Recreational permit. Permits may be issued to a member of a family who proves to the satisfaction of the licensing authorities that he or she actually and physically resides in or owns real estate having an assessed value in the Town of Fairhaven, such as summer residents. The fee shall be $20.
Senior citizen permit. This permit may be given to those persons that have attained the age of 62 and can show to the satisfaction of the licensing authorities that they are domiciled or own taxable property in the Town of Fairhaven. There shall be no charge for this permit.
Nonresident permit. This permit may be sold to any resident of the state who can show to the satisfaction of the licensing authorities that he or she is domiciled within the State of Massachusetts. The fee shall be $100.
Required shellfish container. Recreational, senior citizen and nonresident permit holders shall be required to utilize a standard one-peck wire basket while taking quahogs, clams or oysters. Only one basket per permit holder is permitted. Shellfish limit shall be one peck per week. (See § 218-5, Violations and penalties.)
Shellfish gauges. Gauges for quahog, clam and oyster measurement shall be used at all times while engaged in shellfishing. (See general shellfish regulations, Article III of this chapter.)
Scallops may be taken from November 1 to March 31 within seasonal restrictions, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., limit one bushel per week, no bags allowed. The taking of scallops from April 1 to October 31 is prohibited.
Eels/seaworms may be harvested any day through the season. The recreational permit entitles the holder to set up three eel pots for recreational use. Pots shall be marked with the permit number, and the flotation device must have the permit number affixed thereto. The taking of eels less than four inches shall be prohibited. (See § 218-5, Violations and penalties.)
Holders of these permits must adhere to general shellfish regulations of the Town of Fairhaven. (See Article III of this chapter.)
Violations of these regulations shall be subject to the following:
First offense: $25 and/or suspension of license or permit for 30 days.
Second offense: $50 and/or suspension of license or permit for 60 days.
Third offense: $100 and/or suspension of license or permit for 90 days.
In the event of a fourth offense or if a licensee or permittee shows total disregard for these rules and regulations, the Board of Selectmen may revoke and cancel the license or permit for a period of time not to exceed two years.