Table 1[1] shall serve as the reference as related to the requirements of all proposed applications and approvals for simple, minor and major subdivisions or land development within Allegheny Township. The specific submission requirements for each type of approval and application shall be as defined in §§ 223-19 and 223-20.
Table 2[1] shall serve as the reference as related to the requirements of all proposed applications and approvals for conservation subdivisions and planned residential developments within Allegheny Township. The specific submission requirements for each type of approval and application shall be as defined in §§ 223-19 and 223-20.
Prior to filing an application for preliminary approval, a prospective applicant may appear before the Planning Commission for a preapplication conference to discuss the applicable regulations governing subdivision and/or development of the property and the feasibility and timing of the application. The preapplication conference is voluntary, and no formal application or fee is required. This opportunity is afforded to the developer to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments or incurring substantial expenses for plan preparation.
A voluntary sketch plan conference with the Planning Commission is recommended prior to the preapplication conference. The sketch plan conference requires no formal application or fee.
Preliminary application form and fee. The preliminary plan and the application form shall be submitted to the Township Manager. All information and procedures relating thereto in all respects shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter. It is the responsibility of the applicant to coordinate plans with the respective private and public service agencies. The application form shall be accompanied by not fewer than five printed copies of all required material and one digital copy of all required site plans, plats and preliminary reports on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat format. The applicant shall also submit one CD-ROM with a CAD file in .dxf format.
Site conditions map. The following shall be provided to the Township Manager for the project site and any land or water bodies located within 200 feet of the project area boundary.
Existing contours at vertical intervals of five feet or, in the case of relatively level tracts, at such lesser intervals as may be necessary for satisfactory study and planning of the lot. Datum to which contour elevations refer shall be U.S. Coast Guard and Geodetic Survey datum. (Township will furnish elevations of nearest known bench marks.)
Ridgelines and watershed boundaries.
Steep slopes and very steep slopes.
Areas within the one-hundred-year floodplain, as identified on the current official map for the Township issued by the Federal Insurance Administration.
Vegetative cover conditions according to general cover type, including cultivated land, permanent grassland, meadow, pasture, old field, hedgerow, woodland and wetland and the actual canopy line of existing trees and woodlands. Vegetative types shall be described by plant community, relative age and condition.
Soil series, types and phases, as mapped by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation Service in the published soil survey for the county and accompanying data published for each soil relating to its suitability for construction and, in unsewered areas, for septic suitability.
Outstanding geologic formations on the proposed development parcel, including rock outcroppings, cliffs and fault lines.
Locations of all culturally and historically significant sites or structures, including, but not limited to, structures listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, cellar holes, stone walls, earthworks and graves.
Locations of trails that have been in public use (pedestrian, equestrian, bicycle, etc.).
A viewshed analysis showing the location and extent of views into the property from public roads and from public parks, public forests and other public lands.
Context report. A context report including the following shall be submitted to the Township Manager:
A statement of how the proposed development will enhance physical and social connectivity between:
Existing and proposed development.
Existing and proposed streets and roads.
Wildlife habitats, including wildlife corridors on and adjacent to the site.
Natural drainage systems on and adjacent to the site.
Productive forest blocks on and adjacent to site.
Prime agricultural soils, agricultural soils of statewide importance, and active agricultural areas on and adjacent to the site.
A statement of how the proposed development will integrate and retain key elements identified on the Site Conditions Map.
Mine location assessment. A report, including a map supplied by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Mines, showing the location of mines under the development or within 500 feet thereof and indicating how the development will affect or be affected by any mines, with particular concern to public health, safety and welfare, shall be submitted to the Township Manager.
Lot density assessment. A completed calculation of the net allowable density illustrating the number of dwelling units permitted for a proposed conservation subdivision or planned residential development shall be submitted to the Township Manager. See Chapter 250, Zoning Ordinance.
Preliminary plat. A preliminary plat containing the following information shall be provided to the Township Manager:
The Township name, graphic scale, North arrow and application date.
The proposed name of the subdivision or land development.
The names and addresses of the developer and/or landowner and, if the developer is not the landowner, the name and addresses of the landowner.
The names of all adjoining property owners.
