[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Dumont as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Noise — See Ch. 270.
Air pollution — See Ch. 474.
[Adopted as Article XXII of the Board of Health Sanitary Code; amended 5-5-1960 (Appendix A, Article 10, of the 1970 Revised Ordinances)]
No person shall place anywhere within the Borough limits anything of whatever nature that shall produce offensive odors, or that may be annoying, causing discomfort or dangerous to the public health.
No person shall empty any house drainage or offensive matter into the street gutters.
If any well or spring in the Borough, or any water used for drinking or bathing purposes, is found to be polluted or to be the cause of any sickness, the Board of Health may order the same to be closed or not to be used, and every person who shall refuse to obey such order shall be deemed to have violated this section.
Whatever is dangerous to human health, or whatever renders the ground, the water or the air a hazard to human health, is hereby declared a nuisance.
No animal or vegetable substance or garbage or street sweepings, muck or silt or dirt gathered in cleaning yards, buildings, sewers, waste of mills or factories, or any materials which are offensive to health or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome shall be deposited upon or used to fill up or raise the surface or level of any lot, ground, street or alley in this Borough or any ground filled for the purpose of building thereon, unless pursuant to a special permit from the Board of Health.
Any imperfect trap, sink or water closet within any building or any other drainage appliance or fixture within any building from which there shall arise any foul or obnoxious gas or odor, is hereby declared a nuisance.
All sunken lots or marsh lands or lots below grade where stagnant water gathers or is collected are hereby declared nuisances, and any owner or owners or agent or tenant of any such lot or lots shall on written notice from the Board of Health correct and abate this nuisance in the manner prescribed by said board in said notice; and any owner or owners, tenant or agent failing to comply with such notice shall on conviction thereof, be fined as provided in § 520-13.
No person, having the right and legal power to prevent the same, shall knowingly cause or permit any person to sleep or remain in any cellar or in any place dangerous to life or health by reason of want of ventilation or drainage or lack of water closet lavatory and sink or by reason of the presence of any poisonous, noxious or offensive substance or otherwise.
The keeping of any apartment house or other house or building or any part thereof in such state of uncleanliness, is hereby declared a nuisance. The crowding of persons in any building or room in such manner as to endanger the health of persons dwelling therein, or so that there shall be less than 400 cubic feet of air for each person occupying such building, is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
Whenever it shall be decided by the Board of Health that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation, by reason of its being infected with disease or by reason of its being in a condition dangerous to health or life, or to be likely to cause sickness among the occupants, a notice of such decision shall be affixed conspicuously on building or any part thereof so decided to be unfit for human habitation and personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee if the same can be found in the state, requiring all persons thereon to vacate such building or part thereof, for the reasons to be stated therein as aforesaid, such building or part thereof shall within 10 days thereafter be vacated. In case of special emergency, the building or part thereof shall be vacated within such shorter time as in said notice may be specified.
No premises shall be rented, let, leased or occupied as a dwelling, apartment house or place of business unless said premises shall have a plentiful supply of pure water, 24 hours a day suitable for domestic purposes, furnished at one or more places in such premises, so that the same may be adequate and reasonably convenient for the use of the occupants of said dwelling, apartment house or place of business.
In all premises leased for residential purposes where a home-laundry washer type of machine is provided by the landlord for use by his tenants, it shall be equipped with a backflow preventor so as to assure elimination of any possible cross-connections.
In dwellings occupied by three or more families living independently of each other, all laundry tubs, sinks and water closets located in cellars or other community rooms shall be maintained in a sanitary manner and kept in a good state of repair.
Any person, who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $2 nor more than $500. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
[Adopted 2-2-1965 (Appendix A, Article 12, of the 1970 Revised Ordinances)]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Refers to that certain code approved by the New Jersey Sate Department of Health on September 16, 1953, for adoption by reference by local boards of health in accordance with law, being a code:
Defining and prohibiting certain matters, things, conditions or acts and each of them as a nuisance;
Prohibiting certain noises or sounds;
Requiring proper heating of apartments;
Prohibiting lease or rental of certain buildings;
Prohibiting spitting in or upon public buildings, conveyances or sidewalks;
Authorizing the inspection of premises by an enforcing official;
Providing for the removal or abatement of certain nuisances and recovery of expenses incurred by the Board of Health in removing or abating such nuisances.
Whenever the following words, terms or phrases are used in the Public Health Nuisance Code of New Jersey (1953), they shall have the following meanings herein given:
Refers to the Board of Health of the Borough of Dumont.
Refers to the Borough of Dumont.
Pursuant to and in accordance with the Public Health and Sanitation Codes Adoption by Reference Act (N.J.S.A. 26:3-69.1 to 26:3-69.6), there is hereby established and adopted as the public health nuisance code of the Borough the whole of the Public Health Nuisance Code of New Jersey (1953), save and except Section III thereof, entitled "Proper Heating of Apartments," which section is deleted and not adopted. A printed copy of said code, with Section III thereof deleted, is annexed to and incorporated by reference in the ordinance passed on February 2, 1965 adopting said code.
The Public Health Nuisance Code of New Jersey (1953), save and except Section III thereof which is deleted, is hereby incorporated in this article by reference and made a part hereof as fully as though it had been set forth at length herein.
In accordance with law, three printed copies of the Public Health Nuisance Code of New Jersey (1953) have been placed on file in the office of the Health Officer of the Board of Health and shall remain on file in said offices for the use and examination of the public so long as this article shall remain in effect.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates or neglects to comply with any provision of this article, including the Public Health Nuisance Code of New Jersey (1953) incorporated herein by reference, or notice or order issued pursuant thereto, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $2 nor more than $500. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.