Every officer and employee of the City shall be subject to and shall abide by the Code of Ethics, Chapter
27 of the Code of the City of Ogdensburg.
Department heads are required to attend City Council meetings
that contain agenda items pertaining to their departments. Staff and
department heads are not expected to be in attendance at City Council
meetings during the entire session, but they should be in attendance
for the item pertaining to their area. The following administrative
policy has been adopted to guide the department heads regarding attendance:
A. Department heads shall review the City Council agenda before 9:00
a.m. on the Monday of the meeting.
B. Department heads shall be present at the Council meeting only as
long as items affecting their department are on the agenda.
C. The City Attorney, City Comptroller and City Clerk will be required
to be present throughout the session.
D. Either the Director of Public Works or the City Engineer, or both,
should be present through the meeting due to possible questions affecting
that Department.
E. Either the Police Chief or the Police Lieutenant, or both, should
be present through the meeting due to possible questions affecting
that Department.
F. Division heads need not be present unless requested by the department
[Amended 9-10-2001 by Ord. No. 12-2001; 8-10-2015 by Ord. No. 14-2015]
A. Authority.
1.1. Charter. Section
C-16B of the City Charter of the City of Ogdensburg provides that the Council may determine its own rules of procedure for meetings. The following set of rules shall be in effect upon their adoption by the Council and until such time as they are amended or new rules adopted in the manner provided by these rules.
General rules.
2.1. Meetings to the public. Except as allowed by law, all meetings of
the Council shall be open to the public. The minutes of the proceedings
shall be open to public inspection.
2.2. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute
a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum
is not present, those in attendance will be named and they shall adjourn
to a later time.
2.3. Compelling attendance. The Council may adjourn from day to day to
compel the attendance of absent members.
2.4. The minutes of proceedings. An account of all proceedings of the
Council shall be kept by the City Clerk and shall be entered in a
book constituting the official record of the Council.
2.5. Ordinances: confined to one subject, exceptions. No ordinance except
an appropriation ordinance, an ordinance adopting or embodying an
administrative or governmental code or an ordinance adopting a code
of ordinances, shall relate to more than one subject, which shall
be clearly stated in its title.
2.6. Right of floor. Any member desiring to speak shall be recognized
by the Chair, and shall confine his or her remarks to the one subject
under consideration or to be considered. Each Councilor shall be given
an opportunity to speak on an issue. Councilors who have spoken shall
reserve further remarks until all other Councilors have been given
the opportunity to speak.
2.7. City Manager. The City Manager or designated agent shall attend all
meetings of the Council. The City Manager may make recommendations
to the Council and shall have the right to take part in all discussions
of the Council, but shall have no vote.
2.8. City Attorney. The Attorney shall attend all meetings of the Council
unless excused and shall, upon request, give an opinion, either written
or oral, on questions of law. The City Attorney shall act as the Council's
2.9. City Clerk. The City Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Council
unless excused and shall keep the official journal (minutes) and perform
such other duties as may be requested by the Council.
Officers and employees. Department heads of the City, when there
is pertinent business from their department on the Council agenda,
shall attend such Council meetings upon request of the City Manager.
Rules of order. Except as provided by law, the Charter of the
City of Ogdensburg and these rules, "Roberts Rules of Order Revised"
shall govern the proceedings of the Council.
Business. The policy-making business, which is everything on
the agenda, is to be conducted by the elected officials.
Types of meetings.
3.1. Regular meeting. The Council shall meet in the City Council Chambers
for regular, adjourned and special meetings. The regular Council meetings
are to commence at 6:00 p.m., on the second and fourth Monday of each
month, except in the month of December when regular Council meetings
shall be held on the first and second Monday of the month.
[Amended 12-14-2020 by Ord. No. 17-2020]
3.2. Special meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or
the call of two or more members of the Council and upon no less than
24 hours' written notice. The call for a special meeting shall be
filed with the City Clerk in written form, except an announcement
of a special meeting during any regular meeting at which all members
are present shall be sufficient notice of such special meeting. The
call for a special meeting shall specify the day, the hour and the
location of the special meeting and shall list the subject or subjects
to be considered. Only such business may be transacted at a special
meeting as may be listed in the call for said meeting or an incident
3.3. Adjourned meetings. Any meeting of the Council may be adjourned to
a later date and time, provided that no adjournment shall be for a
longer period than until the next regular meeting.
