The Town Board may from time to time, on its own motion or on petition or on recommendation of the Town Planning Board, amend, supplement or repeal the regulations, provisions or district boundaries of this chapter in accordance with the provisions of the Town Law applicable thereto.
In the case of a proposed amendment which creates a new or enlarged zoning district, the Town Board may require the submittal of development plans showing the location and character of proposed structures and conditions of use for the premises concerned. The Town Board may require that such plans be modified and may qualify its approval of any such amendment by attaching a special endorsement thereto. Where any such amendment to the Zoning Map is qualified by a special endorsement, such amended district shall be identified on the Zoning Map by the letter "S" after the district classification. A copy of such qualified development plans shall be kept in a special file to be maintained by the Building Inspector, and no building permit or certificate of zoning compliance shall be issued with respect to any premises within such amended district except in accordance with the approved plans and conditions.
Filing of petition. A petition to amend, change or supplement the text of this chapter or any zoning district as designated on the Zoning Map established herein shall be filed with the Town Clerk on forms obtained from his office and shall be transmitted by him to the Town Board.
Referral to Planning Board. Each proposed amendment, except those initiated by the Town Planning Board, shall be referred to the Town Planning Board for an advisory report prior to the public hearing held by the Town Board. In reporting, the Town Planning Board shall fully state its reasons for recommending or opposing the adoption of such proposed amendment and, if it shall recommend adoption, shall describe any changes in conditions which it believes make the amendment desirable and shall state whether such amendment is in harmony with a comprehensive plan for land use in the town.
Public hearings, official notice, recording. Unless otherwise provided, the provisions of § 265 of Article 16 of the Town Law and subsequent amendments thereto, pertaining to public hearings, official notice and proper recording of zoning actions taken by the Town Board, shall apply to all amendments to this chapter.
Protests. In case of a protest against any change signed by the owners of 20% or more either of the area of the land included in such proposed change or of that immediately adjacent extending 100 feet therefrom or of that directly opposite thereto extending 100 feet from the street frontage of such opposite land, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of at least four members of the Town Board.
Rehearing on petition. The disposition of a petition for amendment by the Town Board shall be final, and disapproval or denial of the proposed amendment shall void the petition. No new petition for an amendment which has been previously denied by the Town Board shall be considered by it, except for a vote to table or to receive and file, and no public hearing shall be held on such amendment, within a period of one year from the date of such previous denial, unless the Town Planning Board shall submit a recommendation, with reasons stated therefor, certifying that there have been substantial changes in the situation which would merit a rehearing by the Town Board.
[Amended 5-9-1994]
The Town Planning Board[1] is hereby authorized to make reasonable changes in the zoning regulations affecting the land within a subdivision plat at the time such subdivision plat is approved by the Planning Board. Such changes shall be made in accordance with the provisions of § 278 of the Town Law.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 28, Planning Board.