A boundary survey by a surveyor and topographical survey of the total proposed subdivision by an engineer or surveyor. If the developer and/or landowner intends to develop a tract of land in phases, the preliminary plat shall include the total tract.
The proposed street layout in the subdivision indicating whether the streets are proposed to be public or private.
The layout of existing and proposed lots (showing scaled dimensions), lot numbers, house numbers as provided by the Township and the area of each lot in square feet.
Parcels of land proposed to be reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semipublic or community purposes, if any.
A legend of symbols, lines and appropriate explanatory notes.
Front yard, side yard and rear yard buffer yard lines.
Zoning classification(s) of the area to be developed and/or subdivided.
Existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way and the purpose for which the easements or rights-of-way have been established.
Contours at intervals of elevation of not more than five feet where the slope is greater than 10% and at intervals of not more than two feet where the slope is 10% or less.
Existing streets and rights-of-way on or adjoining the site, including dedicated widths, roadway widths, approximate gradients, types and widths of pavements, curbs, sidewalks and other pertinent data.
Playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and lots of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
The existing platting of land adjacent to the subdivision, including land located across a public or private street or other right-of-way. All existing buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or high-pressure gas lines, oil wells and fire hydrants on the site or within 200 feet of the site shall be shown.
Existing watercourses, ponds, wetlands and other significant natural features, including tree lines.
Areas within the one-hundred-year floodplain and floodway, as identified on the current U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Insurance Rate Map. See also Chapter 122.
Preliminary site plan and phasing. The preliminary site plan shall include all preliminary plat information in addition to the following information, and shall be submitted to the Township Manager:
Basic elements.
Block for a Township approval stamp and date of approval.
Parcel information.
A location map and other photo showing the subdivision name and location; major existing thoroughfares related to the subdivision, including the distance there from. The location map shall also include a title, graphic scale and North arrow.
Existing protective covenants.
Existing lot numbers, areas, boundaries with bearings and distances.
Existing zoning classifications, density requirements and setback requirements.
Location and width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way and easements. Linear feet of new streets shall be shown if streets are to be dedicated to the Township.
Outline of existing and proposed buildings and setbacks from property lines.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a sketch shall be submitted of the prospective street layout for the remainder.
Existing and proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system serving the development, including streets, driveways, walkways, showing proposed ownership, right-of-way and cartway widths and type of construction.
Proposed street names; proposed watercourses and detention ponds; proposed land development phases; typical section of all streets.
Existing and proposed parking and loading areas, including street access points, internal circulation pattern, showing number of spaces, typical space dimensions, type of construction and landscaping.
Proposed minimum setback line for each street.
Proposed use of the property shall include additional parking spaces, access driveway location and width, number of current and new employees, if applicable, and percentage of lot coverage.
Locations of all proposed building and parking areas (for land development plans).
Proposed site landscaping showing location, type and illustrative details of all landscaped areas including open spaces, riverside setbacks and buffer areas.
Proposed design details and materials for all fences, walls, screens, lighting fixtures, signs and other outdoor structures.
Location and effect of outdoor lighting on highways and residential properties in sight line of proposed lighting.
A computer-generated lighting model of all proposed lighting and areas expected to be illuminated, if applicable, is required.
If a subdivision is a phased development, specify how many phases and the proposed time frame necessary to complete all phases to reach full development.
Anticipated construction standard for driveways. The location of all existing and proposed driveways, and any associated rights-of-way shall be shown on the preliminary plat. See § 223-29 for supplemental driveway standards.
Statement of anticipated water supply.
When on-lot water supply is proposed, the location of all well sites shall be shown on the preliminary site plan.
Water supply. If the water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Planning Commission that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall be acceptable.
Sewage disposal report. Where applicable, a plan revision module for land development shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The completed module shall accompany the preliminary plan submission.
Building elevations and other architectural drawings. Building elevations and other architectural drawings containing the following information shall be provided to the Township Manager. Elevations and drawings shall be illustrated to scale showing:
Preliminary front, rear and side perspectives of all proposed buildings, including the building's architectural features, exterior building materials, colors and/or finishes;
First floor elevations of the building, the height of the building in feet and number of stories and the building's relationship to the finished grade immediately surrounding the building; and
Spot elevations designating the existing and proposed grading.
