In conjunction with any principal building or use hereafter established, there shall be provided on the same lot therewith off-street parking spaces to meet the minimum requirements specified in the Off-Street Parking Schedule (§ 194-18) and subject to the following regulations.
No unenclosed off-street parking facility shall be developed within 25 feet of a front lot line nor within 10 feet of a side or rear lot line.
[Amended 9-12-1996 by L.L. No. 9-1996]
Parking prohibited in residential zones. No parking required for a business use or an industrial use in a business or an industrial district (B-1, B-2, PBN, PCP, PRDP, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-1-S) shall be provided in a residence district.
[Amended 9-12-1996 by L.L. No. 9-1996]
General requirements. Required off-street parking facilities may be enclosed in a structure or may be open, provided that all required parking facilities shall be graded, surfaced, drained and suitably maintained as approved by the Planning Board, or Zoning Board, as the case may be, or by the Building Inspector in the event that no approvals from the Planning Board or Zoning Board are required. Plans for any off-street parking area shall provide for suitable markings to indicate parking spaces, maneuvering area, and entrances and exits.
Landscaping requirements. Required off-street parking shall meet the following landscaping requirements:
Front yard landscape buffer for parking areas. Any office, commercial or industrial development on Route 52 shall have a minimum fifty-foot suitably landscaped buffer strip along the Route 52 frontage. No parking or structures shall be placed within this buffer strip. Along the frontages of all other roads, a twenty-five-foot suitable landscaped buffer strip shall be required along the road frontage for any required street parking facility. The landscaping for these buffer areas shall be approved by the Planning Board or the Zoning Board, as the case may be, or by the Building Inspector in the event that no approval from the Planning Board or Zoning Board is required.
Side and rear landscape buffer. A suitably landscaped buffer of at least 10 feet in depth shall be provided along each side and rear lot line, and no parking or structures shall be placed within this buffer area. The landscaping for these buffer areas shall be approved by the Planning Board or the Zoning Board, as the case may be, or by the Building Inspector in the event that no approval from the Planning Board or Zoning Board is required.
Interior landscaping of parking areas. Landscaped median islands, where required under this section, shall be landscaped. At least one tree per each 10 parking spaces shall be provided as landscaping in the medians within the parking areas, or such other equivalent landscaping as approved by the Planning Board. This requirement shall be deemed to be in addition to any landscaping provided in the front, side or rear landscaped buffers as provided in Subsection A(1) and (2), above.
Size and dimensions of parking spaces and lanes between rows of parking.
Spaces: Parking spaces shall measure, at a minimum, 10 feet wide by 18 feet deep.
Lanes between rows/bays of parking: Rows of parking spaces shall be separated by a travel lane at least 24 feet wide.
Width and curbing of landscaped median islands between bays of parking: Landscaped islands separating bays of parking shall be at least eight feet wide, with a six-inch high curb. Curbing shall be provided for these bays utilizing concrete, granite, belgian block or other similar material, as approved by the Planning Board.
A sketch illustrating these dimensional requirements is attached to this section as Exhibit A and shall be incorporated as part of Article XIV.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A, Off-Street Parking Diagram, is included at the end of this chapter.
Required off-street parking facilities shall be maintained as long as the use or structure exists which the facilities are designed to serve. Required parking areas developed for specific structures and uses shall be reserved at all times to those persons who are employed at or make use of such structures and land uses, except when dedicated to and accepted by the town as public parking areas.
All parking spaces provided pursuant to this article shall be on the same lot with the building, except that the Board of Appeals may permit the parking spaces to be on a lot within 500 feet of the building if it determines that it is impractical to provide parking on the same lot with the building.