[Added 9-8-1987 by Ord. No. 87-34]
Prohibited parking. The provisions of this section shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey statute or as hereinafter provided.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Section 7-16.1, Definitions, which immediately preceded this subsection, was deleted at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Towing of illegally parked vehicles. Any vehicle parking or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entranceways or exitways, block dempsey dumpsters, loading zones, fire hydrants, oil fills, any grass area, pedestrian walkway, parked or standing in violation of these regulations or any vehicle which in any way presents a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle. The owner or operator shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Vehicle identification. All vehicles on the West Windsor - Plainsboro High School grounds must be properly identified.
No stopping or standing. No person shall stop or stand a vehicle on any roadway or in any parking lot except in designated stalls.
Time limit parking. No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit shown upon any of the following streets or driveways or parking lots:
Name of Street
Time Limit
Main driveway
15 minutes
All times
In areas and in such manner as designated by signs and within the markings on the surface of the area
Handicapped parking.
[Amended 2-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-01]
All handicapped parking stalls and vehicles must be properly identified in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
All angle handicapped stalls shall be a minimum of 22 feet long and a minimum of eight feet wide with a minimum five foot adjacent access aisle.
All parallel handicapped stalls shall be 22 feet long and a minimum of eight feet wide with a minimum five foot adjacent access aisle.
Reserved school bus parking. (Reserved).
Reserved parking. All reserved stalls and vehicles must be properly identified.
One-way streets. The streets or parts of streets or driveways or parking lots described below are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Circle in rear of school from Penn Lyle Road to Penn Lyle Road
Entire length
Main driveway
Entire length
Parking Lot 1
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections: Unnamed roadway to Princeton Hightstown Road and the most southerly driveway from the rear parking lot.
Speed limits. The speed limits for both directions of traffic along the following roadways are hereby established for all roadways and driveways and parking areas: 15 miles per hour, entire length.
Parking prohibited certain hours. No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the following streets or parts of streets or driveways or parking lots during the hours listed:
Name of Street
Circle rear of school
7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Entire length
[Added 10-2-1989 by Ord. No. 89-46; amended 10-24-1994 by Ord. No. 94-49]
Regulation for the movement and the parking of traffic on municipal property. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following municipal properties shall have the movement of traffic controlled by the type of regulation indicated. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the regulation indicated.
Maurice Hawk School
[Added 2-6-1995 by Ord. No. 95-09]
No parking anytime
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Department
No stopping or standing
Municipal Complex
No right turn
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Department and NJDOT
One way
No stopping or standing
Visitor parking 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Municipal vehicles parking only
Municipal Complex
[Added 6-26-1995 by Ord. No. 95-25]
Stop intersection
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Department
West Windsor Community Park
15 mph
Entire length
No passing zones
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Department and NJDOT
Yield sign
Parking in designated area between painted lines
Regulation for the movement and the parking of traffic on private property open to the public. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46, the following private property that is open to the public and to which the public is invited shall have the movement of traffic controlled by the type of regulations indicated. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the regulations.
Regulation for the movement and the parking of traffic on all other private property. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the regulations of Subtitle 1 of Title 39 are hereby made applicable to the properties listed.
[Amended 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07]
Schedule A.
Avalon Watch
10 mph
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
No parking anytime
Parking in designated area between the painted lines
Carnegie Center
25 mph
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
15 mph
Stop signs
No parking anytime
Enclave at Princeton Junction development (apartments, commercial and townhomes)
[Added 1-25-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-01; amended 8-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-15]
25 mph
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division
Stop signs
Parking in designated areas between the painted lines only
No parking anytime in designated areas, alleys and fire lanes
Yield signs
Market Fair
Stop signs
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
Yield signs
Lane designations
No stopping or standing
Parking in designated area between painted lines
No parking anytime
Bicycle parking
Princeton Arms
Stop signs
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
No stopping or standing
Bicycle parking
Stop signs
Village Square
Stop signs
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
Do not enter
One way
No stopping or standing
Windsor Green
Stop signs
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division and NJDOT
No stopping or standing
No parking anytime
Do not enter
Parking in designated area between the painted lines
Windsor Haven
[Added 9-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-19]
Parking in designated areas between the painted lines only
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division
No parking anytime in designated fire lanes
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division
Windsor Plaza
Stop signs
As shown on sketch on file with Township
No stopping or standing
Police Division and NJDOT
Parking in designated area between the painted lines
Bicycle parking
Woodmont Way at West Windsor
[Added 2-26-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-04]
25 mph
As shown on sketch on file with Township Police Division
Stop signs
Parking in designated areas between the painted lines
No Parking anytime including hatched areas
Do Not Enter
Schedule B.