Preliminary grading plan.
Compliance with grading requirements as set forth in § 223-27 is mandatory.
A preliminary grading plan shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall include the following, in addition to any other information required by the Township Engineer to demonstrate compliance with § 223-27:
Drawing scale.
North arrow.
The existing contours of the lot(s).
Proposed contours of the lot(s) after completion of the excavation, cuts, grading and filling.
The grading plan shall be at a scale of one inch to 50 feet or larger. The plan's contour interval shall be as follows:
Not more than five-foot intervals where the slope will be greater than 10%.
Not more than two-foot intervals where the slope will be equal to or less than 10%.
Preliminary stormwater management plan.
Compliance with stormwater requirements as set forth in § 223-26 is mandatory.
A preliminary stormwater management plan shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall include the following:
Drawing scale.
North arrow.
A cover sheet stamped and signed by a professional engineer indicating that all plans and supporting documentation have been reviewed and approved by the engineer and certifying the submitted plans comply with the requirements of the ordinance.
A narrative summary of the stormwater plan.
Maps of existing and proposed watersheds, sub-watersheds, Tc/Tt (time of concentration/time of travel) flow paths, soil types, hydrologic soil groups, land uses/cover type and runoff curve numbers within the site and draining into the site from adjacent properties.
Location of existing and proposed stormwater discharge points.
Delineation and labeling of all proposed impervious areas and accompanying area computations.
Predevelopment, presettlement and post-development hydrology data for each watershed, including both peak flows and volume. All assumptions used in developing the input parameters shall be clearly stated and cross-referenced to the maps.
Impervious surface maps and calculations of runoff volumes and infiltration areas.
Final design drawings of all proposed stormwater best management practices (BMP) with sufficient clarity for those responsible for site grading, including:
Plan views showing the proposed BMP locations, in combination with the site plan map.
Detailed cross sections and profiles for each BMP showing critical design features, side slopes, structures, soil profiles and elevations, including seasonal water table.
Detailed drawings or material specifications for inlets or outlets.
Detailed construction notes explaining necessary procedures to be followed to properly implement the plan, including planting and landscaping specifications, timing and sequencing of construction and any temporary measures needed to protect BMPs during the construction phase.
Detailed construction inspection plan outlining the critical elements in the plan that need to be surveyed or inspected by a representative of the project engineer or the municipality, and the timing and notification requirements involved (identification of responsible party).
Final operations and maintenance plan in accordance with ordinance requirements.
Hydraulic data summaries for all proposed pipes or channels.
Location and dimensions of proposed drainage easements. Easements must be recorded to preserve major stormwater flow paths, specify maintenance responsibilities, restrict buildings/structures and prevent any grading, filling or other activities that might obstruct flow.
Design data for each proposed BMP showing compliance with applicable technical standards, as well as the requirements of this chapter.
Conceptual landscape plan. A conceptual landscape plan shall be provided to the Township Manager, and shall contain the following:
Drawing scale.
North arrow.
Approximate locations and spacing of all proposed plant material with typical dimensions by species.
Botanical and common names of all plant species.
Indication of plant size of to be installed species.
Quantities of species.
Traffic Impact Study Type A.
The Township shall require a traffic impact study for developments or changes in uses generating fewer than 100 trips in addition to the adjacent roadways' existing peak hour volumes in cases where known traffic deficiencies exist in the area of the proposed development or change in use.
The applicant shall prepare a worksheet that computes the weekday peak morning hour (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.) and weekday peak afternoon hour (between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.) average vehicle trips for residential subdivisions according to the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. The applicant shall submit the completed worksheet to the Township Manager. The applicant shall reference the average rate in the trip generation per acre table for the applicable land use 210 Codes of the ITE Trip Generation Manual.
In addition to the computation worksheet, the applicant shall supply copies of the land use pages ITE results to the Township Manager.
Traffic Impact Study Type B.
Any land development or subdivision which will generate, on average, 100 or more peak hour trips on any adjacent street shall be required to have a traffic impact study completed as part of the approval process. The estimated number of trips shall be determined by an analysis of similar uses through data collected by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) or through similar uses acceptable to the Township.
