[Added 12-11-1984 by Ord. No. 84-23]
The following restricted parking spaces for use by persons who have been issued special vehicle identification cards by the Division of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2, of P.L. 1949, c. 280 (N.J.S.A. 39:4-205), when using a motor vehicle on which it has displayed a certificate for which a special identification card has been issued are hereby established:
Four spaces in the parking lot serving Acme Market and other stores located at the shopping center on Paterson Avenue and Willow Street.
The designated spaces shall be indicated as such and shall be selected by the Fire Prevention Chief of the Borough of East Rutherford.
Any person unlawfully parking in a space designated as a restricted parking space in accord with the terms of this section shall be fined as follows: a person violating this section for a first offense shall be fined a minimum of $100 and a maximum of $250; for a second or subsequent offense a minimum of $250 and up to 90 days' community service on such terms and in such form as the Court deems appropriate, or any combination thereof.
[Added 5-18-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-5]
[Added 1-20-1987 by Ord. No. 86-18]
Purpose. Certain residents of the Borough of East Rutherford have indicated to the Police Department and the Mayor and Council of the Borough of East Rutherford that they are the holders of handicapped license plates or placards issued by government officials and therefore are entitled to have spaces designated in front of their homes for use as handicap parking spaces. The purpose of this section is to so designate the location of said spaces and to prohibit parking in said spaces, except by those persons holding valid New Jersey handicapped licenses or placards issued by the State of New Jersey or its agencies or subdivisions.
The following properties shall have designated in front of them handicapped parking spaces. Said spaces are to be 15 feet in length to be measured from a point designated in front of said properties by the placement of a sign indicating thereon that said space is reserved for handicapped parking only. Said 15 feet shall be measured from the front of each sign for a distance of 15 feet therefrom. The said locations are as follows:
91 High Street
283 Main Street
86 Mozart Street
913 Newark Street
832 Paterson Avenue, said sign to be placed on Hope Street adjacent to the side yard of said property
31 Prospect Terrace
40 Prospect Terrace
75 Prospect Terrace
262 Randolph Avenue
[Added 6-16-1987 by Ord. No. 87-3]
877 York Street
Handicap parking violations. Any person who parks in a handicap zone, lacking the proper credentials to permit parking therein, for a first offense shall be fined $250; for a second offense a minimum of $250 and up to 90 days' community service on such terms and in such form as the Court deems appropriate, or any combination thereof.
[Added 5-18-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-5]