All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of a building sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the City for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of a building sewer. In addition to the initial construction of a building sewer, the owner is also obligated to pay all costs and expenses of operation, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of both the building sewer and the building drain.
The City retains the right to levy sewer rentals to provide for the construction, operation, maintenance, management and replacement of the publicly owned treatment works.
A separate and independent private building sewer shall be provided for every building on an individual lot. Any lot legally containing more than one building may have a private sewer servicing the buildings upon that lot.
The Board of Public Works may authorize a private sewer servicing more than one lot when in the opinion of the Board, such an arrangement is in the best interest of the City and to require separate sewers would result in significant impracticality. Such authorization may be conditioned upon such other reasonable requirements as the Board of Public Works or corporation counsel may impose.
Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and testing by the City Engineer, to meet all current requirements or if they can be upgraded to meet the current requirements of this chapter.