Garage drains shall be intercepted before entering the sewer by a suitable catch basin properly trapped.
Where and when required. An intercepter or separator shall be installed in the drainage system of each establishment when in the opinion of the local authority a hazard exists from the careless disposal of waste material, accidental spills or overflow of grease-bearing flammable or other deleterious materials.
Oil interceptors. An approved oil separator shall be installed in the drainage system of gasoline service stations, garages, where car washing and/or gasoline storage is maintained, or any place of manufacturing where volatile inflammable liquid is on hand for use in the process and which by accident or otherwise may be admitted to the drainage system.
Grease interceptors. An approved grease interceptor and separator of adequate capacity shall be installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains or other fixtures in the following establishments when, in the opinion of the administrative authority, a hazard exists; restaurants, hotels kitchens or bars, factory, cafeterias or restaurants, clubs or other establishments where grease can be introduced to the drainage system in quantities that can effect line stoppage or hinder sewage disposal.
Sand interceptor. Sand and similar interceptors shall be so designed and located as to be readily accessible for cleaning and shall have a trap seal of not less than six inches.
Design, venting and accessibility. All interceptors shall be so designed that they will not become air-bound. They shall be vented and so located as to be readily accessible for cleaning.
Cellar or basement floor drains must connect into a deep seal trap so constructed that it can be cleaned readily, and under proper conditions sewer air excluded.
Material and design. Backwater valves shall have all bearing parts or balls of corrosion-resistant material and be so constructed as to insure a positive mechanical seal against backflow.
Location. Backwater valves shall be installed in drainage lines wherever such drainage pipes are subject to backflow or back pressure. Such backwater valves shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection and cleaning.
No steam exhaust, blowoff or drip pipe from a steam boiler shall connect with the sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe. Such pipe must discharge into a tank or condenser, from which an outlet to the drain may be provided, properly tapped.