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... Ord. No. 1391 ; 9-5-1996 by Ord. No. 1638 ] Fencing requirements shall be as provided in the New York ... All aboveground pools require an appropriate fence.
fence (1)
fencing (2)
Any portion of the dog park not included within the fenced and secured off-leash area.
fenced (1)
... on the north by a chain link fence beginning at a point approximately ... thence to the termination of said fence at the west bank of the Hudson ... a point indicated by a chain link fence; thence north along the ...
fence (4)
The fenced, secured section of a dog park where the dog is allowed to exercise without a leash and under supervision of a handler.
fenced (1)
Any house, basement, cellar, wall, cottage, lot, shed, garage, well, fence, storage tank, underground container, pole, smokestack, excavation, building, structure or portion thereof used for residential, business, industrial, recreational or other purpose.
fence (1)
The act of placing landscape features, such as trees, bushes, shrubs, or man-made screens, such as fences or berms, to reduce the impact of development on nearby properties.
fences (1)
... portion of a multiuse park of the City where an area is designated by the City as a dog park by fencing and signage.
fencing (1)
A fenced and enclosed area, either existing independently or forming a part of a City park, that has been designated by the City of Watervliet for use as an off-leash dog area for the exclusive use of dogs and their handlers.
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... mar, injure, destroy or deface or cause to be marred, injured, destroyed or defaced, any bridge, fence, tree, street sign, awning, lamppost, electric light post or apparatus or any property not ...
fence (1)
... water shall be appropriately drained to protect buildings and structures and to prevent ponding. Fences, walls, other minor construction and accessory structures shall be maintained in safe, good and ...
fences (1)
... pools, either overhead or underground or within fifteen (15) feet of such pools. All metal fences, enclosures or railings near or adjacent to swimming pools which might become electrically alive as ...
fences (1)
... the adjoining property. Fences, walls and hedges. No person ... or substantially alter a fence or wall in the City of ... zoning permit. All walls and fences shall be substantially ... respect to public safety. Fences, hedges and walls and all ...
fences (11)
fence (10)
fencing (1)
A fence of at least six feet in height, or other structure, such as a pen, forming or causing an enclosed ...
fence (1)
... sanitary sewers or other satisfactory drainage systems shall be utilized where deemed necessary. Fences and other minor constructions shall be maintained in a safe and substantial condition. Steps, ...
fences (1)
... and Markets Law. With the exception of the fact that dogs are allowed to be off leash within the fenced area of a dog park, these other provisions of state statute and City Code, regarding animal ...
fenced (1)
... or repair of any physical structure or condition at any dog park, including, without limitation, fencing, locks, ground surface, lighting, insect and animal nests, and sitting areas, unless prior written ...
fencing (1)
... cleaned and of nonslip construction. The walk deck must be completely protected by a guardrail or fence.
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... and screening, shall be provided along all lot lines adjacent to a residential district. Security fencing used to protect the facility shall be located on the inside of the landscaping and screening.
fencing (1)
... facility deemed necessary by the Stormwater Management Officer. Cemetery graves. Installation of fence, sign, telephone, and electric poles and other kinds of posts or poles. Emergency activity ...
fence (1)