Whenever traffic is controlled by mechanical or electric traffic control signals exhibiting different colored lights successively, one at a time or together or with arrows, the following colors shall be used, and said light or lights shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
Red signal. A red signal alone shall mean "stop." Traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the intersection and remain standing until the green or "go" signal is shown alone.
Green signal. A green signal alone shall mean "go." Traffic facing the signal may proceed except the vehicle drivers shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles lawfully within a crosswalk or intersection at the time when such signal was exhibited.
Amber signal. An amber signal alone shall indicate a clearing sequence allowing traffic within an intersection to proceed through the intersection but warning traffic approaching the intersection not to enter said intersection.
At intersections and crosswalks protected by signal systems or police officers, the respective rights of vehicles and pedestrians shall be exercised under the directions of the traffic signals or police officers.
No person shall place, maintain or display any device, other than an official warning or direction sign or signal erected under authorized authority, upon or in view of a street which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official warning or direction sign or signal or which attempts to direct the movements of traffic or the actions of drivers, and any such prohibited device shall be a public nuisance and the Chief of Police may remove it, or cause it to be removed without notice.
Public utilities or town departments restricted from placing signs. No public utility or Town department shall erect, place or maintain any barrier or sign unless of a type first approved by the Town Manager or Chief of Police.
No person shall violate the instructions of any mechanical or electrical traffic signal, traffic sign, marks upon the street, barriers or signs authorized or approved by the Town Manager or Chief of Police, nor willfully deface, injure, move or interfere with the same.
The Chief of Police shall keep and maintain or cause to be kept and maintained a schedule of each and every street intersecting a throughway which has been described or designated by the Town Manager and approved by order of the Selectmen. Said schedule shall be maintained by the Town Clerk and be available for inspection at any reasonable hour. At or near the property line of the through street, there shall be erected an appropriate sign or device bearing the word "stop," the same to be located in such a position at the curb line and to be provided with letters of a size to be clearly legible a distance at least 100 feet along the street intersecting the throughway. Said schedule has been described in Schedule I (§ 160-38), which is attached to and incorporated as a part of this chapter.