In laying out a subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the following general principles and requirements.
Conformance with Comprehensive Plan. The subdivision layout shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and any parts of the County Comprehensive Plan, as well as the zoning regulations of the Town.[1]
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 165, Zoning.
Reservation of right-of-way. When a proposed subdivision includes or abuts streets designated on the Comprehensive Plan or County Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission shall require, by dedication to public use, adequate right-of-way for the coordination of roads within the subdivision with other existing, planned or platted roads. Such dedication to public use shall be to the full extent of the right-of-way as required in the Comprehensive Plan, except where the right-of-way to be dedicated is greater than a collector street, then a reservation of land to meet the right-of-way standards may be required. Where a proposed street involves state jurisdiction and is designated on the Comprehensive Plan or the State Highway Plan and no definite alignment has been established, the Planning Commission may withhold approval of a subdivision plat for not more than 180 days from the application date to permit the State Highway Administration, if it so desires, to establish an accurate road alignment.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Improvement of adverse physical conditions. The subdivision of land subject to flooding by a one-hundred-year storm or containing floodplain soils will not be approved. A plat of a proposed subdivision located in an area having poor drainage or otherwise adverse physical conditions may be approved, provided the subdivider agrees to make such improvements as in the judgment of the Planning Commission render the subdivision substantially safe and otherwise acceptable for residential use, and furnishes a performance bond or gives other guarantee satisfactory to the Planning Commission, sufficient to cover the cost of such improvements as estimated by the officials having jurisdiction.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
The street layout of the subdivision shall be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and designed for the most advantageous development of adjoining areas and the entire neighborhood. Residential streets shall be arranged so as to discourage their use by through traffic. The following items shall be considered in laying out streets:
Outlets. Outlets shall be provided only where necessary for access to adjoining properties or where necessary to provide an appropriate future street pattern.
Conformance to topography. The street layout shall conform substantially to existing topography, minimizing grades and providing for good drainage, good building sites, and ready access to lots, without excessive cuts or fills. Trees shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs of no more than 600 linear feet may be used where necessitated by topography or where, in the judgment of the Planning Commission, they are appropriate for the type of development contemplated. A turnaround shall be provided at the end of such a street.
Half-width streets. Subdivisions adjoining dedicated, reserved or platted and recorded half-width streets or alleys shall dedicate or reserve an additional right-of-way width sufficient to bring the overall street to the width requirements of this article.
Spacing. Streets shall be spaced to allow for blocks meeting the dimensional requirements specified herein. The number of intersections along highways and other major roads shall be held to a minimum, normally spaced as indicated in Subsection F below.
Minimizing interference with through traffic.
Land abutting the arterial streets as designated by the Comprehensive Plan and the County Comprehensive Plan shall be platted with the view of making the lots, if for residential use, desirable for such use by cushioning the impact of heavy traffic upon them; also minimizing interference with traffic on such highways, roads, and streets as well as accident hazards from all kinds of subdivision. One or more of the following ways or other comparable method(s) shall be used to accomplish this:
By providing a service road parallel to, but separated from the arterial street. The service road or any other entrance shall connect with the arterial street at intervals as stated in this chapter.
By backing the lots upon the arterial street so that they front on and have access from a parallel minor street one-half block away.
By arranging the lots around a series of loop streets or dead-end streets stemming from a collector street. Such loops or dead-ends shall be one lot depth away from the arterial street. The choice between the foregoing or other methods for accomplishing the desired purpose in a specific case must necessarily be made in consideration of topography and other physical conditions, the character of existing and contemplated developments, and other pertinent factors. In all cases the minimum distance between connections on arterial streets and roads shall be 750 feet.
Vehicular access to any individual lots from arterial streets shall be prohibited except in conformance with the minimum separations.
Minimum separation between intersections.
Arterial with Arterial
Arterial with Collector and Local
Collector with Collector
Collector with Local
Local with Local
Minimum distance between center lines of intersections
Minimum separation of center lines for streets not for alignment
Must be in alignment with planned or proposed streets from opposite sides
Multiple intersections. Involving junction of more than two streets shall be avoided. Where this proves impossible, such intersections shall be designed with extreme care for both pedestrian and vehicular safety.
Private streets. Private streets shall not be approved.
Street names. Street names shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Names shall not duplicate or closely approximate existing street names in the Town or County, except the for extension of existing streets.
Where appropriate to design, proposed streets shall be continuous and in alignment with existing, planned or platted streets with which they are to connect.
Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided.
When connecting street lines deflect by more than 10º, the minimum radii of curves on the center lines shall be in accordance with the Street Design Standards Table in Subsection M.
Between reverse curves on secondary collector and local access streets there shall be a tangent at least 100 feet long.
Minimum horizontal (around a bend) and vertical (over a hill) sight distance standards shall be 150 feet on local streets, 200 feet on collectors and 400 feet on arterials.
The height of objects when determining the minimum sight distances shall be as follows:
Driver's eye height: 3.75 feet.
Height of object: 4.50 feet.
Head of headlamp: 2.00 feet.
All sidewalks and pedestrian trails shall be at least five feet in width.
All proposed sidewalks and pedestrian trails shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Street design standards. The minimum design standards for streets shall be as follows:
Street Design Standards
Right-of-way width (feet)
Pavement width (feet)
Minimum sight distance (feet)
Maximum cul-de-sac length (feet)
Maximum center line radii (feet)
Minimum curbing radii (feet)
Design speed (mph)
Street lighting required
*Note: 24 feet may be allowable for street widths and right-of-way widths in instances of townhome developments with perpendicular parking on at least one side of the proposed street.
Street grades.
All proposed grades for public alleys and local streets within the Town of Myersville shall meet the most recently published guidelines of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for local urban streets in mountainous terrain.
All proposed grades for collector roads within the Town of Myersville shall meet the most recently published guidelines of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for urban collector roads in mountainous terrain.
Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible and in no case shall be less than 60º (requirements for intersection with state roads shall not be less than 70º or greater than 110º). The block corner of street intersections with County or state highways shall be rounded on the right-of-way line with a curve having a radius of not less than 25 feet; at minor residential street intersections the minimum radius shall be not less than 20 feet; except that in a business district a chord may be substituted in lieu of the arc.
Curbs at street intersections shall be rounded off with a radius of at least 20 feet or greater. At street intersections with state highways the street curb or edges of paving shall be rounded off by an arc, the minimum radius of which shall be 30 feet. Paving flares and concrete curb channelization of the street intersection with the State Highway Administration right-of-way shall conform to and be in accordance with the design and construction standards of the Maryland State Highway Administration.