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Any dog which has been impounded and has not been redeemed by the owner within five days shall be disposed of as provided by MGL c. 140, § 151, and any amendment thereto.
dogs (1)
dog (1)
... and each person who possesses or controls a dog to remove and properly dispose of any feces discharged by such dog on any sidewalk, walkway, street, park, public ...
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... Art. 8. ] The fee for every dog license issued in the Town ... of the Town Clerk. Any dog acquired or moved into the ... be charged for any service dog as defined by the Americans ... Act (ADA), provided that the dog has been trained and is in ...
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No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit such dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to become a public nuisance within the Town of Southborough at any time.
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... STM by Art. 8] If such dog so impounded has upon it the ... shall be necessary. Any dog confined by the Animal ... the boarding of impounded dogs shall be charged at a rate ... STM by Art. 2] Any dog confined by the Animal ...
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dog (4)
Any dog shall be deemed a "public nuisance" if such dog is found to be not on the ... of the owner of such dog, if such dog attacks persons or domestic animals; or if such dog is found to be on a public ...
dog (13)
The keeping for sale or boarding purposes, including convalescence or treatment, of more than three dogs that are more than six months old.
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Any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning, keeping or harboring a dog, as herein defined.
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One pack or a collection of dogs on a single premises, whether maintained for ... or other purposes, and including any shop where dogs are on sale, and also including every pack or collection of more than three dogs three months old or over, owned or kept by a ...
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... Chief shall have authority to issue fines for violations relating to dog licenses. All funds received by the Town Clerk as payment for dog licenses, replacement tags, and related fees and fines shall be paid over ...
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... complaints concerning any dogs which are alleged to be in violation ... this article and to apprehend any dog found by him to be in violation of ... Control Officer to apprehend any dog found by him to be in violation of ...
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... but excepting, to the extent permitted pursuant to applicable state law and regulation, piggeries, dog kennels, riding stables and the raising of carnivorous fur-bearing animals. [Amended 10-7-2013 ...
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[Amended 4-13-1987 ATM by Art. 47; 4-12-2016 ATM by Art. 34] Any owner or keeper of a dog in the Town that is found to be in violation of the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the ...
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... home, home for the aged. Private school, nursery or kindergarten. Veterinarian, animal hospital, dog kennel. Conversion of a one-family dwelling, in existence for two years or longer, to a two-family ...
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... Zoning amendment Ch. 174 STM, Art. 8 9-29-2009 Dogs and other animals amendment Ch. 81 STM, Art. 10 ... Ch. 36 , Art. III ATM, Art. 33 4-12-2016 Dogs amendment Ch. 81 , Art. II ATM, Art. 34 4-12-2016 Dogs amendment Ch. 81 , Art. II ATM, Art. 35 ...
dogs (3)
... 174-9 , Special permit requirements; References to a special permit being required for piggeries, dog kennels, riding stables and the raising of carnivorous fur-bearing animals are effective to the ...
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... home, home for the aged. Private school, nursery or kindergarten. Veterinarian, animal hospital, dog kennel. Multifamily housing for the elderly, owned by a public or a nonprofit community ...
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