The site plan required for special permits and site plan review shall be prepared by either a professional engineer, land surveyor or landscape architect, who is registered in Massachusetts. The classification and precision of the site plan shall conform to the requirements of the most recent Land Court Manual of Instructions, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, except that specific requirements in these regulations shall take precedence.
The site plan shall be at a scale of one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet or such other scale as the Board may allow to adequately show detail. Profiles of each individual street or service road shall be provided at a vertical scale of one (1) inch equals four (4) feet. Elevations shall refer to the bench mark or datum utilized. Sheet size shall be twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches including a one-inch border. All plans shall be accompanied by a locus map at one (1) inch equals two thousand (2,000) feet.
Site plans shall contain:
A title block showing the name of the site, the date, scale, name(s) of the owner(s) and the signature and seal of the registered engineer, architect or landscape architect.
The boundary lines of the area included in the site plan, names of the direct abutters and abutting zoning districts, if any.
North arrow and benchmarks used.
Existing and proposed grades, with topographic contours at intervals not exceeding two (2) feet.
Existing and proposed size, location, height and floor area of all structures; floor area ratio and lot coverage ratios; finished floor elevations; parking requirements and any other pertinent information necessary for findings under Article XXII, XXIII and XXIV of Chapter 240, Zoning.
Natural features such as wood lots, streams, lakes, ponds, shoreline, wetlands and other geologic features.
Delineation of the one-hundred-year flood boundary on the site, if any.
Existing man-made features such as roads, driveways, rights-of-way within three hundred (300) feet and structures and indicate which features are to be retained, if any.
Proposed streets, driveways, parking spaces, sidewalks, loading zones, curb cuts and service areas. Include the direction of travel for one-way streets or drives, radii of all curves, street, drive and sidewalk widths and the total number of parking spaces provided.
Waste disposal, including sewer connector lines, if any; any systems to control emissions of dust, smoke, noise, odor, vibration or other nuisances found in § 240-110 of Chapter 240, Zoning; dumpster location(s) and all other private or public utilities. Drainage calculations based on a twenty-five-year storm, one-hour intensity, must be provided if any stormwater runoff enters a public drainage system or public way.
Provisions for screening, surfacing (including ground cover), lighting, fences, walls, and signs. Landscaping shall also be provided including any recommendations of the Design Review Committee.
Any other information that the Board may reasonably require to review the application and determine compliance with Articles XXII, XXIII and XXIV of Chapter 240, Zoning.