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... IV , V , VI and VII of this Chapter. In considering proposed changes in the text of this Chapter or in the Zoning Map, the Board of ... specifically provided in this Chapter, in acting upon preliminary plat ...
chapter (4)
[ Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] Amendments to the text of this Chapter or to the Zoning Map may be made in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
chapter (1)
Any structure, development, or undertaking that is incomplete at the effective date of this Chapter and would be inconsistent with any regulation applicable to the district in which it is located if completed as proposed or planned.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] If the provisions of this Chapter conflict with other ordinances or regulations, the more stringent limitation or requirement shall govern or prevail to the extent of the conflict.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] Any use that emits any "air contaminant" as defined in Section 643.02, RSMo., shall comply with applicable State standards concerning air pollution as set forth in Chapter 643, RSMo.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 402-99 Art. IV §3, 10-18-1999 ] The procedures set forth for appeals by the Board of Adjustment shall apply to petitions for appeals or variances from the requirements of this Chapter.
chapter (1)
... flood protection required by this Chapter is considered reasonable for ... openings restricted by debris. This Chapter does not imply that areas outside ... from flooding or flood damage. This Chapter shall not create a liability on the ...
chapter (4)
[ Ord. No. 654 Art. 5(A), 10-4-2010 ] The Board of Adjustments as established by the City of Strafford shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the floodplain management requirements of this Chapter.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 335-97 §5, 10-6-1997 ; Ord. No. 920 , 12-20-2021 ] The City Building Official and any other employee so designated by the Building Commissioner shall be the Building Officials within the meaning of this Chapter.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 501-02 §3, 12-16-2002 ] The term of licenses issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be for one (1) year beginning January first (1st) and ending December thirty-first (31st) of the same.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 501-02 §5, 12-16-2002 ] A separate license shall be obtained for each place of business operated by a licensee under this Chapter.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 501-02 §12, 12-16-2002 ] All licenses issued under this Chapter shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the place of business authorized to be conducted and shall be removed after expiration.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 401-99 §11, 9-20-1999 ] Any adult business licensed under this Chapter shall comply with all other requirements of the Code of the City of Strafford as now or in the future may be adopted.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 401-99 §12, 9-20-1999 ] If any Section, Subsection or clause of this Chapter shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining Sections, Subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby.
chapter (1)
This Chapter shall not apply to a Federal, State or local government employee or a public utility employee in the performance of his/her duty for his/her employer.
chapter (1)
An identification card shall be valid within the meaning of this Chapter for a period of six (6) months from its date of issuance or the term requested, whichever is less.
chapter (1)
All premises other than residential as defined in this Chapter, used for other than or in combination with human residency and which is connected or has availability to the POTW.
chapter (1)
... 2-7-2005 ] The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the discharge of all wastewater into the POTW. This Chapter provides for use of the POTW, ... procedures for violation of this Chapter. This Chapter shall apply within the City and to ...
chapter (4)
... she knowingly possesses a controlled substance, except as authorized by Chapter 579, RSMo., or Chapter 195, RSMo. State Law Reference: For similar statutory provisions and the ...
chapter (2)
... No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter and subject to the restrictions and qualifications set forth in Article ... Situations, that were otherwise lawful on the effective date of this Chapter may be continued. Non-conforming projects may be completed only in ...
chapter (2)