[Adopted 3-9-1933 by Ord. No. 318]
No person or persons, firm or corporation operating or conducting food, confectionery and produce stores or markets, or dairies, or who are engaged in the vending and marketing of milk, meats, fruits, produce, bakery products and all other foodstuffs in this township, shall hereafter employ or keep in their employ, in the capacity of clerk, salesperson, delivery person or other employees engaged in handling said foodstuffs, any person or persons who is or are suffering from trachoma, active tuberculosis of the lungs, open skin tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, open external cancer or barber's itch or from any communicable disease; and all persons so employed who, at the time of the adoption of this article, are suffering from any of the said diseases shall at once be excluded from such employment.
Every person so employed or permitted to work for any person or persons, firm or corporation operating or conducting any food, confectionery and produce stores or markets or any dairies, or who are engaged in the vending and marketing of milk, meats, fruits, produce, bakery products and all other foodstuffs in this township, shall obtain a certificate from a reputable registered doctor of medicine, certifying that such person is free from any of the diseases mentioned in § 88-1; and no person shall be employed or permitted to work as aforesaid in such food, confectionery and produce stores or markets, or dairies, or engage in the vending and marketing of milk, meats, fruits, produce, bakery products and all other foodstuffs in this township, without having first obtained such a certificate. Said certificate or certificates shall be filed with the Health Officer of Abington Township at the Township Building within five days from the date of said medical examination. The said medical certificate or certificates shall be valid for a period of six months and may be revoked at any time prior thereto if the condition of such person warrants it.
No person or persons, firm or corporation operating or conducting any food, confectionery and produce stores or markets or any dairies, or who are engaged in the vending and marketing of milk, meats, fruits, produce, bakery products and all other foodstuffs in this township, shall keep in their employ, in any of the several capacities mentioned in § 88-1, any person who is a carrier of typhoid fever, after notice that any such person so employed by them is a carrier of typhoid fever has been served in writing upon the owner, operator or manager of any such food, confectionery and produce store or market, dairy or business of vending and marketing milk, meats, fruits, produce, bakery products and all other foodstuffs, by a physician or the Health Officer of the township.
Any person convicted of violating this article shall be sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution and a fine not exceeding $50, and in default of payment of such costs and fine shall undergo imprisonment in the township lockup for a period not exceeding five days.