Any application to the Planning Board of the Borough of Lavallette, for subdivision or site plan approval for the construction of multifamily dwellings of three or more units, single family developments of 50 or more units or any commercial, institutional, or industrial development for the utilization of 1,000 square feet or more of land, must include a recycling plan. This plan must contain at a minimum, the following:
A detailed analysis of the expected composition and amount of solid waste and recyclables generated at the proposed development; and
Locations documented on the application's site plan that provide for convenient recycling opportunities for all owners, tenants, and occupants. The recycling area shall be of sufficient size, convenient location and contain other attributes (signage, lighting, fencing, etc.) as may be determined by the Municipal Recycling Coordinator.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Borough of Lavallette, the owner of any new multi-family housing or commercial, institutional, or industrial development must supply a copy of a duly executed contract with a hauling company for the purposes of collection and recycling of source-separated recyclable materials, in those instances where the municipality does not otherwise provide this service.
Provision shall be made for the indoor, or enclosed outdoor, storage and pickup of solid waste, to be approved by the Municipal Engineer.
It shall be unlawful for solid waste collectors to collect solid waste that is mixed with, or contains visible signs of, designated recyclable materials. It is also unlawful for solid waste collectors to remove for disposal those bags or containers of solid waste which visibly display a warning notice sticker or other device indicating that the load of solid waste contains designated recyclable materials.
It shall be the responsibility of the resident or occupant to properly segregate the uncollected solid waste for proper disposal or recycling. Allowing such unseparated solid waste and recyclables to accumulate will be considered a violation of this article and the local sanitary code.