[Added 5-30-1995 by Ord. No. 95-22; amended 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-10]
Nassau Park Retail Center.
Through streets. The following street or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street.
Name of Street
Nassau Park Boulevard
Entire length
McClain Way
Entire length
Road C
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections:
Stop Sign On
Pavilion Way and Road C
Road C
Pavilion Way and Road D
Road D
Nassau Park Boulevard and Gateway Drive
Gateway Drive
Speed limits.
The speed limits for both directions of travel in the parking lots and roadway shall be 15 miles per hour.
The speed limits for both directions of travel on the following roads are:
Name of Road
Speed limit
Nassau Park Boulevard
Entire length
Pavilion Way
Entire length
McClain Way
Entire length
Lane use reservation. Traffic shall move only as indicated below:
Nassau Park Boulevard:
As indicated on site plan.
As approved in traffic signal plan.
Weight limitations. Trucks over four tons gross weight are hereby excluded from the main parking area, except for pickup and delivery of materials in the area.
[1] Loading zones: as designated as per site plan.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(2)(a)[6], regarding bus stops on Nassau Park Boulevard, was repealed 5-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-04. See now § 168-76.
Restricted parking.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle anytime upon any of the following described roadways or parts of roadways:
Name of Street
Road D
Entire length
All vehicles must park only in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Reserved parking. All vehicles that are granted special parking in this section, such as police vehicles, ambulances, teachers, etc., must be properly identified, and the reserved parking spaces must be shown on the attached site plan.
Loading zone(s). The locations described are hereby designated as loading zones. No person shall park a vehicle in said location during the times indicated other than for the loading and unloading of goods and materials.
Name of Street
Road E
As indicated on site plan
Tow away. Any vehicle parking or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area or pedestrian walkway or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
Nassau Park Pavilion.
Stop intersections. The following intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections:
Stop Sign On
Nassau Park Boulevard and Houston Street
Houston Street
Nassau Park Boulevard and T Main
T Main
Speed limits: The speed limits for both directions of travel in the parking lots and roadway shall be 15 miles per hour.
Lane use reservation: as shown on sketch on file with Police Division.
Weight limitations: Trucks over four tons gross weight are hereby excluded from the Main Parking Area, except for pickup and delivery of materials in the area.
No stopping or standing: as shown on sketch on file with Police Division.
General parking: All vehicles must park only in designated area and between the painted lines.
Reserved parking. (Reserved).
Loading zones: as shown on sketch on file with Police Division.
Schedule C: The Southfield Retail Center
[Added 11-25-1996 by Ord. No. 96-31; amended 8-11-1997 by Ord. No. 97-05]
Through streets; stop and yield intersections.
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation:
Name of Street
Road A
Entire length
Road C
Entire length
Road D
Entire length
Road F
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Signs On
Lot A and Road B
Lot A
Lot F and Teller Drive
Lot F
One-way streets. The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated.
Name of Street
Teller Drive
Entire length
Turn prohibitions. No person shall make a turn at any location listed below and only in the manner described.
Turn Prohibited
Movement Prohibited
Road A and Princeton - Hightstown Road (County Road 571)
From Southbound on Road A to eastbound on Princeton - Hightstown Road (County Road 571)
Road E and Southfield
From eastbound on Road E to northbound on Southfield Road
Lane use reservations. The lane locations described below are designated as lane use reservations and traffic shall move as indicated.
Road A and Southfield Road
Eastbound left lane of Road A reserved for left turn only
Eastbound right lane of Road
A reserved for right turn only
Vehicles over designated weight excluded from certain streets. Vehicles over the registered gross weight are hereby excluded from the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Road A
4 tons
Entire length
Speed limits
The speed limit for both directions in the parking lot(s) shall be 15 miles per hour.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
All roads
15 mph
Entire length
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below:
Name of Street
All roads
Entire length
Handicapped parking. All stalls shall be twelve-foot wide as shown on the attached site plan and signed with R7-8 and R7-8P (Reserved Parking Sign and Penalty Plate), in the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued the handicapped parking permits by the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Towing of illegally parked vehicles. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grass area or pedestrian walkway or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
Installation and maintenance. All signs, posts, bolts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. Work shall be checked by the Police Division to ensure installations meet state and federal specifications, and all signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Penalty for bicycles. For any violation of this section relating to the parking of bicycles, the maximum penalty, upon conviction, shall be a fine not exceeding $10.