3.4. Committee of the Whole Council. The Council may meet informally in
Committee of the Whole Sessions (open to the public), at the call
of the Mayor or of any four members of the Council, to review forthcoming
programs of the City, receive progress reports on current programs
or projects or receive other similar information from the City Manager,
provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall be informal.
3.5. Executive session. Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held
in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Law. Executive
sessions may be held during regular, special or committee meetings.
3.6. Attendance of media at Council meetings. All official meetings of
the City Council and its committees shall be open to the media, freely
subject to recording by radio, television and photographic services
at any time, provided that such arrangements do not interfere with
the orderly conduct of the meeting.
Chair and duties.
4.1. Chair. The Mayor, if present, shall preside as Chair at all meetings
of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall
preside. In the absence of both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, the
Council shall elect a Chair.
4.2. Call to order. The meetings of the Council shall be called to order
by the Mayor, or in his absence, by the Deputy Mayor. In the absence
of both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, the meeting shall be called
to order by the City Clerk for the election of a temporary Chair.
4.3. Preservation of order. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum,
prevent attacks on personalities or the impugning of members' motives
and confine members in debate to the question under discussion.
4.4. Points of order. The Chair shall determine all points of order, subject
to the right of any member to appeal to the Council. If an appeal
is taken, the question shall be, "Shall the decision of the Chair
be sustained?"
4.5. Questions to be stated. The Chair shall state all questions submitted
for a vote and shall call for the vote. The Clerk shall announce the
result. Unless otherwise allowed, a roll call vote shall be taken
in the manner provided in Section 6.9 of these rules.
4.6. Substitution for Chair. The Chair may call may call any other member
to temporarily chair the meeting to cover a temporary absence, such
substitution not to continue beyond adjournment.
Order of business
and agenda.
5.1. Order of business. The general rule as to the order of business in
regular meetings shall be as follows:
6. Reading of communication.
5.2. Agenda. The order of business of each meeting shall be as contained
in the agenda prepared by the City Manager. The City Council agenda
will be closed the Thursday prior to the Monday meeting at 12:00 noon.
Items submitted by department heads to be included on the agenda should
be in proper form and in the Manager's office by this time. All items
submitted for the agenda shall have a completed agenda bill signed
by the department head. The agenda shall be a listing by topic of
subjects to be consider by the Council, and shall be delivered to
members of the Council at least 24 hours preceding the meeting to
which it pertains. Department heads shall be responsible for summarizing
materials for the agenda in a form which can be incorporated on the
agenda in sufficient detail, with background information which adequately
explains the need for the action recommended. Reports being prepared
for City Council communications must be in the Manager's office allowing
enough time to give the City Manager an opportunity to review and
incorporate additional material if necessary.
5.3. Presentation by members of Council. The agenda shall provide a time
when the Mayor or any Councillor may bring before the Council any
business that he/she feels should be deliberated upon by the Council.
These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal
action on such matters shall be deferred until a subsequent Council
meeting, except that immediate action may be taken upon a vote of
two-thirds of all members of the Council.
Local Laws, ordinances, resolutions
and motions.
6.1. Form. Local laws, ordinances and resolutions shall be presented to
the Council only in printed or typewritten form.
6.2. Funding. All local laws, ordinances or resolutions authorizing an
expenditure of money shall include the exact source of the funds to
be expended.
6.3. City attorney to approve. The City Attorney shall approve all local
laws, ordinances and resolutions as to form and legality.
6.4. City Manager to review. All local laws, ordinances and resolutions
shall be reviewed by the City Manager. The agenda bill that accompanies
each piece of legislation shall indicate the recommendation of City
6.5. Distribution of local laws, ordinances and resolutions. The City
Clerk shall prepare copies of all proposed legislation for distribution
to all members of the Council at least 24 hours before the Council
meeting at which the legislation is to be introduced. If the legislation
carries an emergency clause, copies of the legislation must be distributed
at least 12 hours prior to the meeting of the Council at which said
legislation is to be considered. Said requirements shall not limit
the ability of a Council member to propose a resolution under the
new and old business portions of the agenda.
