The Borough of Matamoras is hereby divided into zoning districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, which together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this chapter, together with all future notations, references and amendments.
Identification of Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Borough Council and attested to by the Secretary of the body, together with the date of the adoption of this chapter.
Changing the Official Zoning Map. If, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended,[1] changes are made in district boundaries or other matters portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the amendment for the same has been approved by the Borough Council. All changes shall be noted on the Official Zoning Map by date, with a brief description of the nature of the change.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Location of Official Map. The Official Zoning Map shall be kept on file at the Matamoras Borough Hall.
For the purpose of this chapter, the borough is hereby divided into the following districts:
Single-Family Residential
General Residential
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Designation of district boundaries. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center line of streets, highways, alleys, railroad rights-of-way, streams, existing lot lines or municipal boundary lines shall be construed to follow such features indicated. Where boundaries are indicated as being approximately perpendicular to the right-of-way line of a street, highway or alley, such boundary shall be construed as being perpendicular thereto. Where a district boundary line does not follow such a line, position is shown on said Zoning Map by reference to an ordinance describing such lines or by specific dimension expressing its distance, in feet, from a street center line or other boundary line as indicated and running parallel thereto.
Determination of location of boundaries. Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Official Zoning Map or if uncertainty exists as to the true location of a district boundary line in a particular instance, the Zoning Officer shall refer the application to the Zoning Hearing Board which shall, pursuant to public notice, make the determination of the location of the district boundary.
District regulations are of two (2) types, use regulations and development standards, both of which shall apply to any proposed new use, expansion of an existing use or change of use of land in Matamoras Borough. Use regulations and statements of intent for each zoning district are provided in the Schedule of Uses [1]. Development standards are found in the Schedule of Development Standards.[2]
Listed uses. Uses shall be permitted only in strict accord with the Schedule of Uses. A use listed as a principal permitted use, conditional use, special exception or accessory use shall be permitted in the district only as listed. The absence of a particular use in any District Schedule of Uses indicates the use is not permitted in that district, except in accord with § 124-12B of this chapter. A specific use which may by definition be included in a more general listing shall only be permitted where specifically listed. For example, laundries and dry cleaning (a type of service establishment) would not be permitted as a "service establishment" but only under "laundries and dry cleaning establishment."
Uses not included. Whenever any proposed use is neither specifically permitted nor denied by this chapter, the Zoning Officer shall refer the application to the Planning Commission which shall make a recommendation to the Borough Council whether the proposed use should be permitted or not permitted in a particular zoning district, based on the use's similarity to other uses which are specifically identified by this chapter. Upon receipt of the Planning Commission recommendation, the Council shall make the final determination and, if the use is determined to be permitted, classify the use as either a principal permitted, conditional, accessory or special exception use in a particular district. The use shall then be treated in accord with the applicable requirements of this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Uses is included at the end of this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Development Standards is included at the end of this chapter.