[Added 10-21-1999 ATM by Art. 28]
CV (Center Village) zoning is intended to aid in revitalizing, preserving and expanding the village character of Chelmsford's traditional business districts.
The qualities that make up the character of a traditional New England village center are encouraged through:
Maximum retail floor area to strengthen small business development.
Shared parking to minimize curb cuts and maximize pedestrian safety.
Residential uses are allowed as an accessory use to reinforce downtown village character.
Minimum Lot Requirements Area
(x 1,000 square feet)
Width (feet)
Depth (feet)
Frontage (feet)
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front (feet)
Side (feet)
Rear (feet)
Maximum Building Coverage
Height (feet)
Floor area ratio
Minimum Building Height (feet)
1May be partially or completely reduced by special permit from the Planning Board upon a finding that the setbacks as imposed by the district would result in construction of structures that are not in keeping with the area's scale and character. The Planning Board must further find that the relaxation of said standards will not interfere with or negatively impact abutting properties, particularly property used or zoned for residential purposes.
2For any structure of 600 square feet or larger.
In the CV (Center Village) District, the required parking shall be reduced by 20% for the requirements of § 195-17, Minimum parking requirements, except for multifamily use. A special permit may be granted by the Planning Board for a total reduction not to exceed 50%. Parking within front yards shall be prohibited.
[Amended 6-21-2021 ATM by Art. 37]
Parking lots of more than 20 spaces shall provide landscaping to equal 10% of the total paved area of the site. Such landscaping shall be contained within or adjacent to the parking lot.
All drives and parking lots shall be edged with vertical granite curbing in accordance with MHD standard specifications.
The Planning Board may waive full compliance with Article V, Off-Street Parking and Loading, by special permit, upon a finding that the strict compliance with the applicable section would result in construction of structures that are not in keeping with the area's scale and character.
The requirements of Article IX, Landscaping, shall not apply to the CV District, except for multifamily use. The Planning Board, during the site plan approval process, shall require adequate landscaping to accomplish the objectives of this section.
Architectural styles shall reflect and strengthen the character of primary buildings existing in the CV District.
Exterior building materials shall be chosen to be consistent with those of the primary structures existing in the CV District.
Buildings shall be constructed with a minimum of two stories or a suitable facade suggestive of two stories.
Lighting shall be consistent with the character of a village zoning district. A lighting plan shall be required in conjunction with the site plan review. Lighting shall be designed to illuminate the subject property and shall not encroach onto abutting properties.