6.6. Local laws and ordinances deferred. Local Laws and ordinances introduced
at a Council meeting shall not be finally acted upon until at least
the next official meeting, and only after a public hearing has been
conducted on the question.
6.7. Reading by title only. Upon being introduced, each proposed local
law, ordinance or resolution shall be read by title only, unless any
member of the Council requests a full reading of the legislation.
6.8. Recording of votes. The ayes and nays shall be taken upon the passage
of all local laws, ordinances and resolutions and entered upon the
official record of the Council.
6.9. Majority vote required. Unless otherwise provided by law or the City
Charter, an affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members
of the Council shall be necessary to pass any issue. When any vote
is called, each Councillor shall respond "yes (aye)," "no," "abstain,"
or "pass." Any Councillor who responds "pass" shall be given an opportunity
at the end of the roll call to change his or her vote to "yes (aye),"
"no," or "abstain." Any "pass" response not so changed shall be recorded
as an abstention.
Tie vote. In the event of a tie in vote on any motion, the motion
shall be considered lost.
Numbering local laws, ordinances and resolutions. In preparation
of the agenda, the City Manager shall assign a number to each local
law, ordinance or resolution.
Local law, ordinance and resolution passage procedure. When
passed by the Council, legislation shall be immediately filed and
thereafter preserved in the office of the City Clerk.
Requests for local laws, ordinances, resolutions or legal opinions.
Any member of the City Council may request the City Manager to prepare
proposed legislation, with such legislation to be placed on the agenda
of the next scheduled Council meeting, provided the legislation can
be drafted and distributed to members of the Council in accordance
with time schedules set forth in Section 6.4 of these rules. Any member
of the City Council may request written legal opinions, related to
City business, from the City Manager. Upon receiving requests for
the proposed legislation or a written legal opinion, the City Manager
shall forthwith request same from the City Attorney; and upon return
receipt thereof, the City Manager shall forthwith cause to have distributed
the subject legislation or written legal opinion to all members of
the Council so that all members of the Council may be fully informed
of the status of City affairs. Any member of the Council may, for
purposes of inquiry, request verbal opinion or advice on City legal
matters from the City Attorney.
Citizen participation.
7.1. Addressing the Council. Any person desiring to address the Council
prior to Council Action Items, by oral communication may notify the
City Clerk prior to the Council Meeting of their desire to speak in
order that their name may be placed on a list and they will be recognized
by the presiding officer without further action. Any person desiring
to address the Council under Citizen Participation by oral communication
shall first secure the permission of the presiding officer.
[Amended 8-19-2019 by Ord. No. 11-2019]
7.2. Manner of addressing the Council - time limit. Each person addressing
the Council shall stand, approach the microphone, may give his/her
name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. Each
person addressing the Council, prior to Council Action Items, shall
limit their address to five minutes unless further time is granted
by the Chair or requested of the Chair by a member of Council. Each
person addressing the Council, under Citizen Participation, shall
limit their address to two minutes unless further time is granted
by the Chair or requested of the Chair by a member of Council. All
remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any
member thereof. No person other than members of the Council and the
person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion,
either directly or through the members of the Council. No questions
shall be asked the Councillors, except through the Chair.
[Amended 8-19-2019 by Ord. No. 11-2019]
7.3. Personal and slanderous remarks. Any person making personal, impertinent
or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous, while addressing
the Council may be requested to leave the meeting and may be forthwith,
by the presiding officer, barred from further audience before the
7.4. Reading of protests. Interested persons, or their authorized representatives,
may address the Council for the reading of protests, petitions or
communications relating to an matter over which the Council has control
when the item is under consideration by the Council, if a majority
of the Council present agrees to let them be heard. Such readings
shall be governed by the rules set forth within rule 7.2 herein.
7.5. Written communication. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives,
may address the Council by written communication in regard to any
matter concerning the City's business or over which the Council has
control at any time by direct mail or by addressing the City Clerk,
and copies will be distributed to the Council members.
Public hearings.