Traffic impact study scope. Prior to beginning a traffic impact study, the applicant shall submit a proposed scope of services to the Township Manager for review and approval. The traffic impact study shall include the following if appropriate as determined by the Township:
A brief description of the proposed project in terms of land use and magnitude.
An inventory and analysis of existing roadway and traffic conditions in the site environs including:
Roadway network and traffic control.
Existing traffic volumes in terms of peak hours and average daily traffic (ADT).
Planned roadway improvements by others.
Intersection levels of service.
Other measures of roadway adequacy; i.e., lane widths, traffic signal warrants, vehicle studies, etc.
Proposed site-generated traffic volumes in terms of:
Peak hours and ADT (by development phase if required).
Arrival/departure distribution, including method of determination.
Site traffic volumes on study roadways.
An analysis of future traffic conditions including:
Future opening year combined traffic volumes (site traffic plus future background roadway traffic). "Opening year" is the projected year of opening for the proposed development or change in use.
Future design year, or years with phasing, combined traffic volumes (site traffic plus future roadway traffic). Design year is projected to 10 years beyond the expected opening year of the development or change in use.
Background traffic growth rates shall be obtained from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
Intersection levels of service.
A pavement analysis or roadways which are projected to experience significant increase in ADT volumes off-site.
Other measures of roadway adequacy; i.e., lane widths, traffic signal warrants, vehicle delay studies, etc.
When access is onto a state road, the analysis of future conditions shall be consistent with PennDOT requirements.
A description of future levels of service and their compliance with standards for traffic capacity of streets, intersections and driveways. New streets shall be designed for adequate traffic capacity defined as follows. All reference to levels of service (LOS) shall be defined by the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, published by the Transportation Research Board. These standards may be waived by the Township if sufficient evidence is provided that criteria cannot be met with reasonable mitigation.
Traffic capacity LOS shall be based upon future design year analysis.
New or modified (a new approach created) nonsignaled intersections or driveways which intersect streets shall be designed for LOS C or better for each traffic movement unless otherwise specified by the Township.
New or modified (a new approach created) signalized intersections shall be designed for LOS C or better for each traffic movement, unless otherwise specified by the Township.
Existing intersections impacted by development traffic shall maintain a minimum LOS D for each traffic movement, or, if future base (without development traffic) LOS is E then mitigation shall be made to maintain LOS E with development traffic. If future base LOS is F, then degradation in delays shall be mitigated.
A description and analysis of the proposed access plan and site plan, including:
Access plan, including analysis of required sight distances using PennDOT criteria and description of access roadway, location, geometric conditions and traffic control.
On-site circulation plan showing parking locations and dimension, loading access circulation roadway and traffic control.
Traffic circulation mitigating action plan shall include:
Project features relative to site access and on-site circulation which could be modified to maximize positive impact or minimize negative impact.
Off-site improvement plan depicting required roadway and signal installation and signing improvements to meet the minimum level of service requirements.
Traffic control devices and other traffic improvements. Whenever, as a result of additional traffic generated by a proposed development, the traffic impact study determines the need for a traffic signal or regulatory sign, additional traffic lanes (acceleration, deceleration or turning) or other traffic improvements to be constructed on the applicant's property or on the property abutting the applicant's property, the applicant shall, as a condition to approval of the final plat, agree to construct the improvements at the applicant's cost, or in lieu thereof, and with the written consent of the Township, reimburse the Township for the cost of the improvements.
Additional approvals being sought. A statement of the approvals and permits that will be required for the proposed development from the county, commonwealth or federal agencies shall be submitted to the Township Manager.
Request for waiver from chapter. A letter from the applicant specifically requesting any waiver from the regulations herein established and citing the reasons for same shall be submitted to the Township Manager.
Final application form and fee. The final application fee and the application form shall be submitted to the Township Manager. All information and procedures relating thereto in all respects shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter. It is the responsibility of the applicant to coordinate plans with the respective private and public service agencies. The application form shall be accompanied by not fewer than five printed copies of all required material and one digital copy of all required site plans, plats and final reports on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat format. The applicant shall also submit one CD-ROM with a CAD file in .dxf format.
