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[ Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] The requirements of this Chapter apply to all public, private and institutional developments approved after the date that this Chapter is adopted with the following exceptions: Previously approved developments ...
chapter (2)
[ Ord. No. 335-97 §1, 10-6-1997 ] It is the purpose of this Chapter to provide a just, equitable and practicable method for the repairing, ... welfare of the occupants of such buildings or the general public and this Chapter shall apply to all dangerous buildings, as herein defined, that now are in ...
chapter (2)
... expired as set forth in this Chapter. It shall be unlawful for any ... expired as set forth in this Chapter. No licensed entertainer ... license as required by this Chapter. Every owner, operator, ... to be licensed by this Chapter shall post a license in a ...
chapter (5)
... ] Licenses issued under this Chapter shall not be transferable ... license issued under this Chapter may be suspended by the ... license issued under this Chapter may be revoked by the Board ... of the standards of this Chapter. Such license was obtained ...
chapter (5)
... of the provisions of this Chapter or failing to comply with any ... under the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction ... of any provisions of this Chapter, except such notice shall be ... of the provisions of this Chapter or the failure to comply with ...
chapter (5)
... to comply with all of the requirements of this Chapter prior to commencing the intended use of the ... buildings (insofar as the requirements of this Chapter are concerned) if the permit recipient provides a ... to ensure that all of the requirements of this Chapter will be fulfilled within a reasonable period (not ...
chapter (3)
... §1, 5-2-2011 ] Whenever a request to amend this Chapter is initiated by the Board of Aldermen, Planning ... petition the Board of Aldermen to amend this Chapter. The petition shall be filed at City Hall and ... of any proposed change in the text of this Chapter.
chapter (3)
... possesses marijuana or any synthetic cannabinoid, except as authorized by Chapter 579 or Chapter 195, RSMo. State Law Reference: For similar statutory provisions and the ...
chapter (2)
... controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance in violation of Chapter 579, RSMo., or Chapter 195, RSMo.
chapter (2)
[ Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-2-2011 ] To the extent that the provisions of this Chapter are the same in substance as the previously adopted provisions that they ... Zoning Ordinance does not achieve lawful non-conforming status under this Chapter merely by the repeal of the Zoning Ordinance.
chapter (2)
... or establishments without securing a license as set out in this Chapter and paying a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00). Business or Occupation ... Manufacturers Contractors — including building, electrical, plumbing This Chapter shall not apply to religious, charitable and/or non-profit organizations.
chapter (2)
[CC 1983 §1-1] The City of Strafford is hereby incorporated as a Fourth Class City subject to all rights and obligations set forth in the Revised Statutes of Missouri, and the Constitution of the State of Missouri and specifically Chapter 79, RSMo.
chapter (1)
Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by any three (3) members of the Board by written request filed with the City Clerk who shall thereupon prepare a notice of such special meeting in conformance with Chapter 140 , Open Meetings and Records Policy, of this Code.
chapter (1)
... and contractual services needed by the City in accordance with the procedures prescribed by this Chapter or required by law.
chapter (1)
Any person who shall allow an animal to habitually remain, be lodged or be fed within any house, store, yard, enclosure or place or who shall have any ownership interest in the animal shall be deemed and considered as keeping said animal within the meaning of this Chapter.
chapter (1)
... limits as directed by the Governor during the time of emergency pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 44, RSMo., and supplements thereto.
chapter (1)
The City of Strafford, Missouri, empowered under State law to solicit and award contracts for the collection of refuse and solid waste. Will also refer to the appropriate employee or officer of the City authorized to act as its agent in handling the pertinent matter of this Chapter.
chapter (1)
[ Ord. No. 216-91 Art. IV, 10-8-1991 ; Ord. No. 718 §1, 9-17-2013 ] The collection of hazardous waste materials as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources are not covered by this Chapter.
chapter (1)
Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic control signals as heretofore declared in Sections 315.060 and 315.070 of this Title, but at all other places pedestrians shall be granted those rights and be subject to the restrictions stated in this Chapter.
chapter (1)
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there are adjacent curbs shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle parallel to and within eighteen (18) inches of the right-hand curb.
chapter (1)