All multifamily structures will be subject to the residential development design standards as well as the standards listed below.
Front yard and building entrance. The intent is to provide separation between buildings and public pedestrian areas where the front yard functions as a usable outdoor space and provides a clear, welcoming, and safe entry for pedestrians from the sidewalk to the building.
Required standards.
When there are common entries, they shall be clearly identifiable and visible from the street with well-defined walkways from pedestrian routes to building entries.
All structures shall have a visible address number on the structure facing the parking area or street with the ability to be seen during all hours of the day (reflective material or illumination as determined by the Planning Commission).
Front yards shall include an entrance sequence between the sidewalk and the building including features, such as trellises, site furnishings, low hedges, landscaped borders, and special paving.
Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided to create conditions of personal security.
Primary building entrances shall face the street or as determined by the Planning Commission.
Encouraged guidelines.
All landscape areas should include a wide range of plant materials including perennials and flowering shrubs. A minimum of 40% plant material should provide seasonal color or interest.
Landscape planting should consider the use of native shrubs and ground cover.
Accent lighting should be used to highlight special focal points, building/site entrances, public art and special landscape features.
Roof pitch.
Required standards.
Structures shall have pitched roofs with slopes between 6:12 (rise:run) and 12:12 (not applicable to porches and dormers).
Roof-mounted mechanical equipment located on the exterior of the roof shall be located within wells or pockets to preserve the visible rooflines. The mechanical well floor would not be subject to the slope. However, in no event shall such roof-mounted equipment project above the building's roof line. All mechanical equipment and structures must be screened from view.
Architectural features. The intent is to ensure that all sides of a building have visual interest.
Required standards.
All sides of the building visible from a street, public open space or alley shall be given architectural treatment using two or more of the following:
Visible rooflines.
Secondary entrances.
Architectural details.
Dormers shall be used to break up long lengths of roof.
Horizontal facades longer than 30 feet shall be articulated into smaller units, consistent with the residential scale. At least two of the following methods shall be included:
Distinctive roof forms.
Changes in materials.
Window patterns.
Color differentiations.
Buildings shall include articulation along the facades facing and visible from public rights-of-way. Flat, bland exterior walls are discouraged.
Encouraged guidelines.
Gables facing the street are encouraged.
Windows should have visually prominent trim.
Other decorative window features are encouraged, such as:
Arched windows.
Flower boxes.
Window shutters, sized appropriately and proportionately to the window.
A variety of window sizes and shapes that contribute to overall composition is also encouraged.
Wing-roof porches to create roof line diversities.
Common areas. The intent is to provide a pedestrian-friendly environment through the creation of a variety of usable and interesting opens spaces within multifamily developments.
Required standards.
Multifamily structures and development projects shall be planned to maximize opportunities for creating usable, well-integrated open space.
Where provided, pedestrian spaces shall be visible and accessible to residents.
A minimum of 25% of the landscaped area shall be planted with trees and plants, other than turf or lawn. Reforestation or protection of existing woodlands may satisfy this requirement.
Common outdoor areas shall provide at least four of the following amenities to accommodate a variety of uses and activities. The location of any such amenities shall be approved by the Planning Commission. Amenities include:
Site furnishings.
Picnic areas.
Patios or courtyards.
Open lawns with trees.
Play fields.
Special interest landscapes.
Pedestrian trails and bicycle paths with scaled bollards and accent lightings.
Special pavings such as colored or stained concrete, stone, brick, or other unit pavers.
Public art.
Water features.
Sports courts such as tennis, basketball, or volleyball.
Tot lot.
Play equipment.
Hardscape tables for card and board games.
Other options as determined and approved by the Planning Commission.
Encouraged guidelines.
Outdoor seating opportunities such as benches, seat walls, ledges, perches, boulders, artwork, etc. should be provided near building entries, along walkways, and other pedestrian routes outside of parking areas.
Garden elements, such as trellises, arbors, hanging baskets, site furniture, and container planting are encouraged within open spaces, along pedestrian circulation routes and to define building and/or residential entrances.
Perennials and/or annuals are encouraged to provide special interest and highlight pedestrian areas such as building and/or site entrances, public open space, plazas and major pedestrian routes.
Individual outdoor space. The intent is to provide outdoor space that encourages a sense of ownership by residents.
Required standards.
When present, individual outdoor spaces such as decks, terraces, and patios shall be visually shielded from each other. Shielding may consist of walls, fences, berms, hedges, and landscaping.
Outdoor spaces used to meet these standards shall not be located within required landscape buffers.
Outdoor spaces shall not be located adjacent to dumpsters, enclosures, loading/service areas, or other incompatible uses.
Encouraged guidelines.
Where landscaped areas are provided, plant materials should be a mixture of deciduous and evergreen varieties. A minimum of 20% plant varieties shall provide interesting color, texture, aroma, and/or other special interest.
Mailbox locations. The intent is to provide a safe and sheltered area for cluster mailbox service accommodating multiple residents located within a multifamily development.
Required standards.
Location of the cluster mailbox shall be centrally located to accommodate several residents and built as determined by the local postmaster.
A weather-protected shelter/facility shall be built to allow for the pickup and dropoff of mail that is safe and provides sufficient light.
Pedestrian access to the mailbox location shall be provided and clearly identified as a safe and clear passage for pedestrians.
The shelter/facility shall be built according to the character of the neighborhood.
Bus dropoff/pickup area. The intent is to provide a safe and sheltered area for bus services to include mass transit if available and school bus service accommodating multiple residents located within a multifamily development.
Required standards.
Location of the bus service area shall be centrally located. A designated parking pull-off area from the existing roadways to allow traffic to continue to move in a safe manner shall be provided.
The centrally located parking pull-off area shall be next to a weather-protected shelter/facility located in a safe and well-lit area.
The proposed facility shall be built so individuals awaiting pickup can sit and see the bus arriving.
The shelter/facility shall be designed according to the character of the neighborhood.
The roadway network shall be designed so that buses can maneuver easily and have clear view of bus stops and pedestrian walkways.
Screening of trash service areas. The intent is to provide a safe and clearly marked area for trash service pickup. This area should be clear of vehicular traffic and low in pedestrian volume to enable trash removal vehicles an area unobstructed to perform services. Reduce the visual impact of service, loading and trash storage areas.
Required standards.
All trash service areas shall be screened by a combination of masonry, wood, or vinyl walls and planting areas.
Trash service areas shall be screened by walls and plantings on four sides and placed on concrete pad.
Trash service areas shall not face any residential district, unless no other location is possible as deemed by the Planning Commission.
Shoulders, fire lanes or right-of-way areas shall not be used or designated as trash service areas.