Existing deed restrictions and protective covenants. Documentation of all governing roles and responsibilities shall be provided to the Township Manager.
Final plat. The final plat shall be provided to the Township Manager in an accurate and final form appropriate for recording. The final plat shall clearly delineate the following:
Certification and seal by a registered engineer or surveyor to the effect that:
The plat represents a survey made by him or her, and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist and their location, size and material are correctly shown.
All surveying requirements of this chapter have been fully complied with.
Certification and seal by a registered professional engineer regarding compliance with all engineering requirements of this chapter.
The name of the subdivision or land development.
The names and addresses of the applicant and, if the applicant is not the landowner, the names and addresses of the landowner.
The North arrow, graphic scale and date.
Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearings.
Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract of land described in the final plat.
Street names.
Complete curve data for all curves included in the final plat, including radius, arc length, chord bearing and chord distance. Lines which join these curves that are nonradial or nontangential should be so noted.
Street lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, with angles to the nearest one minute of street and lot lines.
If applicable, a notation on the plat that access to a state highway shall only be authorized by a highway occupancy permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) under Section 420 of the State Highway Law (P.L. 1242, No. 428 of June 1, 1945.)[1]
Editor's Note: See 36 P.S. 670-420.
Certification of the dedication of streets and other property lot numbers, house numbers as provided by the Township and lot dimensions.
Easements for public improvements and any limitations on such easements.
Accurate dimensions of any lot to be reserved for public, semipublic or community use.
Location, type and size of all monuments and lot markers in accordance with the standards and requirements of § 223-24 of this chapter and an indication of whether they were found or set.
Final building lines.
A place on the plat for approval by the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission Chair, Planning Commission Secretary, Township Engineer, Westmoreland County planning agency or its designee and the Township Manager.
Final site plan and phasing. The final site plan and phasing shall be provided to the Township Manager, including the following:
Basic elements.
Block for a Township approval stamp and date of approval.
Lots within a subdivision shall be numbered and their area shown within the boundary lines.
Existing development.
All items required under § 223-19G(2) (parcel information) and § 223-19G(3) (existing development).
Sufficient data, including bearing and length, to locate every street, lot, easement, right-of-way and boundary line upon the ground.
The length of all straight lines, radii, lengths of curves and tangent bearings for each street.
All dimensions and angles or bearings of the lines of each lot and of each lot proposed to be dedicated to public use.
The proposed building setback line for each street and the proposed placement of each building, except placement for single-family dwellings.
Location of all sanitary and storm sewer easements and location of all watercourses and detention ponds, whether public or private.
Permanent reference monuments shall be shown on the plan and designated existing or proposed.
Proposed development.
These drawings shall be at any of the following scales:
(feet per inch)
(feet per inch)
5 or 10
All existing streets and driveways on or adjacent to the lot, including name, right-of-way width, cartway width, street lines, lot lines, rights-of-way, easements and areas dedicated to public use.
Property lines and ownership of abutting properties.
Property lines and ownership, with details of easements where required.
Center line of streets with bearings, distances, curve data, sight distances and stations corresponding to the profile.
Proposed center-line grade of streets with percent of grade of tangents and elevations at fifty-foot intervals, including grades at intersections, control points, etc.
Profile of existing ground surface along center line of street.
Right-of-way and curblines of streets with radii at intersections.
Vertical curve data of streets, including length and elevations and sight distance as required by engineer.
Beginning and end of proposed construction of streets.
Tie-ins by courses and distances to intersection of all public roads with their names and widths.
Location of all monuments with reference to them.
Location and size of all drainage structures, public utilities, street name signs and shade trees.
Location and size of storm and/or sanitary sewer lines with stations corresponding to the profile.
Location of storm and/or sanitary sewer manholes or inlets with grade between and elevation of flow line and top of each manhole or inlet.
Profile of storm drain or sewer, showing size of pipe, grade cradle, if any, manhole or inlet locations, elevations at flow line.
Beginning and end of proposed construction of storm and/or sanitary sewer.
