Editor's Note: See also Ch. 56, Political Activities.
It shall be the declared policy of the Township to appoint all Township employees, either classified or exempt, without regard to political considerations. For the purposes of this section, "Township employees" are defined to include full-time, temporary, seasonal or part-time personnel appointed by the Township Manager or the Township Council and receiving an annual or hourly reimbursement for their services.
In accordance with the policy expressed in Subsection A of this section, Township employees shall not engage in any of the following prohibited political activities:
Seeking or accepting nomination or election to any Cedar Grove municipal office, other than the Board of Education, without first obtaining a leave of absence.
Using influence publicly in any way for or against any candidate for elective office in the municipal government.
Circulating petitions or publicly campaigning in behalf of any elective municipal official or working at the polls in any municipal, primary or general election.
Soliciting or receiving any subscription or contribution for any municipal political purpose or party.
Employees who wish to engage in prohibited political activity shall resign from the service.
Violation of any provision of Subsection B of this section shall be deemed sufficient cause for suspension or dismissal from the Township service.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent Township employees from becoming or continuing to be members of any political party, club or organization; attending political meetings; expressing their views in private on political matters outside of working hours and off Township premises; or voting with complete freedom in any election.