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New Laws
/Cemetery Amendment/Adopted on May 21, 2024
... the Village. A reasonable fee shall be charged for the sale ... or columbarium niche. The fee shall reflect perpetual ... 82- 7. Supervision of and fees for grave digging. The ... from the lot. A reasonable fee for a grave opening and ...
fees (2)
fee (9)
New Laws
/Cigarette License Amendment/Adopted on May 21, 2024
... a license as hereinafter provided. 85- 2 Application for license; fee. Every person, firm or corporation desiring a license under this chapter ... be delivered until the applicant shall pay to the Village Clerk a license fee as set by the Village Board. 85- 3 Issuance and term of license. Licenses ...
fee (2)
New Laws
/Zoning Amendment/Adopted on Jun 25, 2024
... is exempt when s. 30.2022, Stats., applies. Although exempt from a local zoning permit and permit fees, DOT must provide sufficient project documentation and analysis to ensure that the community is in ...
fees (1)