. 17-15 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances)]
Wastewater collected in the Schellenger's Landing section of the Township of Lower, United States Coast Guard facilities in the City of Cape May, and from certain individual properties in the Borough of West Cape May, is conveyed through the City of Cape May sanitary sewer collection system to pumping stations of the Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority (CMCMUA) for treatment.
CMCMUA annually revises and adopts user charges for wastewater treatment and bills same to the City of Cape May for all wastewater flow to its pumping stations from the City of Cape May sanitary sewer collection system, including wastewater from Schellenger's Landing, Coast Guard facilities, and certain individual properties in West Cape May.
The City of Cape May Sewer Utility must, in turn, allocate the pro rata share of CMCMUA treatment charges to the jurisdictions and users generating the flow. The bulk user rates established hereby do not include costs of maintaining wastewater collector systems within Schellenger's Landing, within Coast Guard facilities, and within West Cape May. The bulk user rates are therefore lower than the rates charged to customers within the City of Cape May where costs of maintaining the wastewater collector system are included in the user rates.
City Council may, by resolution, authorize bulk user agreements to establish a specific basis for determining the pro rata shares of wastewater collected from bulk users or sources outside the boundaries of the City of Cape May. Unless otherwise established by such agreement, wastewater flow shall be determined on the basis of metered water consumption. Total wastewater treatment charges applicable to bulk users shall be determined by multiplying the total projected annual CMCMUA fixed and variable charges to the City of Cape May each year times 5 percent to cover administrative, finance and maintenance costs incurred by the City of Cape May Sewer Utility in connection with the wastewater collector system. Total wastewater treatment charges shall also reflect any prior year CMCMUA billing adjustments.
The wastewater treatment bulk rate shall be determined by dividing total wastewater treatment charges by the total metered water consumption during the prior year by the City of Cape May, Schellenger's Landing and Coast Guard facilities. The rate shall be multiplied times the actual current year metered water consumptions to determine current charges to be billed to bulk users on a quarterly or monthly basis by the Utility Collector.