The County recognizes resident status for purposes of parks activities for persons who are domiciled in or are property tax payers in Atlantic County.
In order to prove domicile in Atlantic County, an applicant must provide the following current forms of personal identification which show an Atlantic County address:
A driver's license and a voter's registration card;
A driver's license and one other form of identification;
A voter's registration card and one other form of identification; or
For applicants under the age of 18, proof of current enrollment in a school located in the County or, if the minor attends a private school outside the County, a letter from the school stating that its records show the student lives in Atlantic County.
If the applicant does not have a license and is not registered to vote, then such other forms of proof acceptable to the County that show domicile in Atlantic County, such as rent receipts or gas, electric or telephone bills showing that the applicant has resided in Atlantic County for at least the prior six months.
Persons owning property in Atlantic County, although not domiciled in the County, will be eligible for an identification card upon presenting a current tax bill on the Atlantic County property and two additional current personal proofs of identification which display the applicant's name and address.  The applicant's spouse and dependent children under 18 years of age who reside with the taxpayer are also eligible for a card upon presentation of two forms of current personal identification which displays name and address.