[Amended 10-2-1963 by Ord. No. 63-4; 7-22-1993 by Ord. No. 93-8; 12-4-1996 by Ord. No. 96-8]
In expansion of the community development objectives contained in Article II of this chapter and in support of the goals and recommendations of the 1993 Lower Salford Comprehensive Plan, it is the intent of the article to:
Permit a broad range of manufacturing and other industrial uses, including heavy industrial uses.
Establish reasonable standards for the height and size of buildings and the areas and dimensions of yards and open spaces.
Provide standards to minimize traffic congestion, noise, glare, odors, vibration, electrical interference, air pollution, water pollution, fire, health and safety hazards and other adverse impacts of industrial facilities and operations.
Protect the community and abutting properties from the potential adverse impact of heavy industrial uses by requiring these uses to meet more restrictive standards than light industrial uses.
Provide landscaping requirements, building and parking setbacks and other regulations to minimize the negative impacts of industrial development on surrounding nonindustrial uses.
Reduce vehicle trips by allowing a limited number of nonindustrial uses to meet the convenience needs of industrial employees.
A lot may be used for one or more of the following permitted uses, and no other, in compliance with the standards of this article:
Light industrial uses.
Offices and administrative buildings.
Warehouses and storage facilities, including mini-storage facilities.
Research and testing laboratories.
Printing and publishing uses.
Hotels and motels.
Vocational schools and other training facilities.
Public utility uses, including electric, telephone, sewer, water and gas utilities.
Municipal buildings, offices and uses.
Fire companies and other rescue services.
Recreational use as an accessory use to an industrial use, provided that no separate building(s) is needed for the recreational use.
Retail and wholesale sale and storage of bulk building and landscaping materials, provided that:
[Added 12-18-1997 by Ord. No. 97-10[1]]
Retail sales are limited to a showroom which does not comprise more than 6,000 gross square feet of building area or 20% of the total area devoted to the storage of bulk building and landscaping materials, whichever is less.
Retail sales customers shall shop only in the showroom area or an adjacent outside display area. Outdoor display areas shall comprise no more than 10,000 square feet of area.
The bulk building and landscaping materials shall be stored in buildings, sheds or protected outdoor areas. Buildings, sheds and outdoor storage areas shall be separated from the showroom and any outdoor display area by at least 25 feet.
Any sale of goods that are accessory to the bulk building and landscaping materials shall be permitted only in the showroom.
Editor's Note: This article also required that former § 164-72L, M and N be redesignated as § 164-72M, N and O, respectively.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses.
[Amended 2-18-1997 by Ord. No. 97-10]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection N, regarding Class One institutional uses, added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5, was repealed 6-1-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-03.
Class Three institutional uses, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA, Institutional Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Communications antennas and communications buildings, in accordance with the requirements of § 164-25.9 of this chapter.
[Added 8-4-1999 by Ord. No. 99-10]
Gymnastics facilities, provided a traffic study, satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors, is submitted in order to determine parking requirements for the facility.
[Added 7-6-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-10]
Sports training facility, provided a traffic study, satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors, is submitted in order to determine parking requirements for the facility.
[Added 2-1-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-01]
Grower/processor facility, subject to each of the following specific requirements:
[Added 2-2-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Except as modified herein and subject to the requirements of the Medical Marijuana Act and the regulations and requirements promulgated under Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time, the grower/processor facility shall comply with the dimensional requirements applicable in the Industrial District.
The grower/processor shall provide a permit issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health or proof that a permit has been sought and is pending approval, and shall at all times maintain a valid, accurate and up-to-date permit from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health for the operation of the grower/processor facility. Should such permit, or renewal thereof, be denied, suspended or revoked at any time, any Township approval of the grower/processor facility shall become void.
The grower/processor and the grower/processor facility shall comply with all applicable standards, rules, regulations and requirements of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including, without limitation, the Medical Marijuana Act and Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time.
No grower/processor facility shall be located within 1,000 feet in any direction of the property line of any public, private or parochial school, day-care center or family day-care home.
All signage shall comply with Article XVII, Signs.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article XVI, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
To the extent that there is any conflict between this Chapter 164 and the provisions of the Medical Marijuana Act or the regulations and requirements promulgated under Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time, the grower/processor and grower/processor facility shall comply with the more restrictive provision.
Grower/processor facilities shall not be open to the general public.
Grower/processor facilities shall be fully secured and have nonstop, 24/7 security operations in accordance with the requirements of the Medical Marijuana Act and all applicable standards, rules, regulations and requirements promulgated thereunder.
Grower/processor facility operations shall be conducted indoors.
The following uses may be permitted by the Board of Supervisors as conditional uses in accordance with the standards outlined in this article and the standards in § 164-25 of this chapter:
Class One conditional uses. On lots which meet the Class One dimensional requirements, the following uses are permitted as a conditional use:
Heavy industrial uses, provided that:
A double row of evergreen trees and a berm are provided along residential zoning district boundary lines, in accordance with § 164-76A(2) of this chapter.
