All improvements in a subdivision shall conform with these standards and specifications, and other requirements which may be adopted by the Town or Frederick County, or by such other governmental agencies which may have jurisdiction over each facility, as stipulated below. Nothing, however, shall be construed as prohibiting a subdivider from installing improvements of a higher type than the minimum required herein.
Roads. All new roads and streets shall be graded and drained, base material applied, curb and gutter constructed where required, surface treatment applied, utilities installed, and street name signs erected, all in accordance with the minimum standards of design and construction adopted by the Town or County, whichever is applicable, or may hereafter be adopted for acceptance into the system of roads. Existing roads and streets along a proposed subdivision, does not meet these specifications as to width or construction shall be provided with the required right-of-way.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Pavement widths. The minimum widths of surfacing required to be installed at the subdivider's expense shall be as follows:
Collector roads within the proposed subdivision: 36 feet.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Local access streets within proposed subdivision: closed-section construction: 32 feet.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Local access streets within proposed townhome development: 24 feet may be allowable for street widths in instances of townhome developments with perpendicular parking on at least one side of the proposed street.
Public alleys: 10 feet. All public alleys shall be open to one-way traffic.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Turning circles: minimum outside diameter of 80 feet.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided in all residential subdivisions. Sidewalks are also required in front of all nonresidential lots. The construction of sidewalks shall be in conformity with the specifications and standards adopted or as may hereafter be adopted by the Town or County, whichever is applicable.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Water facilities. Every subdivision shall be provided with a community water supply and distribution system, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants. The source of supply may be a municipal water system, in which case the local distribution system shall meet the standards for such municipal system and shall become a part thereof.
Sewer facilities. Every subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected to the municipal system. When connected to the municipal system it shall be constructed to meet the standards and requirements of such system and shall become a part thereof.
Drainage. Every subdivision shall be provided with storm drains, culverts, drainageways, or other works adequate to collect and dispose of all water originating on or flowing across the property, without inundating or damaging roads, lots, or other properties. The construction of these facilities shall be in conformity with the standards and specifications adopted or as may hereafter be adopted by the Town or County. The County Engineer shall review the plans of these facilities which may be within County jurisdiction and give recommendations to the Planning Commission.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Other facilities. If other facilities are contemplated, easements and lands devoted to such uses shall be clearly indicated. Plans for such facilities shall be checked and recommendations given by an appropriate agency.
Street signs. A name sign of an approved design shall be erected at each new street or road intersection.
Survey markers. Survey markers shall be placed as required by, Title 9 Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Subtitle 13 Board for Professional Land Surveyors Chapter 3 Survey Markers Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, § 15-208, Annotated Code of Maryland. After the grading is completed, the subdivider must verify that survey markers are at proper locations. Survey markers shall be set along the property lines of all streets and roads at points of intersection, curvature or tangency, and at such points along the subdivision boundaries not already marked by markers.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Street lighting. Street lighting will be provided by the developer. In accordance with Frederick County street lighting standards. Street lighting should reasonably incorporate energy efficient fixtures to the extent practical as determined by the Planning Commision.
[Amended 3-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-7; 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Plans for the foregoing improvements shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer for review by the appropriate public authorities, as provided in § 130-13, prior to final plat approval. Such plans shall be sufficient to show the proposed location, sizes, type, grades, and design features of each facility, including the following:
Profiles: profile of each street center line, with grades (including projections beyond the subdivision boundaries where significant), and showing water and sewer lines, manholes, culverts, streams, etc. at a scale of one inch to 50 feet horizontal, one inch to five feet vertical.
Cross sections: typical street cross-sections for all streets, at a scale not smaller than one inch to five feet, showing width of roadway, type of paving, locations and widths of curbs, sidewalks, trees, utilities, etc. Where considerable cuts or fills are required, special cross-sections shall be shown on the plan. A grading plan showing existing and proposed contours may be furnished in lieu of special cross-sections.
Sanitary and storm drains: location plans and profiles for proposed sanitary and storm sewers or drains, with grades and pipe sizes indicated.
Water system: location plan of proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and locations for valves and fire hydrants.
All construction work on improvements required herein shall be subject to inspection during and upon completion of construction by an authorized engineering representative of the Town and to approval and acceptance by such representative on behalf of the Town, if found to be in accordance with the approved plan.