[Adopted 5-1-1978 by Ord. No. 8-78; amended 12-17-1979 by Ord. No. 20-79]
This article is enacted to establish rules and regulations for the protection, care and control of the public parks and playgrounds in the borough and to regulate the conduct of persons on or within such parks and playgrounds or using the facilities thereof.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes all public parks, playground facilities and other public recreational areas in the Borough of Mendham.
No person shall injure, deface, displace, remove, alter, disturb, tamper with, damage or destroy any trees, shrubs, soil, grass or plant life or any structure, building, post, playground equipment, water fountain, railing, fence, bench, seat, table, platform, walkway, telephone or electric pole, wires, pipes or appurtenances or any other park or recreational equipment or facility or any hydrant, water, storm or sewer drain, pipe, main, basin covering, manhole or any appendage or appurtenance thereof or any sign, inscription, post or monument erected or marked for any lawful purpose; or injure or in any way interfere with the operation of any machinery or equipment used under the direction of the borough or any of its departments, agencies or officials; or deface, destroy, alter, damage or tamper with any drive, path, walk, bridge, parking area or shelter; or take up, remove or carry away any asphalt, concrete, stone, rock, wood, gravel, clay or earth or make any excavation of any kind.
Every person using the rest rooms and washrooms shall cooperate to maintain them in a neat and sanitary condition.
No person shall construct or erect any building or structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary in nature, or run or string any public service utility lines into, upon or across any such lands except upon written authorization of the Borough Council.
No person shall bring into, sell, buy, expose for sale, consume, use or give away any alcoholic beverage in any park except as permitted by a temporary license granted by the Borough Council in accordance with applicable laws of the State of New Jersey.
No person shall kindle, build or maintain a fire within any park except in such areas as may be designated for that purpose. Only charcoal shall be used for cooking fires. No fire shall be left unattended, and any fire shall be put out immediately after use.
No person shall take into or discharge into or upon or suffer or permit any agent, employee or person in his or her charge to take into or discharge into or upon any park any rubbish, trash or garbage of any kind. All rubbish, trash and garbage generated within a park shall be placed in containers provided for that purpose.
Any person who takes a dog into any park shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 73, Animals, Article I, Dogs, providing for the regulation of dogs in the Borough of Mendham. No person shall ride or drive in or bring any horse into any park except over such trails as may be specifically set aside and identified as bridle paths. A map identifying bridle paths in Mendham Borough shall be available, upon request, at the borough administrative offices.
No person shall bring into any park or use in any park any rifle, shotgun, handgun, air gun, knife, slingshot or other similar weapon or instrument.
Except for unusual and unforeseen emergencies, parks shall be open to the public every day of the year during designated hours. The opening and closing hours for each individual park shall be posted therein for public information and shall be determined, from time to time, by resolution of the Borough Council. If no opening or closing hours are established and posted as herein provided, the parks shall be open from sunrise to sunset.
Any part or the whole of any park may be declared closed to the public by the Recreation Committee or the Borough Council at any time and for any interval of time, as it shall find reasonably necessary.
No person shall conduct himself or herself in a disorderly or indecent manner, commit any indecent act or use profane, indecent or obscene language in any public park. No person shall unreasonably interfere with or disturb any other person in the use of any park.
No person shall interfere with or fail to obey any park and playground personnel in the proper performance of their duties in any park.
No person shall park a vehicle in other than an established or designated parking area. Such use shall be in accordance with any posted directions and the directions of any attendant who may be present. In addition, no person shall leave a vehicle unattended or parked at night between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. anywhere in any park.
No person shall discharge into or leave in the water or waterways of any park any foreign substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid.
No person shall drive, operate, use or bring into any park any motorbike, minibike, motorcycle or any other motor vehicle except for duly licensed vehicles, and then only in areas, if any, designated for the operation of such vehicles.
No person shall post, exhibit or otherwise display any sign, poster or other advertising material in any park except where authorized in connection with the issuance of permits for special events under § 143-28. This section shall not apply to bulletin boards erected or maintained by the borough or any of its departments or agencies.
Editor's Note: Former § 143-28, Special event permits, was repealed 4-9-2020 by Ord. No. 01-2020. See now Ch. 185, Special Event Permits.
Editor's Note: Former § 143-29, Liability of permittee, was repealed 4-9-2020 by Ord. No. 01-2020.
[Amended 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 15-99]
The provisions of Articles I and II of this chapter, regulating specific matters relating to the borough ice-skating rink and tennis courts, shall continue in full force and effect and shall be construed as supplementary to the provisions of this article rather than in substitution thereof.
[Amended 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 15-99; 4-2-2007 by Ord. No. 3-07]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall be subject, upon conviction, to the penalties provided in § 1-15 of this Code.