The proposed use has frontage on a primary arterial, as defined in Chapter 142, Subdivision and Land Development.
The applicant demonstrates that the proposed use will be able to meet the environmental performance standards in § 164-75.
Storage and wholesale sale of bulk materials.
[Added 12-18-1997 by Ord. No. 97-10]
Class Two conditional uses. On lots which meet the Class Two dimensional requirements, the following uses are permitted as conditional uses:
Auto body repair shops.
Kennels, provided that all structures housing animals are at least 150 feet from residential zoning district boundary lines and the kennels will be able to meet the noise standards in this article.
Truck repair shops.
Banks, savings-and-loan associations, and credit unions, day-care centers and restaurants, provided that:
[Amended 2-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
The use will primarily serve an industrial park with at least a total of 500,000 square feet of building floor area or a large single industrial use with at least 500,000 square feet of building floor area.
The only vehicular access to the use is from an industrial road solely serving the industrial park or a driveway serving a large single industrial use.
Adult entertainment uses, in accordance with the requirements of § 164-23 of the General Provisions Article.[1]
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Editor's Note: See Art. V, General Provisions, § 164-23.
Communications towers, in accordance with the requirements of § 164-25.9 of this chapter.
[Added 8-4-1999 by Ord. No. 99-10]
Class One institutional uses, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA, Institutional Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 6-1-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-03]
Museums in accordance with the dimensional standards of by-right permitted uses of § 164-74. Museums in the Industrial District include the use of the property for events as part of the primary use, subject to use restrictions set forth by the Board of Supervisors to avoid overcrowding of the property from a traffic and parking perspective. The applicant shall demonstrate how parking demands will be met for events, which may include the use of alternate properties for parking via valet or shuttle services or other means of safe transportation to and from the off-site parking facilities.
[Added 10-5-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
[Amended 12-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-14]
Proposed uses shall meet the following dimensional requirements:
Dimensional Requirement
By-Right Permitted Uses
Class One Conditional Uses
Class Two Conditional Uses
Minimum net lot size (acres)
Minimum lot width (measured at the building line or at the point of the proposed building closest to the street and extending the full depth of the building) (feet)
Maximum building height (maximum of 4 stories above ground level) (feet)
Minimum front yard setback (measured from the ultimate right-of-way of each street on which the lot fronts) (feet)
Minimum side yard setback (feet)
Minimum rear yard setback
Minimum building setback from residential zoning district boundary lines when no additional buffering is provided (feet)
Not applicable
Minimum building setback from residential district boundary lines when additional buffering is provided as outlined in § 164-76A(2) (feet)
Minimum parking area setback from residential zoning district boundary lines when no additional buffering is provided (feet)
Not applicable
Minimum parking area setback from residential zoning district boundary lines when additional buffering is provided as outlined in § 164-76A(2) (feet)
Minimum off-street loading area setback from residential zoning district boundary lines (feet)
Maximum building coverage (percentage of net lot area)
20%, plus 2.5% per acre, not to exceed 40%
Maximum impervious coverage (percentage of net lot area)
Minimum green space (percentage of net lot area)
Minimum setback between buildings on the same lot (feet)
One building per lot
In addition to meeting any laws and regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and other applicable federal, state or county regulations, all existing or proposed uses in the Industrial District shall meet the following environmental performance standards.
Emission of air pollution. All uses shall comply with the Federal Clean Air Act; the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act, 35 P.S. §§ 4001 through 4015, as amended; all other appropriate state and federal regulations, and the following standards:
Smoke. Visible air contaminants shall not be emitted in such a manner that the emissions have a measured opacity equal to or greater than 10% (10% loss of visibility) for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour; or equal to or greater than 30% at any time, and shall comply with PA Code Title 25, Chapter 127.A(7), or its most recent update.
Particulate, vaporous and gaseous emissions. No emission shall be made which can cause any damage to health, animals, vegetation or other forms of property or which can cause any excessive soiling at any point.
Objectionable noises, due to intermittence, beat, frequency or shrillness shall be muffled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses.
A sound level meter that meets the standards of the American National Standards Institute must be used to determine whether the level of noise violates this section. All sound level measurements are to be conducted utilizing a Type 2 SLM (set to slow response) as defined by ANSI S1.4-1983.
At no point on the lot boundary of an industrial use shall the sound pressure level of any operation exceed the described levels shown below, except for alarm systems designed to protect persons or property.
Maximum Permitted Sound Pressure Level
(decibels dBA scale)
Along Boundaries with Residential Districts or Uses, between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Along Boundaries with Residential Districts or Uses, between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Along All Other Boundaries
Emission of odors. There shall be no emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be offensive at any lot boundary line. Any process which may involve the creation or emission of any odors shall be provided with a secondary safeguard system, so that control will be maintained if the primary safeguard system should fail.