Location of storm and/or sanitary sewer laterals, wyes, etc.
Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities.
Profile of existing ground surface with elevations at top of manholes or inlets.
The final plan shall be accompanied by plans of bridges and other improvements and shall contain sufficient information to provide complete working plans for the proposed construction.
The final plan shall be accompanied by a typical cross section of streets showing:
Right-of-way width and location and width of paving.
Type, thickness and crown of paving.
Type and size of curb.
Grading of sidewalk area, if applicable.
Location, width, type and thickness of sidewalks.
Typical location of sewers and utilities with sizes.
Final water supply report. If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Planning Commission that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative of lot owners or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. This evidence shall take the form of a copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, submitted to the Township Manager.
Floodplain management plan (if applicable). When required, the information required by § 223-33 shall be submitted to the Township Manager.
Final grading plan. A final grading plan shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall include all items required under § 223-27 (preliminary grading plan).
Final stormwater management plan. A final stormwater management plan shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall include all items required under § 223-26 (preliminary stormwater management plan).
Final landscape plan. A final landscape plan shall be submitted to the Township Manager and shall include all items required under § 223-19N (Conceptual landscape plan).
Erosion and sedimentation control plan. A copy of the erosion and sedimentation plan as filed with the Westmoreland County Conservation District including a copy of the transmittal letter and evidence of Westmoreland County Conservation District approval shall be provided to the Township Manager.
Written easements or deeds to be granted. A copy of all written easements or deeds to be granted as a result of the subdivision or land development shall be provided to the Township Manager.
Agreement for completion of public improvements and dedication of streets.
An appropriate statement signed by the owner unequivocally indicating his intention either:
To dedicate for public use all streets, roads, easements and rights-of-way so intended and designated; or
To reserve as private any streets, roads, easements or rights-of-way intended not to be dedicated for public use.
The final plan shall be accompanied by a written agreement of developer or subdivider in a form approved by the Board of Supervisors, including an agreement to construct, in form and substance agreeable to the Township, required improvements, including but not limited to streets, curbs, sidewalks and storm drainage facilities.
Construction plans for public improvements. Construction plans for public improvements prepared by a registered engineer drawn on sheets measuring 24 inches by 36 inches, containing the following:
Conformity with the with the design standards specified §§ 223-37 to 223-42 and the Township's Construction Standard Details.
Plans in profile of each street in the plan and the intersection of each street in the plan for at least 200 feet beyond the limits of the plan.
At least three cross sections at intervals not to exceed 100 feet and extending 50 feet on each side of the street center line or 25 feet outside of the street right-of-way, whichever is greater.
All drainage easements over private property.
The location of all necessary sewers, manholes and catch basins.
The top and invert elevation of each inlet and manhole, together with the grade, size and material of each sewer line.
The grade line, distance and pipe size of each line in the storm drainage system within the plan and any storm drainage system immediately adjacent thereto.
All pipe sizes and distances shown by plan and profile.
The location of each sanitary sewer wye as proposed for installation.
Areas set aside for underground utilities.
Certificates of approval from other agencies.
The final plan shall be accompanied by, if required, a highway occupancy permit or review and written approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The final plan shall be accompanied by an approval of street names by the Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety.
The applicant shall obtain approval from the Township's designated Certified Code Reviewer, if applicable.
Developer's agreement. Prior to an applicant beginning construction of a subdivision or/and land development, the Board of Supervisors shall require that the developer and/or landowner execute a development agreement with the Township, in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor, containing provisions that are reasonably required to guarantee compliance with the conditions of approval, if any, and to guarantee the proper installation of on-site and off-site improvements related to the subdivision and/or land development and provisions necessary to indemnify the Township in connection therewith.
Statement of ownership. A statement of acknowledgment in legal form, executed by a notary, stating that the subdivider is the owner or equitable owner of the land proposed for subdivision and that the subdivision as shown on the final plan is the act and deed of the subdivider and that it is desired to record the same shall be submitted to the Township Manager.
Legal mechanism for management of common lands. All development proposals involving land or facilities that will be commonly owned among more than one titleholder shall include all proposed covenants, restrictions, and operating bylaws for the association pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.