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... by Ord. No. 558 ] Statewide smoking ban. Wisconsin Statutes § 101.123, Smoking prohibited, is hereby adopted ... The prohibition against smoking in enclosed places set forth ... but is not limited to, smoking in enclosed public places, ...
smoking (9)
The use of an electronic smoking device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form or the use of any oral smoking device.
smoking (3)
No person may smoke an electronic smoking device in Village buildings or ... or no consideration any electronic smoking device to any person under 18 years ... shall possess or use any electronic smoking device.
smoking (3)
smoke (1)
... can be used by a person to simulate smoking through inhalation of vapor or ... from the product. Electronic smoking device includes any component part ... any other product name. Electronic smoking device is not included in any ...
smoking (4)
... 218.0147 Motor vehicles/sale to minor 254.76 Causing fires by tobacco smoking 285.30(2) Pollution by motor vehicle/failure to repair 287.81 Littering ... material 941.12(2) and (3) Interfering with fire fighting 941.13 False alarms 941.20(1) Endangering safety by use of dangerous weapon 941.23 Carrying ...
alarms (1)
smoking (1)
Electronic smoking devices are known by many different ... other everyday items. Electronic smoking devices produce an aerosol by ... exhales into the air. Electronic smoking devices can be used to deliver ...
smoking (4)
... 28 523 1-28-2008 Zoning amendment Ch. 245 524 1-28-2008 Mutual aid box alarm system agreement amendment Ch. 28 , footnote only 525 2-25-2008 Peace and ... No. 671 5-28-2019 Zoning Amendment Ch. 245 15 672 4-22-2019 Electronic Smoking Devices Ch. 203 15 673 6-10-2019 Zoning Map Amendment NCM 15 674 ...
smoking (1)
alarm (1)
... are equipped with fire extinguishers approved by the Fire Chief or Fire Inspector. No person may smoke where statutory fireworks or commercial novelty fireworks are stored or handled. A person who ...
smoke (1)
... complete record of all of the fire alarm activity and the loss occasioned ... inspection imposed by § 101.14(2). Alarm records. The Chief shall keep a ... location of the fire, the time the alarm was received, the cause of the fire, ...
alarms (1)
alarm (3)
... the Village the authority to conduct commercial building, HVAC, fire alarm systems, fire suppression system, and plumbing plan reviews and ... space, element, or structure. Plan review process. Building, HVAC, fire alarm, and fire suppression system plans shall be submitted and reviewed in ...
alarm (2)
... under circumstances that warrant alarm for the safety of persons or ... in determining whether such alarm is warranted is the fact that the ... actor an opportunity to dispel any alarm which would otherwise be warranted, ...
alarm (4)
... Dwelling Code Ch. SPS 326 Manufactured Home Communities Ch. SPS 327 Camping Units Ch. SPS 328 Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Ch. SPS 360-366 Wisconsin Commercial Building Code Ch. SPS ...
smoke (1)
... the village attorney to draft an ordinance requiring installation of a UL listed and FM approved smoke detector whenever a building permit is issued for improvement to a SIngle or two- family dwelling. ...
smoke (1)
... to locked mechanical rooms. Keys to locked elevator rooms. Keys to elevator controls. Keys to fire alarm panels or equipment. Compliance. This section applies to all buildings and businesses set forth in ...
alarm (1)
... action on Ordinance #524 – Authorizing an Amended Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement. A roll call vote was taken and recorded as follows: ... to approve Ordinance #524 – Authorizing an Amended Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement. A roll call vote was taken and recorded as follows: ...
alarm (2)
... was on a routine patrol and spotted flashing alarm lights inside the Waterford Union High School ... what could be causing the white flashing alarm lights. It is not yet known why an alarm was not yet triggered with the fire department. ...
alarm (3)
... street, gutter, alley, sidewalk or public place within the Village. Air pollution: the escape of smoke, soot, cinders, noxious acids, fumes, gases, fly ash, industrial dust or other atmospheric ...
smoke (1)
... Gauger--intr--oducedOr·dinance No. 241, an or--dinance r-equir-ing the installation of smoke detectors before the issuance of building permits for improvements to single and tWP-family ...
smoke (1)
... the deletion of prorated payments for carbon monoxide and false alarms. Instead, carbon monoxide and false alarms will be billed at $250. All other fire response calls will be billed at ...
alarms (2)