[Amended 3-18-1996 by Ord. No. 1214]
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare. Among other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide for adequate light, air and convenience of access, to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire and other dangers, to avoid undue concentration of population by regulating and limiting the use of land, the height and bulk of buildings wherever erected, to limit and determine the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, to regulate the density of population; all with reasonable consideration to the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and with a view to protecting the environment, conserving the value of property and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the Borough of Leonia.
To promote the conservation of historic sites and districts, open space, valuable natural resources and to prevent urban sprawl and degradation of the environment through the improper use of land.
To designate historic sites or Historic Districts, regulate them and provide design criteria and guidelines for this regulation. The designation and regulation, pursuant to this chapter shall be in addition to such designation and regulation as this chapter may otherwise provide.
It is not intended by this chapter to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of other laws or ordinances except those specifically or impliedly repealed in this chapter or any private restrictions placed on property by covenant, deed or other private agreement unless repugnant hereto. Where this chapter imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises or upon the height of buildings or lot coverage or requires greater lot areas or larger yards, courts or other open spaces than are imposed or required by such existing provisions of law or ordinance or by such rules, regulations or permits or by such private restrictions, the provisions of this chapter shall control.