Every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one (1) person shall contain at least eighty (80) square feet of floor space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one (1) person shall contain at least sixty (60) square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof.
Beds shall be placed at least three (3) feet apart.
Every rooming unit shall contain at least four (4) square feet of closet space per occupant, with an unobstructed height of at least five (5) feet. If it is lacking in whole or in part, an amount of space equal in square footage to the deficiency shall be subtracted from the area of habitable room space used in determining permissible occupancy.
Access to or egress from each rooming unit shall be provided without passing through any other rooming unit or dwelling unit.
Entrance doors to rooming units shall have operating locks to ensure privacy.
Beds and bedding. In every rooming unit the operator shall provide for each person a separate bed with bedstead, bedding and bed linens satisfactory to the Enforcement Officer. All mattresses shall be provided with a waterproof covering and shall be arranged as to be at all times easily capable of thorough inspection.
Bed linens and towels. The operator of every rooming house shall change supplied bed linens and towels therein at least once each week and prior to the letting of any room to any occupant. The operator shall maintain all supplied bed linens and towels in a clean and sanitary manner.
Shades and drapes. Every window of every rooming unit in a rooming house shall be supplied with shades, drawn drapes or other devices or materials that, when properly used, will afford privacy to the occupant of the rooming unit.
Every rooming unit shall be supplied with at least one (1) receptacle for the proper disposal of rubbish.
Every rooming unit shall be supplied with at least one (1) ashtray, for the proper disposal of lighted cigarettes and cigars.
Basement and cellar rooming units shall conform with the requirements for basement and cellar dwelling units.
The preparation and eating of meals in rooming units is prohibited.
Rooming houses shall conform with the fire safety requirements for all residential structures under the provisions of this code.
Rooming houses constructed or put into operation after November 15, 1977, shall be required to have installed an approved smoke detection system covering all rooms and areas, connected to an automatic fire alarm with an audible alarm signal. In addition, all lobbies, corridors, storage and kitchen areas of such facilities shall be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler system shall have a main sprinkler control valve which shall be electrically supervised so that a trouble alarm will sound when the valve is closed.
All rooming houses which were in operation before November 15, 1977, shall provide either an approved smoke detection system covering all rooms and areas connected to an automatic fire alarm with an audible alarm signal or an approved automatic sprinkler system, covering all rooms and any additional areas as may be required by the Enforcement Officer. Such sprinkler system shall have a main sprinkler control valve which shall be electrically supervised so that a trouble alarm will sound when the valve is closed.
In all rooming houses the following requirements must be met:
Extinguishers shall be installed in kitchens, boiler rooms, basements and hallways.
Folding drop ladders or attached vertical ladders are not acceptable as secondary means of egress.
A telephone shall be provided with emergency instructions posted nearby for fire and police.
Residents and staff shall be instructed at regular intervals in evacuation of the building.