The minimum number of accessory off-street parking
spaces shall conform to the requirements of the Use Table, Column
F except that:
A. The Planning Board, in conjunction with the development
plan approval, may permit a reduction in the number of developed parking
spaces where adequate accessible reserve areas are available and designated
on the plan as areas for overflow parking.
B. The Planning Board may reduce the required number
of parking spaces upon demonstration by the applicant that the number
exceeds the design-hour requirement and a demonstration that such
reduction would not induce parking on public ways or result in hazardous
conditions for vehicles and pedestrians within or proximate to the
site. This reduction by the Planning Board may not exceed 25% of the
normally required amount.
Wherever a parking area of over five spaces
abuts or is within 15 feet of a lot in any residence district, it
shall be screened from such residential lot by a substantial wall,
fence or thick hedge approved by the Planning Board.
No driveway shall provide access to a lot located
in a nonresidential district across land in a residential district.
[Amended 3-28-1989]
One house trailer, horse trailer, recreational vehicle or boat and boat trailer may be parked or stored on any developed residential lot behind the front yard line or any required yard and shall be screened from view. All other parking, storage or use of such vehicles is prohibited, except as provided by for in §
250-33B. The use of such vehicles for dwelling purposes or for storage purposes is prohibited.