[Adopted 8-2-2004 by Ord. No. 107]
This article shall be known and cited as the "Blackman Township Tax Exemption Ordinance."
It is acknowledged that it is a proper public purpose of the State of Michigan and its political subdivisions to provide housing of its citizens of low income and to encourage the development of such housing by providing for a service charge in lieu of property taxes in accordance with the State Housing Development Authority Act of 1966 [1966 PA 346, as amended, MCLA § 125.1401 et seq., MSA Section 116.114(1) et seq.]. The Township of Blackman is authorized by this Act to establish or change the service charge to be paid in lieu of taxes by any or all classes of housing exempt from taxation under this Act at any amount it chooses, not to exceed the taxes that would be paid but for this Act. It is further acknowledged that such housing for persons of low income is a public necessity, and as the Township of Blackman will be benefited and improved by such housing, the encouragement of the same by providing certain real estate tax exemption for such housing is a valid public purpose; further, that the continuance of the provisions of this article for tax exemption and the service charge in lieu of taxes during the period contemplated in this article are essential to the determination of economic feasibility of housing developments which are constructed and financed in reliance on such tax exemption.
The Township of Blackman acknowledges that Reflections II Limited Dividend Housing Association Limited Partnership (the "sponsor") has offered, subject to receipt of a mortgage loan from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, or other lender, to erect, own and operate a housing development identified as Maple Ridge on certain property located at and more particularly described as:
See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file in the Township offices.
In the Township of Blackman to serve persons of low income, and that the sponsor has offered to pay the Township of Blackman on account of this housing development an annual service charge for public services in lieu of all taxes.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The State Housing Development Authority Act, being Public Act 346 of 1966, of the State of Michigan, as amended.[1]
The total collections during an agreed annual period from all occupants of a housing development representing rent or occupancy charges, exclusive of charges for gas, electricity, heat, or other utilities furnished to the occupants.
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
As defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in regulations promulgated pursuant to the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended. (Delete if inapplicable.)
A development which contains a significant element of housing for persons of low income and such elements of other housing, commercial, recreational, industrial, communal, and educational facilities as the Authority determines to improve the quality of the development as it relates to housing for persons of low income.
A loan to be made by the Authority, or other lender, to the sponsor for the construction and/or permanent financing of the housing development.
A household composed of one or more persons at least one of whom is 55 years of age or more at the time of initial occupancy.
Person(s) or entities which have applied to the Authority, or other lender, for a mortgage loan to finance a housing development.
Fuel, water, sanitary sewer service and/or electrical service which are paid by the housing development.
Editor's Note: See MCLA § 125.1401 et seq.
It is determined that the class of housing developments to which the tax exemption shall apply and for which a service charge shall be paid in lieu of such taxes shall be multiple dwellings for senior citizens which are located in Blackman Township and which are financed or assisted pursuant to the Act. It is further determined that Reflections II is of this class.
The housing development identified as Reflections II and the property on which it shall be constructed shall be exempt from all property taxes from and after the commencement of construction. The Township of Blackman, acknowledging that the sponsor and the Authority have established the economic feasibility of the housing development in reliance upon the enactment and continuing effect of this article and the qualification of the housing development for exemption from all property taxes and a payment in lieu of taxes as established in this article, and in consideration of the sponsor's offer, subject to receipt of a mortgage loan from the Authority, or other lender, to construct, own and operate the housing development, agrees to accept payment of an annual service charge for public services in lieu of all property taxes. The annual service charge shall be equal to 7% of the differences between annual shelter rents actually collected and utilities.
Notwithstanding § 105-75, the service charge to be paid each year in lieu of taxes for the part of the housing development which is tax exempt and which is occupied by other than low-income persons or families shall be equal to the full amount of the taxes which would be paid on that portion of the housing development if the housing development was not tax exempt.
The term "low-income persons or families" as used herein shall be the same meaning as found in Section 15(a)(7) of the Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See MCLA § 125.1415a(7).
The service charge in lieu of taxes as determined under this article shall be payable in the same manner as general property taxes are payable to the Charter Township of Blackman, except that the annual payment shall be paid on or before August 31 of each year.
Those housing projects which are currently exempt from taxation and are already making payment in lieu of tax (PILOT) payments shall not be affected nor shall the terms of the tax exemption and PILOT payments for those housing projects be changed by reason of the passage of this article.
This article shall remain in effect and shall not terminate so long as the mortgage loan remains outstanding and unpaid or the Authority has any interest in the property; provided that construction of the housing development commences within one year from the effective date of this article, and provided further the exemption shall not exceed 35 years from the date of the first payment towards amortization of the mortgage loan.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15(a)(5) of the Act[1] to the contrary, a contract between the Charter Township of Blackman and the sponsor with the Authority as third party beneficiary under the contract, to provide tax exemption and accept payments in lieu of taxes, as previously described, is effectuated by enactment of this article.
Editor's Note: See MCLA § 125.1415a(5).