8.1. Addressing the Council. The Chair, without further action, will recognize
any person desiring to address the Council on a matter for which a
public hearing is scheduled.
8.2. Manner of addressing the Council - time limit. Each person addressing
the Council shall stand, approach the microphone, may give his/her
name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and, unless
further time is granted by the Chair or requested of the Chair by
a member of Council, shall limit their address to five minutes. All
remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any
member thereof. No questions shall be asked of the Chair or the Councilors.
Each person shall be given only one opportunity to speak and will
be limited to the topic which is the subject of the public hearing.
[Amended 8-19-2019 by Ord. No. 11-2019]
8.3. Personal and slanderous remarks. Any person making personal, impertinent
or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous, while addressing
the Council may be requested to leave the meeting and may be forthwith,
by the presiding officer, barred from further audience before the
8.4. Written communication. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives,
may address the Council by written communication in regard to any
matter which is the subject of a public hearing. Said communication
shall be read by the Clerk during that portion of the meeting at which
public hearings are conducted.
Suspension and amendment of these
9.1. Suspension of these rules. Any provision of these rules not governed
by law, the City Charter or the Municipal Code of the City of Ogdensburg
may be temporarily suspended by a vote of a majority of the Council.
The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by ayes and noes and
entered upon the record.
9.2. Amendment of these rules. These rules may be amended, or new rules
adopted, in the manner provided for amendment to the Administrative
Code of the City of Ogdensburg.
In order to bring about a better coordination between the City
Manager and department heads in the presentation of matters to the
City Council, the Manager shall be available to meet with the City
Council every Council meeting Monday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The City
Attorney and other department heads are to be present to explain items
affecting their department when notified by the City Manager.
This policy is for the purpose of developing closer coordination
between the various departments of City government.
A. Where two or more departments are involved in a project or work program,
coordination should be established between department heads at the
department level, either through the department head or his/her subordinates.
The administrative personnel of the various departments should be
instructed that if disagreements develop between departments during
the course of the work, the department heads involved should endeavor
to resolve the matter, but if that is not possible, the point in controversy
should be referred to the City Manager for decision either by memorandum
or at a conference.
B. Where the City Manager has requested recommendations from a department
head on certain matters and another department or departments may
be affected by his/her decision, the answering department is instructed
to send a copy of the memorandum addressed to the City Manager to
the other department or departments which may be concerned, or to
call the attention of the City Manager to the fact in the memorandum
that another department may be concerned with the decision.
C. Where the department head originates a recommendation to the City
Manager on any subject, if another department may be affected by the
decision, he/she should send a copy of the memorandum to the department
head who may be affected, or call to the attention of the City Manager
in the memorandum that a decision in this matter may affect another
department or departments.
D. The department head receiving a copy of a memorandum from another
department should promptly advise the City Manager by alerting him
to the problem areas affecting various departments and to encourage
closer coordination between the various departments. Any conflict
between the policies or programs of two or more different departments
should be brought to the attention of the City Manager immediately.
City employees of the Department of Public Works shall be allowed
to enter on property owned privately only for the purposes of rendering
services authorized herein or by the Code of the City of Ogdensburg.
In the event that any part of these regulations conflict with any
ordinance, existing rules or regulations, the existing ordinance,
rules and regulations shall be deemed to supersede these regulations.
A. The Department of Public Works shall be permitted to provide the
following services on privately owned property:
[Amended 12-12-2016 by Ord. No. 22-2016]
(1) Water connects and disconnects.
(5) Weed mowing (on complaint basis only).
(7) Sidewalk repair (under existing sidewalk replacement program).
(8) Solid waste removal (on complaint basis only).
B. Prior to the entry of any City employee onto private property for
the purpose of the performance of any of the above-described services,
except weed mowing and solid waste removal, a representative of the
Department of Public Works shall obtain from the property owner, his
agents or assigns the following:
(1) A written request for services from the property owner.
(2) A description of services to be performed by the City signed by the
property owner.
(3) An acknowledgement by the property owner of the estimated cost of
services to be rendered.
(4) A release of liability by the property owner to the City of Ogdensburg.
C. The cost of the services performed shall be charged according to
the rates established by the Code of the City of Ogdensburg as the
same may be modified from time to time.