A humus toilet shall not be constructed or continued in use unless the Board of Health has approved, in writing, its construction or continued use based upon determination by the Board of Health that the toilet will not endanger the health of any person or cause a nuisance and that the end product will be disposed of in a sanitary manner.
Humus toilets shall only be located where a full-sized, properly functioning subsurface disposal system is available or can be constructed on the lot to be served in compliance with this chapter or where a common sanitary sewer is accessible in and abutting way and where permission to enter such a sewer can be obtained from the authority having jurisdiction over it. No variance from any of the percolation rate requirements or leaching area loading rates outlined in this chapter shall be allowed for the disposal of gray water from a lot to be served by a humus toilet, but a reduction not to exceed 40% of the design flow for subsurface sewage disposal may be allowed for the reduced water usage.
The end product from a humus toilet may be disposed of by burial in a manner and location approved by the Board of Health, and it shall be covered with a minimum of two feet of compacted earth.