Glare or heat. Any operation producing intense glare or heat shall be performed within an enclosed building or behind a solid fence in such manner as to be completely imperceptible from any point beyond the lot lines.
Vibration. No vibration which is discernible to the human sense of feeling shall be perceptible at any point beyond the lot boundary lines.
Electrical interference. No use, activity or process shall be conducted which produces electric and/or magnetic fields which adversely affect public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, interference with normal radio, telephone or television reception from off the premises where the activity is conducted.
Radioactivity. There shall be no activities which emit uncontrolled, dangerous or harmful radioactivity.
Outdoor storage and waste disposal.
All outdoor storage and/or waste disposal areas must be located within the building envelope, as created by the yard setback requirements. In addition, no outdoor storage and/or waste disposal area shall be located between the primary building(s) on a site and public streets.
All outdoor storage and/or waste disposal areas must be enclosed by a fence or planting screen adequate to conceal the facilities from abutting properties and public streets and adequate to prevent the access of children and other members of the general public.
The method of storage of flammable liquids, solids or gases, where applicable, shall conform with regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Fire Protection.
No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces.
All materials or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored outdoors only in closed containers.
No lot or part thereof in this district shall be used for outdoor storage or waste disposal of any kind which is not necessary in the operation of a use that is permitted in this district and is conducted on the same lot as the outdoor storage or waste disposal. The use of a lot in this district for the sole purpose of outdoor storage or waste disposal is expressly prohibited.
Electrical, diesel, gas or other power. Every use requiring power shall be so operated that substations, storage tanks, etc., shall conform to the most acceptable safety requirements recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or Department of Environmental Resources. Substations shall be so constructed and installed so as to be an integral part of the architectural features of the plant or, if visible from abutting residential properties, shall be concealed by coniferous planting.
Industrial sewage or waste. No use shall be conducted in such a way as to discharge any treated or untreated sewage, except as shall be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources or the Montgomery County Health Department, nor shall industrial wastes be stored, discharged, incinerated or otherwise disposed of except in conformance with the applicable state and federal regulations regarding solid and hazardous wastes.
All subdivisions and land developments shall meet the following additional requirements:
At a minimum, all lots shall meet the landscaping and buffering requirements in Ch. 142, Subdivision and Land Development.
Heavy industrial uses and other uses with reduced setbacks shall meet both of the following screen buffer requirements along residential zoning district boundary lines:
A double row of evergreens shall be provided, in accordance with Ch. 142, Subdivision and Land Development.
A four-to-six-foot high continuous curvilinear berm shall be provided, along with flowering trees at the rate of one tree for every 20 feet, spaced evenly or arranged informally. The berm and flowering trees shall be located between the row of evergreens and the residential zoning district boundary line. In addition, the maximum slope of the berm shall be 3 to 1.
Off-street loading areas facing streets shall be screened with a double row of evergreen trees and a berm, as described in § 164-76A(2) above.
Off-street parking. No more than 10% of the proposed number of off-street parking spaces may be located in the front yard or in front of the primary building on a lot. However, the Township Zoning Hearing Board may grant a special exception to permit the location of more than 10% of the parking in front of the building, if the applicant can demonstrate that it is not feasible to locate 90% of the parking behind or to the side of the building, but in no case can any parking be within the front yard setback area.
[Amended 10-21-1999 by Ord. No. 99-13]
Plans for any industrial use, subdivision, land development or change of occupancy shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors prior to the issuance of any zoning permit or certificate of occupancy, and such plan shall include the following, unless the Board of Supervisors determines that such information is unnecessary:
A plot plan of the lot showing the location of all present and proposed buildings, drives, parking lots, waste disposal facilities and other constructed features on the lot and all buildings, streets, streams and other topographical features of the lot and within 200 feet of any lot line.
A detailed description of the proposed use.
A description of any proposed buildings.
A description of the industrial operations proposed in sufficient detail to indicate the effects of those operations in producing traffic congestion, noise, glare, odors, vibration, electrical interference, air pollution, water pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards.
Engineering and architectural plans for the treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial waste.
Engineering and architectural plans for the handling of any traffic, noise, glare, odors, vibration, electrical interference, air pollution, water pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards.
Designation of the fuel proposed to be used and any necessary architectural and engineering plans for controlling smoke.
The proposed number of shifts to be worked and the maximum number of employees on each shift.
Any other pertinent data or evidence that the Board of Supervisors may require.
Upon receipt of plans for any limited industrial use, the Board of Supervisors shall have the power of approval or disapproval of these plans. The Secretary of the Board of Supervisors shall notify, in writing, the Zoning Officer of its final decision and any special conditions agreed upon regarding any limited industrial use.