The general requirements of this article apply to all development proposed within all special flood hazard areas identified in § 78-5.
In all flood zones:
Subdivision proposals and development proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage and are subject to all applicable standards in this chapter.
Subdivision proposals and development proposals shall have utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
Subdivision proposals and development proposals shall have adequate drainage paths provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards and to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures.
Subdivision proposals and development proposals containing at least five lots or at least five acres, whichever is the lesser, that are wholly or partially in flood hazard areas where base flood elevation data are not provided by the Floodplain Administrator or available from other sources, shall be supported by determinations of base flood elevations as required in § 78-15 of this chapter.
Subdivision access roads shall have the driving surface at or above the base flood elevation.
In special flood hazard areas of nontidal waters of the state:
Subdivision proposals shall be laid out such that proposed building pads are located outside of the special flood hazard area and any portion of platted lots that include land areas that are below the base flood elevation shall be used for other purposes, deed restricted, or otherwise protected to preserve it as open space.
Subdivision access roads shall have the driving surface at or above the base flood elevation.
New and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems.
New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into systems and discharges from systems into floodwaters.
On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to or contamination from them during conditions of flooding.
New buildings and structures (including the placement and replacement of manufactured homes) and substantial improvement of existing structures (including manufactured homes) that are located, in whole or in part, in any special flood hazard area shall:
Be designed (or modified) and constructed to safely support flood loads. The construction shall provide a complete load path capable of transferring all loads from their point of origin through the load-resisting elements to the foundation. Structures shall be designed, connected and anchored to resist flotation, collapse or permanent lateral movement due to structural loads and stresses, including hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads and the effects of buoyancy, from flooding equal to the flood protection elevation or the elevation required by this chapter or the Building Code, whichever is higher.
Be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage.
Use flood-damage-resistant materials below the elevation of the lowest floor required in § 78-34A or § 78-35A (for A Zones) or § 78-40B (for V Zones and Coastal A Zones).
Have electrical systems, equipment and components, and mechanical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and plumbing appliances, plumbing fixtures, duct systems, and other service equipment located at or above the elevation of the lowest floor required in § 78-34A or § 78-35A (A Zones) or § 78-40B (V Zones and Coastal A Zones). Electrical wiring systems are permitted to be located below elevation of the lowest floor provided they conform to the provisions of the electrical part of the Building Code for wet locations. If replaced as part of a substantial improvement, electrical systems, equipment and components, and heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and plumbing appliances, plumbing fixtures, duct systems, and other service equipment shall meet the requirements of this section.
Have the electric panelboard elevated at least three feet above the BFE.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E, which permitted the location of service equipment below the elevation of the lowest floor if it was designed and installed to be protected during the occurrence of flooding, was repealed 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 1063. Ordinance No. 1063 also redesignated former Subsections F through J as Subsections E through I, respectively.
If located in flood hazard areas (A Zones) that are not identified as "Coastal A Zones" and coastal high hazard areas (V Zones), comply with the specific requirements of Article V.
If located in a Coastal A Zone, comply with the specific requirements of:
Article VI (new construction and placement of new manufactured homes); or
Article V [substantial improvements (including repair of substantial damage) and replacement manufactured homes].
If located in coastal high hazard areas (V Zones), comply with the specific requirements of Article VI.
Comply with the requirements of the most restrictive designation if located on a site that has more than one flood zone designation (A Zone, designated floodway, Coastal A Zone, V Zone).
Disposal of fill, including but not limited to earthen soils, rock, rubble, construction debris, woody debris, and trash, shall not be permitted in special flood hazard areas.
Fill shall not be placed in Coastal A Zones or coastal high hazard areas (V Zones) except as provided in § 78-39.
Fill proposed to be placed to elevate structures in flood hazard areas (A Zones) that are not Coastal A Zones or coastal high hazard areas (V Zones) shall comply with the floodways requirements in § 78-33A, B, and C, and the limitations of § 78-34B.
Repair, alteration, addition, rehabilitation, or other improvement of historic structures shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter if the proposed work is determined to be a substantial improvement, unless a determination is made that the proposed work will not preclude the structure's continued designation as an historic structure. The Floodplain Administrator may require documentation of a structure's continued eligibility and designation as an historic structure.
New manufactured homes shall not be placed or installed in floodways or coastal high hazard areas (V Zones).
For the purpose of this chapter, the lowest floor of a manufactured home is the bottom of the lowest horizontal supporting member (longitudinal chassis frame beam).
New manufactured homes located outside of floodways and coastal high hazard areas (V Zones), replacement manufactured homes in any flood hazard areas, and substantial improvement (including repair of substantial damage) of existing manufactured homes in all flood hazard areas shall:
Be elevated on a permanent, reinforced foundation in accordance with Article V or Article VI, as applicable to the flood zone;
Be installed in accordance with the anchor and tie-down requirements of the Building Code or the manufacturer's written installation instructions and specifications; and
Have enclosures below the lowest floor of the elevated manufactured home, if any, including enclosures that are surrounded by rigid skirting or other material that is attached to the frame or foundation, that comply with the requirements of Article V or Article VI, as applicable to the flood zone.
[NOTE: See "Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards: A Multi-Hazard Foundation and Installation Guide" (FEMA P-85).]
Recreational vehicles shall:
Meet the requirements for manufactured homes in § 78-25; or
Be fully licensed and ready for highway use; or
Be on a site for less than 180 consecutive days.
Critical and essential facilities shall:
Not be located in coastal high hazard areas (V Zones), Coastal A Zones or floodways.
If located in flood hazard areas other than coastal high hazard areas, Coastal A Zones and floodways, be elevated to the higher of elevation required by this chapter plus one foot, the elevation required by the Building Code, or the elevation of the two-tenths-percent chance (five-hundred-year) flood.
In addition to the application requirements of § 78-15, applications for the placement or erection of temporary structures and the temporary storage of any goods, materials, and equipment, shall specify the duration of the temporary use. Temporary structures and temporary storage in floodways shall meet the limitations of § 78-33A of this chapter. In addition:
Temporary structures shall:
Be designed and constructed to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement resulting from hydrodynamic loads and hydrostatic loads during conditions of the base flood;
Have electric service installed in compliance with the Electric Code; and
Comply with all other requirements of the applicable state and local permit authorities.
Temporary storage shall not include hazardous materials.
Underground tanks in flood hazard areas shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement resulting from hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy, during conditions of the base flood.
Above-ground tanks in flood hazard areas shall be anchored to a supporting structure and elevated to or above the base flood elevation, or shall be anchored or otherwise designed and constructed to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy, during conditions of the base flood.
In flood hazard areas, tank inlets, fill openings, outlets and vents shall be:
At or above the base flood elevation or fitted with covers designed to prevent the inflow of floodwater or outflow of the contents of the tanks during conditions of the base flood; and
Anchored to prevent lateral movement resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy, during conditions of the base flood.
Applications for functionally dependent uses that do not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall be approved only by variances issued pursuant to Article VII. If approved, functionally dependent uses shall be protected by methods that minimize flood damage during the base flood, including measures to allow floodwaters to enter and exit, use of flood-damage-resistant materials, and elevation of electric service and equipment to the extent practical given the use of the building.