No building or premises shall be erected, altered, or used except for one or more of the uses designated for its district and in accordance with Article VIII, § 190-57, of this chapter.
In the Industrial District, where manufacturing or light industry is permitted, no manufacturing use, nor any trade, or industry use or purpose that is noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, toxic or noisome fumes, radiation, gas, noise, vibration, or excessive light, or any combination of the above, which is dangerous and prejudicial to the public health, safety and general welfare shall be permitted, and this includes specifically, but is not limited to, the following such uses:
Acetylene gas manufacture for commercial purpose
Ammonia, chlorine or bleaching powder manufacture
Asphalt manufacture or refining
Auto junkyard
Blast furnaces, not including cupola or converter furnaces used in foundries and in which no wood is used as fuel
Boiler shops, structural steel fabricating shops, metalworking shops, which operate reciprocating hammers or chisels or other noise-producing electric or pneumatic tools within 100 feet of any boundary line of the premises and outside of any masonry buildings
Brewing or distilling of liquors
Bronze and aluminum powder manufacture
Carbon, lampblack, shoe blacking, graphite, or stove polish manufacture
Celluloid and other cellulose products manufacture
Cement manufacture
Coal tar products manufacture
Disinfectant and insecticide manufacture
Distillation of coal, wood, or bones
Dump, unless operated or controlled by the Town
Excelsior and fiber manufacture
Explosives, fireworks or match manufacture, assembling, or storage in bulk, except the manufacture, assembling and storage in bulk of safety matches in book form
Fat rendering
Fertilizer manufacture or potash refining
Fish smoking or curing
Glue, size or gelatin manufacture or processing involving recovery from fish or animal offal
Incinerator, unless operated by the Town
Lime, gypsum, cement, plaster, or plaster of paris manufacture, except the mixing of plaster
Linoleum or oil cloth manufacture
Ore reduction or the smelting of iron, copper, tin zinc or lead
Paint, oil varnish, turpentine, shellac, or enamel manufacture, except the mixing of wet paints
Perfume and extract manufacture
Petroleum refining
Poisons manufacture: fumigates, carbon disulfide, hydrocyanic acid, ethyl, stomach poisons, arsenate of lead, arsenate of calcium hellebore and paris green, contact insecticides, lime, sulphur, nicotine, kerosene emulsions
Printing ink manufacture
Radium extraction
Rubber, caoutchouc or gutta-percha manufacture from crude or scrap material, except in connection with a rubber products manufacturing plant
Salt works
Sandpaper and emery cloth manufacture
Slaughtering of animals, except for immediate consumption on premises or immediate retail sale
Soap, soda ash, or washing compound manufacture, except products not containing caustic soda
Starch, glucose, or dextrine manufacture
Storage, coloring, curing, dressing, or tanning of raw or green salted hides or skins
Sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric, picric or hydrochloric acid or other corrosive or offensive acid manufacture, or their use or storage, except on a limited scale as accessory to a permitted industry
Tallow, grease, lard or candle manufacture or refining
Tar distillation or manufacture, except where the tar or asphalt is treated at a temperature under 100° F.
Tobacco processing
Vinegar, pickle, or sauerkraut manufacture in bulk
Wool pulling or scouring, except in connection with a woolen mill
Yeast manufacture