The construction of the subdivision shall proceed in accordance with the final plat approval. Requirements of the subdivider during construction are herein stated for the following purposes:
To ensure that the subdivision is constructed in accordance with all plans and details submitted and approved under Article V, Final Plat Review and Approval, of these regulations.
To ensure the proposed subdivision meets all requirements of Article VIII, Design Standards, of these regulations.
To ensure the public health, safety and welfare during the construction of the subdivision.
To finalize all agreements, transfer of land and improvements to be dedicated for public use.
Availability of plans. During construction operations, the subdivider shall maintain a copy of the approved drawings on the site. Such plans will be used for review of work in process. If such drawings are not available on site, construction may be stopped until such time as the subdivider can provide and maintain the appropriate plans at the construction site.
Construction sequence. Prior to installation of road pavement, the developer shall, at the developer's own cost and expense, cause to have installed utilities and services, including but not limited to natural gas lines and utilities, electric lines and utilities, water mains, storm drains and sanitary sewer, including laterals to the property lines.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Street signs shall be supplied and installed by the Town of Moreau and shall be installed as soon after beginning of construction of the road as possible to ensure proper inspection and for identification by emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks and ambulances. The subdivider shall notify the Town Highway Superintendent at the earliest possible time that signs may be installed.
Prior to constructing any buildings, each lot shall have posted, visible from the public road, the lot and block number to ensure proper inspection and identification for emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks and ambulances.
Review by Town officials. The Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement Officer shall act as agent to the Planning Board for the purpose of assuring the satisfactory completion of improvements required by the Planning Board. The Highway Superintendent must inspect each phase of road construction and provide his or her findings to the agent of the Planning Board. If the Planning Board or the Zoning Enforcement Officer finds, upon inspection, that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with Planning Board recommendations or the approved construction plans or details, the applicant and the bonding company, if any, will be severally and jointly liable for the costs of completing said improvements according to specifications.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Construction inspection. The Town shall retain a licensed professional engineering consultant to inspect the installation of all utilities and road construction and confirm for the town's benefit that construction is in accordance with the approved subdivision drawings. The engineer shall provide written approval prior to any continued construction on the subdivision. The cost of this construction inspection service shall be borne by the subdivider and shall be paid to the Town prior to the acceptance of any roads in the subdivision.
[Amended 6-14-2022 by L.L. No. 3-2022]
A system of permanent monuments shall be located at all corners of all lots, intersections and angle points after the subdivision improvements are completed. Such monuments shall be installed by the engineer or land surveyor during the performance of the field work.
Monuments at intersections and angle point of streets shall be substantial granite posts with a cross on top or concrete posts four inches square. Monuments shall be accurately set, not less than three feet in the ground. Monuments at the corners of lots not coincidental with the street corners shall be iron rods set accurately not less than three feet in the ground.
Driveway permits. A driveway permit shall be required for all lots to be developed in the subdivision.
Record drawings. Prior to the release of any funds in escrow or monies or commitments held by the Town to the subdivider, approved record drawings conforming to construction records shall be submitted to the Town Planning Department. Such drawings shall be reviewed, approved and signed off by the Highway Department, the Water Department (for water and sewer) and the Zoning Officer.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
No clearing or construction shall begin prior to receiving final approval and permits from all local, county, and state agencies.
[Added 6-14-2022 by L.L. No. 3-2022]
Preconstruction conference. Once the subdivision plat has been filed and prior to any clearing, demolition or excavation on the subdivision site, the subdivider or his authorized agent shall meet with the officials from the Town Highway Department, Water Department and Zoning Enforcement Office to discuss town requirements, scheduling, inspection procedures and other issues pertinent to the construction phase of the subdivision as set forth in this Article.
Variance from plans.
If, upon inspection, any required improvements are not able to be constructed in accordance with the approved plat or construction plans or details to the extent that lot lines of the subdivision will be altered or where construction cannot be completed in accordance with the design standards established under Article VIII of these regulations, the subdivision shall be resubmitted to the Planning Board for review and approval under Article V. Final Plat Review and Approval, of these regulations.
In the event that any such modification is constructed without Planning Board approval, the Board shall institute proceedings to have the plat stricken from the records of the County Clerk.
Public streets, parks and recreation areas.
Public acceptance of streets. The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not constitute an acceptance by the town of a street or road in accordance with Article VIII, Design Standards, and other town standards related to the construction of roads and highways. Before the town accepts the street or road, the Town Highway Superintendent shall review said road or street and make recommendations to the Town Board for acceptance.
Ownership and maintenance of parks and recreation areas. When a park, playground or other recreation area or open space shall have been shown on a plat, the approval of the plat shall not constitute an acceptance by the town of such area. The Planning Board shall require the plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. The Planning Board may also require the filing of a declaration of dedication for any such area, which shall dedicate that area for the common use approved by the Town Board, which declaration shall be recorded in the Saratoga County Clerk's Office at the developer's expense. Such common area shall be assessed from the time of filing of the approved subdivision plat to all parcels in the plat benefiting therefrom.
Title insurance and fees. An abstract of title continued to recent date showing marketable title to the premises offered for dedication or, in the alternate, a policy of title insurance insuring the fee interest of said land to the Town of Moreau in amount not less than $10,000 shall be required. The subdivider shall be required to pay any and all deed recording fees and taxes required for the transfer of property.
See Article VII, Public Streets, Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Features, for requirements and procedure in making an offer of dedication of required improvements.