Each taxicab driver shall maintain a record in which he/she shall record all trips made each day, indicating the time, place of origin and destination of each trip, the number of passengers, and the charged rate(s). The person controlling the provision of the taxicab service, whether the taxicab driver, owner or operator, shall preserve such records for a period of one year, and shall make such records available at any time for inspection by the Village Police Department.
Each taxicab driver and operator shall provide service from any point at which he/she may stand or be located, or to which he/she may be called in the Village of Larchmont, to any other point or points in the Village of Larchmont.
Each taxicab driver shall accept as passengers those persons soliciting him/her for transportation, the number being limited by the seating capacity of his/her taxicab. The driver may carry passengers to their respective destinations in such manner as his/her dispatcher may determine, or, in the absence of a dispatcher, in such manner the driver determines in his own judgment, to be the most expeditious route for the fastest delivery of all passengers.
It is the responsibility of the taxicab driver and operator to ensure that taxi service is provided in a manner that is safe, adequate and reasonable.
In the course of their business, taxicab drivers shall conduct themselves at all times in an orderly manner and shall not use threatening, abusive or insulting language. They shall not solicit passengers unduly or in a noisy manner and shall refrain from acting in a way as to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct or be offensive to prospective or actual passengers or other taxicab drivers or persons.
No taxicab owner, operator or driver required to obtain any license hereunder shall operate or permit to be operated any taxicab at any time unless such taxicab shall have displayed on its exterior at least two signs identifying such taxicab as a taxicab and giving the name of the taxicab company or operator. The letters contained in such signs shall be no less than two inches in height. The signs shall either be placed on the front and back of the taxicab or on both sides. Every operator shall cause to be placed on the rear bumper of a taxicab a sticker issued by the Village Clerk indicating that the taxicab is a Village of Larchmont taxicab and containing the license plate number, vehicle identification number, year of issuance, and whatever other information the Chief of Police may require.
The Chief of Police, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may make such additional regulations as he/she shall determine necessary and reasonable to carry out the intent of this chapter, and licensees hereunder shall comply with any additional regulations so prescribed.
Each taxicab driver shall comply with all reasonable requests of the Village Police Department and any office thereof.
Fees for licenses under this chapter shall be as fixed by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
No person shall charge any rate for taxicab service originating within the Village greater than the rates set by the Board of Trustees from time to time. Fare rates established by the Board of Trustees cannot be changed without the Board's express approval. All taxicab drivers and operators shall honor the discounted fare rates for senior citizens and handicapped persons.
No person shall drive or cause to be driven any taxicab unless a laminated fare schedule (rate card), in the form designated by the Board of Trustees, in good, legible condition easily readable by all passengers, is displayed conspicuously on the front dashboard of the taxicab for all passengers' reference. Such fare schedule shall include, among other things, policy and rates for multiple passengers, surcharges, the name and phone number of the Larchmont Police Department, and any other information the Board of Trustees may require from time to time.
No person shall display or attempt to use any license that has been suspended or revoked or wear or display any taxicab driver's license that has not been lawfully issued to such person.
No person shall display or attempt to use any taxicab vehicle license with respect to any vehicle other than the one to which the license applies.